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A Question About Arena


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Hello guys 49lvl Destro here, I'm quite new in this game and whenever I enter to arena sadly everybody running from me. Does this mean am I strong? Or is this strategy? I played a lots of MMORPG and none of them was like this. I just don't get it even KFM or Destros are running from me (0 ranged classes).

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Destroyers are the weakest PvP class they know for you to actually move and defend you need to spin which uses up a shitton of focus they they come in and stun lock you to death (Destros have ONE stun breaker on a horrifically long CD).

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5 minutes ago, Mayor Tee said:

Destroyers are the weakest PvP class they know for you to actually move and defend you need to spin which uses up a shitton of focus they they come in and stun lock you to death (Destros have ONE stun breaker on a horrifically long CD).

Lol Destroyers are not the weakest.. Destroyers are pretty fine, they have strength, they have defensive moves, their weakness is not have as many escapes as most other classes..


Weakest class would be more like Blade Master since it requires so much knowledge and precise timing to use the class as effectively. Don't agree? Look at the PVP ranking board, how come Blade Master's first place is always lowest when compared to all the other classes.

Literally this season, the summoner hackers got platinum pretty early, then the assassins, then destroyers, then blade dancers then other people.. There is just now ONE Platinum Blade Master lol numbers don't lie.. Blade Masters have it the roughest in pvp.


Say it takes 5 points of effort to play a destroyer to be 5 points effective; you'd need about 10 points of effort to achieve the same 5 points effectiveness lol

Destroyer are not weak at all..

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3 minutes ago, DattKidd said:

Lol Destroyers are not the weakest.. Destroyers are pretty fine, they have strength, they have defensive moves, their weakness is not have as many escapes as most other classes..


Weakest class would be more like Blade Master since it requires so much knowledge and precise timing to use the class as effectively. Don't agree? Look at the PVP ranking board, how come Blade Master's first place is always lowest when compared to all the other classes.

Literally this season, the summoner hackers got platinum pretty early, then the assassins, then destroyers, then blade dancers then other people.. There is just now ONE Platinum Blade Master lol numbers don't lie.. Blade Masters have it the roughest in pvp.


Say it takes 5 points of effort to play a destroyer to be 5 points effective; you'd need about 10 points of effort to achieve the same 5 points effectiveness lol

Destroyer are not weak at all..

Umm ya they're VERY weak. And if NCsoft ever gets their shit together the rankings will reflect the fact they are shit in PvP. I play my Destro for hours at a time some days and see no destroyers because most have said *cricket* that already. Pretty much every class is a hard counter to them.


The other day I played arena for 3 hours straight and literally never played another destroyer.

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Destroyers are so shit that on the last imperial tournament BOTH winners (EU and NA) were destroyers!!


"Hurr durr Destroyers have only 1 escape hurr durr" 

You do know that GOOD destroyers aren't playing with fury??? 


Seriously get gud already. 

21 minutes ago, DattKidd said:

Lol Destroyers are not the weakest.. Destroyers are pretty fine, they have strength, they have defensive moves, their weakness is not have as many escapes as most other classes..


Weakest class would be more like Blade Master since it requires so much knowledge and precise timing to use the class as effectively. Don't agree? Look at the PVP ranking board, how come Blade Master's first place is always lowest when compared to all the other classes.

Literally this season, the summoner hackers got platinum pretty early, then the assassins, then destroyers, then blade dancers then other people.. There is just now ONE Platinum Blade Master lol numbers don't lie.. Blade Masters have it the roughest in pvp.


Say it takes 5 points of effort to play a destroyer to be 5 points effective; you'd need about 10 points of effort to achieve the same 5 points effectiveness lol

Destroyer are not weak at all..

Oh and about this:


It's not our fault that NA BMs are terribad. 


On EU a BM is rank ONE(1) currently and always overall in the top 10 of all players. 

Something like this is called "skill". 

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1 hour ago, johnlocke said:

Hello guys 49lvl Destro here, I'm quite new in this game and whenever I enter to arena sadly everybody running from me. Does this mean am I strong? Or is this strategy? I played a lots of MMORPG and none of them was like this. I just don't get it even KFM or Destros are running from me (0 ranged classes).

yeah you can call it a strategy, usually players run waiting the cooldown of skills to come back or literally running away from skills (probably your Q or when you having your E buff).... To avoid it you should try improving your opening forcing the opponent to use an escape (and tech chasing it) or punishing it with much damage if s/he doesn't use an escape, then after that you should be in advantage and you can wait for the opponent to come at you, but it also depends who you are facing :)

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