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Required AP as (Assassin) for doing BSH and Naryu 6m Dungeon?


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He said 6 man. You are just fine dude. Im an assassin Na server and ive completed the dungeon numerous times with ap at like 370 with parties of similar ap level. After u know what you're doing its fine.


Currently 387 and ive done it over a dozen times.

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25 minutes ago, Arc1s said:

He said 6 man. You are just fine dude. Im an assassin Na server and ive completed the dungeon numerous times with ap at like 370 with parties of similar ap level. After u know what you're doing its fine.


Currently 387 and ive done it over a dozen times.

EU is different when it comes to Naryu 6man, they still ask for 400 AP people on cross server here.

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Thank for the answer guys! I finished BSH 6man with random people in CS. 1 geared destroyer (445AP, 44k HP) and 4 other players around 335-340ap. it goes smoothly aside from Bloody Mane Boss where everyone died at last pace except me and the geared guy when boss constantly spamming his AOE.  We done all the boss in this dungeon in 1 try. the geared person is tanking it like a boss. I just only died in Hae Mujin when he's around 20% hp and spamming the ice spike rain AOE. . I haven't tried the Naryu yet, cause i am still afraid to be kick in a party..

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NA asks for 400+ AP for Labyrinth too. Maybe 390 if they feel like being more reasonable. You don't need 400 for Bloodshade, though, that much is certain. Around 380 should be good enough for that one, rest is a matter of knowing how to progress avoiding mobs the best you can, when you can, and how to deal with the bosses efficiently.


Efficiency is especially important with Blood Mane, who may never spam his AOE if you guys know your DPS and CC right before the AOE. For Hae Mujin's AOE, you'll need resist skills: a combination of iframes, defense increase and/or Daze resist, plus healing skills and tonics if needed.

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On my alternative character she only has about 380 AP. I make parties in lobby asking for 380+ and it fills up pretty quickly with players 380 to over 400 even - we clear easily. I just think assassins aren't favored on 4 man runs but in 6 man you should be fine. :) Don't LFP queue; use the party finder on the left hand side of the cross server dungeon lobby.

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On 3/22/2016 at 3:10 PM, Arc1s said:

He said 6 man. You are just fine dude. Im an assassin Na server and ive completed the dungeon numerous times with ap at like 370 with parties of similar ap level. After u know what you're doing its fine.


Currently 387 and ive done it over a dozen times.

Being able to clear it and meeting arbitrary AP requirements to get in a decent party are not the same thing.

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Idont think he was implyinghe wanted to get into a speedrun party. He just wants to clear it.


OP its like this, best chance of success is with people that have higher ap, so theyll ask for it. It is however completely unnecessary.  for 4 man I think its prob necessary, but 6 man not so much.


Dont worry about it though. 370+ is completely doable if you know what your doing and someone can direct others that dont know (if any) you just have to have a vocal member of your party. Also for Be Ido, i spec in my x to resist ranged attacks. And act as human bomb as tanking isnt our strong suit.

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