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Regium Corvus


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I have fitting costumes on all of my chars (with exception of my summoner.. nothing fits for those ..) and the last char i'm missing is lyn blade master. So my lbm is getting the costume, fortunately it actually fits. I guess it's gonna be male with the blue ear/tail then.

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Recently made a purple-haired Yun. Outfit seems to fit her better with its dark purple motif. Still need to preview outfit on my female Gon and male Lyn before I make up my mind on this.

2 hours ago, Yamyatos said:

 (with exception of my summoner.. nothing fits for those ..)

If it's a male Lyn, may I recommend the Blackram Narrows outfit? I think it looks okay on my male Summoner. I could take screenshots if you want.

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