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Curious question

Dr SoulReaper

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1. Some fights are better with dragoncall - Iruga and Asura in particular

2. Easy chi management even with right side rupture - helix/bombarment is a nightmare, helix/volley is okay but

3. Least ping reliant, let's be honest EU servers are trash, today I get hit by Asura even though I'm in pedal storm, that's how bad the server side lag is, helix/volley is so ping dependent that lag will completely destroy your dps, less so for helix/bombardment but for dragoncall its so much easier. (also stutters from gameguard, fps lag in SSP/GHS)

4. Least HM skill dependent. Every build need that book from BSH/vendor, helix/bombardment need soul shackle + HM pellet, helix/volley need ember, dragoncall? HM pellet is very helpful but I wouldn't go oom in 1 sec like helix/bombarment without it.

5. Least wingstorm dependent. I can use shadow wingstorm for mad sustain without compromising dps, I don't even need antidote for Asura as long as people do enough damage to skip the 6 flower blooms phase. I can tank 2 stacks of poison if I really want to save on antidotes.

6. High burst high AOE, pretty self explanatory.

7. NO *cricket* HICCUP SOUND 

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Personally i'm using helix with bombardment simply coz most time i have enough CD rests for wingstorm to do the rotation and things usually die before i hit all CDs. And coz its high dps - low skill and brain power use build as you are just spaming like mad cow 3 buttons (rapture,bombardment,helix holy trinity lol)

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Well first of all the animation of ice RB is just AMAZING. 

Ice Dragons are doing so much more on soulborn then helix.

I use helix on mushin, PvP and sometimes on ssp rest DC.

Anyway it's all about gamer style

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I myself use the HM Dragoncall, Bombardment combo.

I can crit for 24k so far on a good DC, add Time Lapse into the picture and your looking at over 100kdmg, if your lucky and get 2 locks and you get SB while under timelapse you'll do more.

I haven't tried helix combos yet as I'm happy with my dps on DC, the only problem with doing that much damage that fast is you'll usually end up tanking until they can get control back.

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from what i know and use it dimensional volley can reduce CD for Wingstorm which is one of combo for helix and also one of skill that can trigger helix but Volley only attack single target


Bombadrment tier 3 form 3 can reduce CD for Dragoncall also can attack few target in one cast plus have larger damage from Dimensional volley if u not reach the salvo stage 

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Helix for pve with hm volley preffered, but even without, surpasses dragoncall, unless you do time distort and not support party. + youre mobile + if you use hm volley and shadow wingstorm, you have crazy lifesteal (no point using ice wingstorm with hm volley, as it has so much lowered cd, that you dont even have time to cast it so many times)

not even so much different with ping, cuz dc dps depends on rmb rupture spam too much, with quite long downtimes

dragoncall just looks better, hmm well ok



many people tested, and even on this forums are tests with numbers, which prove helix more dps. In those tests its only 5perc but - on lvl 45 dummy and short time. When comes to longer time dps fights, like gen ken, hwangpo, blackwyrm etc, gap widens alot, also its huge difference in crit chance on 45 dummy or lvl 51hm3 boss, and dragoncall dps is so much crit dependant, without crit is just joke wasted time. Helix dps is less crit dependant, especially with hm volley.

Hard to prove anything myself, but many people tested, and stayed with helix, and me personally end up tanking gen and ken or asura, and getting way more prestige compared to same geared wl who use dc. Just try it, give it more time to master (hm volley is not easy to get used to)

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I figured I should add my own to my question (just in case people are questioning this at a later date) Do note I currently have 0 HM skills ._. Anyway I myself use Helix/volley combo... Reading some of the skills it seems helix could be the better of the two based on the amount of spectral orb generation available but the crit boost of DC fits more into the warlocks high need for crit and crit damage. Either way all I can say is what ever works for you :D

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