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NCSOFT GO DIE! Go some1 try arena yourself!


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Any chance that u fukin ban those scripted assholes kfm jsut fukin *cricket* every1 , bd doesnt even let u land on ground when they start + sin well havent seen one in arena because they use that white screen skill. Go try arenas for yourself and see because im 100% u dont give a shit about this game  and balance! BD just escaped from my pile diver wtf! Every1 i suggest all move to Black Desert!


P.S  Havent seen such "DONT GIVE A SHIT ATTITUDE FROM ANY GAME COMAPNY LIKE NCSOFT!" Bots run like for 2 months in row every1 sees them no1 cares!!!!!!

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you seem frustrated, cricket. I do agree many of the changes aren't that balanced but you should focus on which ones specifically. As far as bots go, thats only in the very low stages of arena. Most people don't have an issue with fighting them. Should be an easy win since these are users running scripts that don't know your class or play-style and are running in with a predetermined skill rotation.

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