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Someone else think about leaving ?


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I'm goal-less these days so i'm here to ask for some advices.

I'm playing game since very first beta, i've been kinda lucky because my health stuck me at home for month, so i've been playing 8 to 18 hours a day everyday since the release. I am premium.

My main have weapon at true pirate, accessories at true siren.
My 2 alts are at profane/siren weap, and awakened infernal accessories. they have no belts nor bracelet.

SO i need to upgrade either the main, either the alt to keep doing something ?

1 : need the belt and bracelet :

  • they no longer drop
  • they can be bought for pirate emblems, so i need 40 by alt... so 14 days of doing the same dungeons everyday, NSH mostly empty...

OKAY so 14 days doing the same thing to get 1 item ? or buy it for real money (pay 2 win isn't far as these items are necessary, more ap, more crit, more hp... etc)

Of course as i played for long i have like a hundred emblems on main, but they are not mail-able to alt ofc...

2 : need to upgrade gears of my main, okay, i can deal with most of the materials, but i need... frozen venom darts... i need 190 for weapon, 260 for accessories. 450 so, JUST for the FIRST upgrade.

  • first solution, i run the dungeons... i did a lot of lair4, mostly drop 3 darts, for 4 players, wich mean 0.75 by player, do the math :
    450/0.75 = 600 runs, average time 15 minutes (less than 10 if you have a good team, but it's not everyday), which is 150 hours farming the SAME dungeon, even playing 10hours a day doing ONLY that, would need more than 15 days...
  • Second solution buy them : minimum price on market is 2g, it mean 900g... unless you buy money from gold seller, you can't afford this (yeah ofc you can be the first guy that dropped the merry potter recipee, but no, i'm not, i'm just an average player, and luck is not of my skills).


So what, i have to farm for weeks/months full days doing nothing else to have a slight change in my character stats ? And if i give up on improving my characters, what goals can i have ?

Am i missing something ? any advice, help, tips would be welcome, because i feel discouraged atm, i really feel like the more patch we have, the less fun we have...

New patch = new bugs (before even fixing older bugs), 10% new content and 90% more grinding ? and old content even harder to get if you raise an alt or if a friend wanna join you on this game ?
(speaking about bugs : since last patch i've got 21 freezes and 8 or 9 crashes, zone lagging (not me i'm constant at 60fps, lowest i have is on field bosses, where i drop as low as 38fps), the zone, the game is laggy on event like grand harvest raid or ss plains..., mobs sometimes simply disappear, still have the 2 buttons limit, if i move, RMB and try to send a command to cat on summoner, the RMB stop while i hit... 2 buttons ok, 3 seems too much for the game.. My computer is clean (it's my job) and light (only basic windows process running, firewall and game, zero other program or process), my config is fine (16Go DDR3 low latency dual channel, i5 4690K, GeForce GT970, motherboard MSI Z97 GAMING 7, SSD, T° system never over 37°C, videocard and processor never over 55°C... etc), my bandwith is fine (1,7MB/s, 35ms ping (except on arena, where i get 100ms ping... no idea why)). Of course i did some reports, send DxDiags and more... But i'm getting off topic.

I've heard a friend telling me "hey it's a korean game, they're insane grinder and farmer"... yay \o/ but this game came here with the promise to be "westernised", does that only mean censoring some content/quest and bringing new outfits ? I don't know how korean brain work, but mine, when doing 10 times the same thing, the same way, get bored, and if i have to repeat this everyday... can't handle it... This is a false game lifetime, maybe, once more, i'm wrong, but grinding 1 month doesn't make more content, it makes more boredom... why all interesting things are only in 3 dungeons ? what about solo content ? why we have the blue dungeons almost useless ? and 90% of the dailies useless ?

I'm not here to complain, so if you feel like the righter of wrongs "stop qqing dude and go grind or delete that's life", you can keep your time to do something more useful. I really want advices and some other point of view to understand and maybe discover another way to play or see the things.

(PS : no need to tell me go on PvP, first i HATE PvP, second, classes are unbalanced (that's just my opinion, i don't want a book arguing about the pro and cons), and finally, you need to PvE anyway to get your skills to PvP)


Thanks to all those who will read me and answer my wonders.


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Sorry, I didn't read through a whole post but there some method to fix your alts gear upgrade problem, I'm pretty sure you have plenty of golds on your main so you can sell your golds for Hongmoon coins and use those to buy tokens. I doing that for my alts too since NSH and Poh is pretty much dead zones and took hours to get enough players to kill bosses. Also, you have too much free time and it will kick in long run and you make you feel burn out...well you're already have that feeling lol. I would say take a break from this game and play something else for a while and come back if you still want to play this game (this not apply to me cause if I lose my urge to play after a break I won't come back and I just find new games to play)

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thank you ^^

But i don't know if there have been change, when i checked (and just re checked) emblems aren't sold for HM coins, i considered that at first xD but no, they're only sold for Ncoins... so i think you used Ncoins instead of HMcoins when you bought these... (sorry for you).

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yeah a lot of the post ive been reading lately are talking about the difficult amount of mats needed for pretty much anything after siren. weather u go oathbringer or pirate and forward its still an incredibly expensive time consuming path for minimal rewards. I personally don't put too much stock in stats. I just play the game, and I run 4 alts. im not likely to get past the profane-siren weapon for the 4 of them anytime soon. all I can say is enjoy the game for what it is. a fast paced action style mmo. I never really worried about "progression" when I was playing devil may cry.


as far as emblems go no u cant buy them with h coins but u can with n coins. so blue was a bit off on the whole convert ur gold to h coin and buy them up. his friend must be spending real $ to get some n coin to buy them if he is at all.

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I have 4 alts and one main, I don't focus on getting highest AP I like collecting outfits. I've done 100 runs of BSH in 5 days no cobalt widow wig tho :) but this is not what we wanna talk about. SO the alts. Its hard to get soulstones first of all, because they removed small dragon certificates from 4 blue dungeons ( bightstone, pigsty etc. ). More different accounts = more daily quests = easier soulstone grind. But you cant exchange that because no certificate. You cant go to new heroic dungeons because you don't have right AP and people just leave parties when u join because of your Low AP. You Cant get more AP w/o upgrading ur gear which requires a lot of soulstones which you cant get in the normal way because of the new system. Like the guy said, I have over 80 siren emblems on my main account, I got all the required gear so I don't need them, I could give it to my alt but NO , they are not tradable. Awesome game. Same goes to the all other stuff. Also when u level up a new character you wanna get your HP up to be able to solo stuff or survive in dungeons. But you cant, because your AP is low to f.e. join Naryu Lab. I mean not being able to trade some items is hard for the new players or addition characters to jump into the game. because people ask like 450+ AP for dugeones where it could be easily done by 380-400 AP.

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8 minutes ago, Tarask said:

so i think you used Ncoins instead of HMcoins when you bought these... (sorry for you).

hahaha I got both NC coins and Hongmoon balance up to couple thousand points (NC coins was from master pack since launch) so I might messed up between those because I didn't pay attention which tab i'm on, I've been using hoongmoon coins to buy outfit just for collections and rank up :)

@Mantelis I've to agree with you about F8 dungeon on alts. Peoples just leave after they checked other players gear and if they don't leave, it's meant they are all first time there too so most likely its a headache run and party break at some points too (usually most ppls leave after 3 or more persons in party notified they are new to dungeons).


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I agree Mantelis, when yeti first came out people wanted 450 and 500+ to run it. the added stats help of course, but really its just a learning curve with no understanding of the mechanics. in the end you can clear it with sub 400 ap and be doing just fine damage. I actually am in the process of moving my chars over to a new server, so I don't even have a 50 char anymore. gime another week :D hopefully I can make enough money to grab up a nice attack diamond so people don't freak out at my low 300 ap when I get to awakened profane or w/e

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I've been clearing thing with my True profane and Just upgraded to to Oathbreaker recently on alts, folks trust the number they are seeing on profile sheet rather than players skill lol and I don't blame them, it's nature circle of life in any MMO.

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yeah most of my alts were are true profane, and one was into siren. still there is a significant different between saying look 200 or 250 just isn't enough to clear yeti. u just cant do enough damage b4 the guy rages out. to saying u need 480+. its laughable. I cant prove it as I haven't done it but I suspect u can clear yeti with 350 with a "experienced group" and basically don't die once. I have however cleared it with a sub 400 group. that would be the bare minimum in my opinion for yeti. 400+ though would be a bit more laid back. everyone wouldn't have to be freaking out and face smashing the keyboard. by 450 or the 480 example boss is dead so fast its basically just a casual join... kill.... next.... and 500+.... lol I watched a vid of 2 summoners clear 4 man yeti. then the same guy made one with 3 summoners.


on a side note what the heck is the drop rate on those blindfolds? are they a bsh only drop or do they actually drop in nsh too? ive yet to see anyone running around with one.

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I agree that they should at least these two changes:

- Let us buy materials (dont care about rest, just emblems and tokens is fine) with HCoins

- Let us mail the useless tokens and emblems from out mains to our alts. It's twice as dumb if you have to farm something you already farmed plenty off but cant use because it's on a char that does not have any use for it anymore. 


Gear progression cost is a whole other argument but there are enough threads about it. While i like slower progression, if you are totally blocked or forced to grind something for 30+h per item then that's a bit overkill imo. The frozen darts alone we need cost about 2000-3000 gold or so. I guess 95% of players will never even get close to that. I mean.. sure.. even as a casual you can eventually upgrade your stuff to pirate and so on, but sooner or later the dungeons will require true scorpion or higher weapons.

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1 hour ago, Yamyatos said:

I agree that they should at least these two changes:

- Let us buy materials (dont care about rest, just emblems and tokens is fine) with HCoins

- Let us mail the useless tokens and emblems from out mains to our alts. It's twice as dumb if you have to farm something you already farmed plenty off but cant use because it's on a char that does not have any use for it anymore.

Yes, please, let us share these items between alts. Not even worrying about progressing on my main right now because of other reasons well described by others in many other posts; I'm not going to mindlessly grind gold and buy things at inflated prices to stay ahead of an artificial curve created by accelerated release dates. I'll go play my alts.


But the accelerated release of content pretty much is killing the lower levels/tiers of content while everyone else goes and pushes for gear upgrades. Fortunately a lot of the lower level content is manageable alone, you can skip a lot to level -- but it would be nice to share things higher level alts don't need with lower level alts. This game is so alt-unfriendly as it is. 


My main can and will progress slowly, not going to try to keep up with the release schedule, but there are some quality of life changes that could be made.


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Why my post have been moved to player support by mod ? gosh this is not a question about the game mechanics, but it's a general discussion about the pros and cons of the game purpose and goals...

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4 hours ago, Tarask said:

Why my post have been moved to player support by mod ? gosh this is not a question about the game mechanics, but it's a general discussion about the pros and cons of the game purpose and goals...

They move (read hide) lots of posts here.


Your OP blew my mind a little, your situation/feelings sound so similar to my own, is... is that the French me? :P


I think many have become disheartened since the Silverfrost update and for varying valid reasons.

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Here are some of my thoughts on progression for the gears.


The way I see it and as mentioned on some other posts in this topic. There is no way average player can grind that amount of dart by playing the game. They'll have to P2W. And we are talking about 200-300 USD on a single upgrade and there are even more darts required for the following upgrade.

So, what will happen if this is the reality and NC dont do anything about it?

BNS will certainly lose a LOT players because there is no way they can keep up with the game content.

Hence, NC soft have couple of options here that I just guessed

1. they sell RNG boxes filled with darts/ sell darts directly with Ncoin.

2. they reduce amount of darts required ( I really doubt if they would do that.)

3. they change the drop rate on darts. Lets say average run can give you at least 10 darts up to 20. Every player can have 2 or even more per run. And price will drop due to larger supply of darts.

Other than that I cant really come up with any other options.

I believe that things will change before next patch because there are concerns that I heard from a lot of players that is worried about darts. NC soft want money out of our pocket. And they are good at it. The best way to do it is to keep you playing so you buy outfits get the membership. I doubt NC soft are stupid enough to notice it.



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19 hours ago, little bucky said:

1. they sell RNG boxes filled with darts/ sell darts directly with Ncoin.


If their answer is putting darts in rng box or direct on store (which I suspect they will) ala Siren/Pirate Emblems I'm done.

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12 minutes ago, Bruce Chi said:

If their answer is putting darts in rng box or direct on store (which I suspect they will) ala Siren/Pirate Emblems I'm done.

If they sell it in the box, the price will fall since there always people buy them directly. Lets say if price drop to 1 gold each. It'll be manageable to grind gold and buy them. But we don't know how much they'll put in the box. We don't even know if they are gonna do box at all. Worst case would be no action on darts at all.

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