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PVP bullying


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3 minutes ago, Eggcellent said:

@Exposing Hackers Maybe I chose the wrong wordings, the issue here is end game players one shot fresh 45s for their daily. There is no counter. If someone spots you, and wants you dead, you're as good as dead meat.  

sometimes, it was just a collateral damage when you are in a group of mobs fight. It is totally not necessary to take it personal since when you put on your faction outfit, either you kill someone or get killed.

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5 hours ago, Exposing Hackers said:

If you are honestly being *bullied* than just ask your clan for help, you can easily get at least 10 clan members to back you up.


4 hours ago, Exposing Hackers said:

Than tell your guild to send 10 or 15 members that are lv 50s to back you up so it won't happen again.

Assumptions all over the place with these suggestions, not making them particularly great ones, like having enough clan memebers with the lvl to help online at the time. And no, telling him to do these quests at a time with more clanmates online would be missing the point too.

On 05/04/2016 at 5:25 AM, Tracmar said:

My policy : never gank or disrupt their dailies ..unless they decide to poke me....then its game on ...


its fun killing them when they are doing BW / SSP bosses , but I make sure to specifically hunt down and kill the guys who keep ganking me when I was quietly on my way doing the dailies 


Bots are an exception : I see them , I kill them , I kill them again ... and again .. and again ... 

This one actually knows what he's talking about: it's about the attitude. Don't be a dick to people doing dailies that don't involve killing you. Simple as that.

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That is open world pvp in a nutshell not much you can do.  I usually dont bother harassing low levels but that's just because ive got dailys to do and soulstones to earn its not to harass other players.  I just want to finish it be done and move on.  If you want to do them relatively harassment free be choosy about what channel you choose to loiter in, and buddy up with a friend or clanmate.










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On 4/3/2016 at 10:45 PM, angelcots said:

I'm a level 50 but I have a personal rule that I don't kill anyone belonging to the other faction unless they attack me or another member of my faction first. It's actually not because of people with lower levels as much as its about the strong imbalance between factions. My faction is much much stronger than the other one. I realize that it's not fair and killing the other faction members just seems mean and pointless. I could care less about a few minor rewards for PVP kills.

Same, I do not attack unless provoked - OWPvP in this game is incredibly unbalanced - even more so as the gear/HM skills/HM level gap widens.

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I remember of Lineage 2 (also by NCSoft), which has an open-world pvp and pk system. To protect newbies from mindless pk of high-level players, there are some kind of protection buff to protect players from 1-40 against pkers (not sure how it works), and pkers risk to have their equipment dropped/destroyed if they get killed (it seems change to be more forgiving now). It would be nice to have some kind of debuff when a player try to be mean on someone weaker than them, such as have their stats halved for ten minutes when they kill a lowbie, bring them to the lowbie level and taste their own medicine. But it won't happen, I believe.


In any case, just adapt. NCSoft won't bother to change the whole system just because of some jerk players. Channel hopping and partying are your best bets. A party of lv45 can still down or at least chase away a lv50 jerk who farm on you for fun, just CC the heck out of them. And since you don't want to be killed during dailies, respect other player of opposite faction in the same manner. They may remember your name and let you go the next time you two meet.



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Here are several options you have:

1) Change factions - don't like being killed because 1 side is highly populated, switch factions. Even on a highly dominated blue server you can still get alts into blue at certain times

2) Ask guild for assistance - some 50s still do the misty woods dailies as a source of soulstones, party up with some guildies or ask for some help. If you don't have a guild, I would suggest looking for one to join as it can have a lot of benefits

3) Change Channels - If you find one channel has a lot of opposing faction you can't work around, try switching channels

4) Wait - Just wait for players to leave

5) Buy Soulstones - One of the cool things about soulstones is you don't have to just do dailies, you can also arena or buy them on the market. If you're looking for clan insignias, you've got dailies in other areas to gather some of those, you may not be able to maximize by doing Misty Woods if that's the case. Consider this - Market prices for soulstones when I checked <30min ago 20s. You can get roughly 15 soulstones for the misty woods dailies. 3g could buy you that amount of soulstones. As a premium rank 4 member, you can earn 3g doing E. Fleet Supply dailies. E. Fleet can be done in roughly 45 min if memory serves, so if it would take you longer than that to do the Misty dailies and you aren't doing E. Fleet, I'd suggest that instead.

6) Other dailies - Even at 45 there were enough dailies that could be done that would max you out for the day if you wanted to skip Misty Woods pvp, even being able to do a few dailies in Silverfrost should help earn the money that could supplement doing these quests


While I understand it can be disheartening, open world pvp is what it is, and higher level players will always be around to trounce lowbies no matter what the game. The best way I've found to cope is getting backup to help or working around the players trying to kill you. At least in BnS it's as easy as changing your outfit to escape being hunted.

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@Tahkira Well thanks for the tip, but how to deal with it isn't quite what I want to address, but rather the imbalance in open world PvP. *cricket* will always exist, and while that is an issue that should be addressed, NCsoft seems to be doing the opposite: encouraging people through the misty daily quest.

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