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Arena rewards

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Hello everyone.
Since in support they told me to post the topic at the form for "possible changes in the future" i gonna do it.

Maybe im wrong or i don't understand something, so will be nice if u guys explain me :3

The problems is the rewards for places 1-3 in arena ladder right now. You can get almost 1000 soulstones for rank4, but you won't get anything for rank1-3. Where is a reason to play for top1 then?


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the thing is that few weeks ago were Flowers of lament 500g+ coz there were no petals from storage and events which makes flowers quite rare & expensive (they were obtainable rom Sogun's lament only if am right). But yes, now when flowers are for 30g or so are these rewards kinda overdated and needs 2b changed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Arena Rewards... need to change in General... the Arena is dead... coz of lags...(ping and the infamous never ever fixed fps drop bug)


- Make it possible to buy with Zen Beans all Materials that are also needed in Pve... lower HM Skill cost... its ridioculse in Pve its way faster no one will bother with that shit...

So make it possible buy with Zen Beans Moonstones... why is it SSP only?... make them also drop in hero dungeons as a rare drop...


If u could get actually really get Hm Bocks and Moonstones at a Human Price via Zen Beans ... and fix the fps bug ... ppl would actually bother to play arena again ... until then RIP ... each day more and more ppl quiting the Arena ... OR the whole game... coz of your so called EVENTS wich are just random p2w garbage... 

PPL would rather have fun in PVP and get those gems there ... then spending 1000$ ... BUT HEY... ofc u take the profit way...

Problem is... its like a short time boost... once all player gone ... u standing alone... short money boost .. or constant income over years and a stabel game...

the choice is yours... NCSOFT... rip rip rip

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45 minutes ago, Suna said:

Well, if moonstones would be buy able by beans. You can be sure arena would be full of bots after that.

So becoz of bots ppl suffer from not being able get gold from monsters and not be abel have moonstones in arena pvp ? Sry your Logic.. i kinda understand it but somehow not since this cant be the way and not the answer or the solution for a healty game experince... also..... bots and hacker are runing around in SSP ... and some still in arena regardless... so whats the point? xd

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17 hours ago, StellaNoxFleuret said:

So becoz of bots ppl suffer from not being able get gold from monsters and not be abel have moonstones in arena pvp ? Sry your Logic.. i kinda understand it but somehow not since this cant be the way and not the answer or the solution for a healty game experince... also..... bots and hacker are runing around in SSP ... and some still in arena regardless... so whats the point? xd

Well it is everybody personal opinion is game better if there is more rewards but more bots in the arena. Players complained before they wanted fight against players and not bots. Many player can not even beat bot in the arena and that is why they complain. One thing can be good for you and bad for another person. Arena have literally no bots as long it is not good way earn gold.


Greed is what drives ppl. It is bots fault they ruin some players experience, but they do it only cause of money. It is players fault bots exist because they wanna buy gold from the black market and save money. It is company fault they can not stop bots because it cost resources and money.

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*cricket*ing Money ... everything is build on it... specialy F2P MMO ... man i wish there would be a Game that depend on a players efford ingame...ONLY... not on his *cricket*ing wallet and u just pay for it once a month for the server and at start coz the devs deserved a reward making a fine game to backup there cost but thats it... however they will always be hacker... goldbuyer and exploiter... and freaking rich kids thinking they god.. disgusting... 


Anyway, Arena is dieng and without a Reward (Reason to play for 90% players coz they not pvp for fun coz of whatever competion bullshit) then rip simple

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I agree with Stella, arena has to be rewarded in a better way. Many players in my clan just don't go arena because their progress would be much slower, so they argue. They even say arena pvp is fun, but don't take part due this fact. If you're not a top pvp player or don't play 24/7 (what's the case for the majority of the players), it's a lot of wasted time. Of course there would be more bots in the arena, if it's well rewarded, but at the moment even top pvp players quitting the game because of the horrible rewarding. So in the end there are no bots and no players in the arena, the arena concept failed.


It's no solution to get rid of bots by punishing players for their playstyle (arena pvp). The only good solution is to have game experienced GMs who can spectate arena matches. They could also implement some kind of button in the arena, which you can hit if you're thinking the player is cheating or in 3vs3 the player is afk. This action should lead to an unscheduled record of the involved client activities, which should be programmed to be easy to analyze in a way.


There could be done so much to solve this problem with some creativity, but the major problem for a company like ncsoft is, that it simply costs money. I don't know if there's more or less profit for them with solving this problem, but there will be less profit in a long term for sure if they do nothing. So I hope there will be an ajustment of the arena rewards in the upcoming patches.

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51 minutes ago, Nemises said:

Of course there would be more bots in the arena, if it's well rewarded, but at the moment even top pvp players quitting the game because of the horrible rewarding. So in the end there are no bots and no players in the arena, the arena concept failed

I don't think top PVP players quit because of rewards. I think most of them quit due to many other issues with arena (lag, desync, bugs, class imbalances, lack of support, lack of competition, forced PVE to PVP, etc).

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3 hours ago, Chloroform said:

Sorry guys, but...

We all know that arena is dead, but the question was:

Why rank4-5 will get better rewards than rank1-3. Where is a logic?

Apparently, Flowers are/were worth a lot more in Asia than in EU/NA. I guess we just get their old rewards without much thought on what's actually happening and what works in our version.

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8 hours ago, Chloroform said:

So, i gonna derank my rank1 to rank4 and get 1k soulstones alteast :)
Thx NCSoft for interesting gameplay ;)

Jonathan show in the stream it s gonna be changed back to moonstone rewards(200 moonstones rank1), there is no points of doing that.

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