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Questing seems a lot harder in the content?


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You lvl from 45 to 49.2 more or less with just the campaign quests. 


Quests seams a lit hard if you come new from low lvl. For a player that has been 45 for some time before the 50 patch its more easy becouse they had time to lvl equip, thats why my main char lvl very easy therem but a new one take some time to kill some mobs and sometimes even die a lot...

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The Silverfrost content is significantly harder in the open world. It was scaled to what was expected of an average player at its release - which was about True Siren or so - as opposed to what was expected of a fresh 45. It's not a particularly great way to go about it, but that's just life.

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yeah the questing is harder if you dont have semi good uppgraded gear , and att lvl 50 the new faction daily area good luck to get credit nowdays if you dont do ridiculous dmg or have good gear , its a realy bad design in my opinion but i guess its not easy to design things so thats what they choosed to go with

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There is just one weird area like that, the Plog Sanctum, where everything is group related. The rest of the content is the same as the remainder of the game, all good for solo.


The SSP main quests, BW, GHS and Plog area are the content that locked out behind gear/groups. Luckily, solo dailies around the Herbalist and Primeval Forest are all good for an undergeared player.

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On 16/04/2016 at 8:36 PM, spongemike said:

Is it just me or is questing in the new content seems a lot harder. Currently at lvl 46 and it seems leveling is a lot harder. There seems to be a lot of trash that's mob together and more group quest as well.........

 Questing and dungeons from 1 to 45 are easier, the reason when level 50 patch hit in Korea and other Asian versions the content to 45 was nerfed deliberately to aid players to reach the new cap, that is the 1 to 45 content we got, while originally on all other versions it was alot harder. so now here when level 50 came we see an increase in mob damage etc because we are now in the same version as other versions, Un nerfed.


 Its same old story as with most western MMO's they want you to get to cap fast or at least get near end game, by this time you would have invested some time and maybe even some cash, this is then the point they have got you hooked, they know it is harder for you to leave and quit, this is the time they can start to make changes and introduce more microtransactions and maybe pusth the limits of what they can remove from the game and add into the cash shop, because they know most will go along with it, its just business to them and it works and you can clearly see it already in this game only after 2 months. 



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  • 2 weeks later...

I completely agree that the new continent is much harder, most of the mission I receiver are meant for groups.  I was lvl 49 when I hit the continent and have not upgraded my jewelry to siren because it is expensive and I do not have the materials.


I tried the GH raid event but that sucked since I could not do enough damage to the bosses in order to get credit for the kills so I could not finish the quests, just like Blackwyrm (the *cricket*).  So far the new continent is boring with a bunch or running around after the first town.  I am disappointed so far since I am skipping most of the stuff I am unable to do.


People are going to say to improve my gear and learn to play but they can suck it and shut the hell up.  I do dailies every day to farm soulstones, gold and other items I need to upgrade my stuff.  I may just forget about upgrading the jewelry and just use the Oathbreaker stuff I can get.

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14 hours ago, MaxxFaraday said:

People are going to say to improve my gear and learn to play but they can suck it and shut the hell up.  I do dailies every day to farm soulstones, gold and other items I need to upgrade my stuff.  I may just forget about upgrading the jewelry and just use the Oathbreaker stuff I can get.

May I recommend Beastbog for the Breeze gears then? People go in there in droves when BayLee/Big Bad Beetle Boss is about to spawn, so you may find people willing to help you with other dailies before/after the spawn. Plus, getting credit for the boss kills there is a bit less difficult, in no small part by the nature of being a 24-man area. I'm using Breeze Necklace and Earring while I don't evolve my Awakened Inferno ones. They are actually quite good for gears that don't evolve.


Just a caveat: you need to be lvl 50 to equip Breeze gears.

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6 minutes ago, Tsuchiryu said:

May I recommend Beastbog for the Breeze gears then? People go in there in droves when BayLee/Big Bad Beetle Boss is about to spawn, so you may find people willing to help you with other dailies before/after the spawn. Plus, getting credit for the boss kills there is a bit less difficult, in no small part by the nature of being a 24-man area. I'm using Breeze Necklace and Earring while I don't evolve my Awakened Inferno ones. They are actually quite good for gears that don't evolve

I've tried Beastbog with my guild, and I basically died, because Big Bad Beetle seems to have BW like mechanics.


Oathbreaker necklace has a higher Crit Rate, while 2 Breeze necklaces I picked up so far both Have Crit Damage, not Crit Rate.


One thing that was mercifully simple was the Pirate Bracelet, the rest of the jewelry is taking a lot of steps to get to the point when you need that wagon-load of mats. I think it's Siren to Pirate(?) switch. It's like okay, Poharan Perfume, the stones, then... Oh, ye gods, all these?! And how many of each?!


I am at the point of wanting to dedicate my days to re-running Brightstone Ruins, because without the Merry Potter recipe I am stuck for the Moonwater T Stones, particularly looking at the prices of the moonstones that can only be obtained if your DPS is high enough (that you won't get w/o gear).

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As you lvl up, you'll need to balance crit rate with crit dmg some. You don't want either of them to be too low, even if PUGs will usually only look at your AP.


And ye, I know the pain of not being able to craft your own MTS and be in the mercy of Marketplace for them, which is why I'm back to doing Brightstone Ruins. At least they should become more easily soloable thanks to some of the new content and lvl cap.


Not that it makes the mat amount requirements any less ludicrous. These alone still make grinding very bothersome.

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