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Mushin Tower 7


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Hi all, when I take Junghado down to 30%-15% he continuously does the same rotation where he does 5point attack (which I block) then summons a red pool over us.  I run out of it and create space, then he repeats the same 5 point attack and red pool cycle.  I am unable to damage him or get him past this point.  Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?   Any advice would be greatly appreciated.  

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With out knowing your class it's hard to give proper advice on skills and what not. I can only speak from a BD and Summoner point of view.  you want to get away from him when he does the red glow, SS back and away, when he draws his sword back you want to trigger a skill that will offer up some resistance, something that resists all damage for a certain amount of moves and time. IE guardian tempest for a BD or seed shroud for a summoner.  Once he runs though his attack you want to CC him in some way, knock down, throw up, stun.. any of those work and help break the cycle.


I have the same issue on my BD at 30% hp with him.. but my summoner i wreck him now.

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Hi Director, thank you for your reply.  I am a BladeMaster and I believe i've tried every spell available during this phase but have not been able to penetrate him or break the cycle.  He does it for up to 10 times in a row, until i go from 50%+ health down to zero. I'll try again to see if I can CC him.  Thank you

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It's not a bug, you've failed to do enough damage to him in time and he's enraged. He'll endlessly spam that invincibility combo until you are dead.


All I can say is stun, knockdown, daze, whatever the most you can to keep him under control. Read a guide, but if that still fails then your only hope is to get more attack power. He's fairly doable even in Profane-tier weapon and Infernal-tier accessories if your attacks are spot-on.

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ohhhh...thats the enrage? Man 4 1/2 minutes sure goes by quick in there.  Ok thanks for letting me know.  I am honestly way more geared for this...i'm just a pretty terrible BM.  I'll try squeezing more dps in between cc's.  Thanks for the help guys.

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You can train hados pattern with a blue quest in the mushin tower.

The doll will simulate his attack paterns at different hp % stages but beware! Use a cheap weapon to not kill the doll cause it's just made for learning patterns and the doll is fragile (if you stop attacking for a while the doll will reset)

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On 5/10/2016 at 1:58 PM, Superhero said:

OMG I did it!  Thank you all for your replies.  After spending an embarrassing number of hours/days in there I finally did it.  I'm a total Superhero ;)

Glad you finally did it. it's a great feeling when you finally kick that sexy ass to hell and back.

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I did a run up to Junghado this weekend, this time with True Siren. Managed to DPS him a bit faster, but almost *cricket*ed it up after he spammed Lightning Draw 3 times in a row, so nope, it wasn't the timer. Good thing I DPS'd him good before that spam, so it still ended up in success.


It's all a matter of carefully timed blocks/iframes right before the 4-hit combo (which he does right after the red AOE attack and sheathing his sword) and CC throughout the entire fight. Lightning Draw and ice AOEs can't be interrupted, but everything else can with CC. As many of these as you can manage is good, especially knockdowns since hitting him right after one keeps him down a bit longer.

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