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Changes need to be made to soulstone plains


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Now that so many people have 500 ap it is getting harder and harder to get credit in SSP for our quests. THe following changes

should be made to make SSP a better experience for everyone. All NCSoft West has to do is send in a ticket to the devs in Kr to make a

patch with these changes.


1> Increase the Hp of the Hoggany bosses, Grindtooth, and the Terror bosses by 3 million hp. this should make it so that everyone can get credit.


2> Lower the AP values on all the mobs in SSP by 70 at least


3> Make the wounded soldiers and meteorite quests once a day quests.


4> Remove the reset point that the 5 bosses on each side have in the battle phase. it seems silly that these huge boss monsters just

sit there and do nothing during the battle phase. I have tried to bait these bosses into each other, but it never works because they get

too far from their reset point and retreat. After their leaders just got done with trash talking, and demanding that their armies bring them

their opponets head. Removing the reset point makes it so that you can bait these boss mobs into your boss mobs and watch the

carnage as they fight (or join the battle).



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They don't need to change the HP for those quest bosses - they need to ditch the % contribution and simply make a fixed sum necessary to get loot (I think 50K is reasonable).


I do agree the battle phase seems dumb. The bosses should attack each other.

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It is so hard for melee to do any quest other than killing 8 sentinels, meteorite and soldiers -.- My range friend with 426AP can manage to do all quest without dying, while if i were to concentrate on DPS-ing i would die then i wouldn't get any loot from the boss. my quest takes me 2-3 SSP to complete while my friend only need one. If i knew melee were to lose out so much, i would definitely have, rolled FM or summoner :( SO i definitely agree that the %contribution should be ditched!

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16 hours ago, pixymisa said:


4> Remove the reset point that the 5 bosses on each side have in the battle phase. it seems silly that these huge boss monsters just

sit there and do nothing during the battle phase. I have tried to bait these bosses into each other, but it never works because they get

too far from their reset point and retreat. After their leaders just got done with trash talking, and demanding that their armies bring them

their opponets head. Removing the reset point makes it so that you can bait these boss mobs into your boss mobs and watch the

carnage as they fight (or join the battle).



i totally agree with you.

about nr. 4, we actually once managed to pull both bosses together in the middle and they fought each other, it was really cool and that is what we should expect in the Battle phase.

But sadly they reset after a ranged got Aggro and ran away in the wrong direction.

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Actually-SSP needs to be cleaned out from bots ,in order to let us carry some meteorites or bodies.Mostly the bots covering entire area ,teleporting through location,with invisible hack on ,once you reach nearby they disapear-they switch channels hoping from one to other very fast.I presonally reported few of them but they are still there since more then one month.They speed hack and even you are near a wounded soldier-you won't be able to pick it up -because they are always getting it right in front of you.

I'm always asking the other faction to kill my faction bots -I'm doing that too for them- just don't let them pick anything if you see them ,this is why our prices get inflated and market is so expensive ,because the bots controlling it mostly.

Also.I noticed today they were just 2 channels in SSP,and they were mostly full.End game content ,with so many players on server -and just 2 channels in SSP at a hour where usually most of our players are in the game? Really,what's this about now?

Please fix SSP,this is gonna be players vs bots -WE don't want to be enslaved farming day by day for killing those terrors and getting 3 prestige.This is crap,pls add more channels so ppl can get credit for participating !

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