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Platinum Bots Really?


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Are you fk serius? these fk bots are becomin pros, as assasin is a pain in the ass to beat these ones, they can predict all that I do, even when Im stealth, also when I use my "X" (apear on the back and stum) they can turn 180 and stum me, all these in less than half fk second WTF, yes they do the same thing all the time, spam fury, grab you and take to the air  till die, beside its a joke when every time when a lose with a real people I need to beat about 5 bots at least to fight again with a real pp, what nsoft is doing to solve that? im  about to quit beacuse nc negligence do something for fuk sake. whats missing, Diamond bots? fk off





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5 hours ago, Vanquishz said:

I cant remember what server lol but its NA where 80% are bots 20% real pp. if I talk with someone I doub if it real. seriusly

 This makes me laugh way harder then I should, I've pretty much quit this POS game because of pretty much everything Ive been reading on forums nad only personal experience in tech issues, I have had.

What makes me laugh is not the boting or the fact or that its at plat level. It's that ratio. And I don't disagree with you at all after watching a lot of streamers. It's funny because it reminds me of competitive WoW, if you look at the Asian servers, its exactly like this over there, the ladders are inflated greatly because of boting / win traders. Most of that market isn't very good outside of the SC/MOBAs competitive gaming, so maybe by flooding NA with bots and traders, they'll get some kind edge? #esportcomspiracy



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15 minutes ago, Evechan said:

Nah, the game have plat bots/hackers and summoners, nothing new, to be honest, i prefer bots than summoner or kfm with macro.

I disagree, I mean, I know that Summoners are the cancer of this game but at least you are fighting with a player and you'll lost so many time but every fight is going to be diferent, you'll find sum noobs, sum pros instead of bots that all are the same shi.t, they do the same thing every fk time 'cause they are controlled by scripts, also they use xploit and bugs (rotate while is frozen or web) this sucks hard.

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Yeah i agree, but since is rare i lose to bots, for me and for me only is better have free win against bot than one more lost against hackers or macro, because or ncsoft fix the bots/hack/exploit/macro all together, or let the game f*** like now, i don't want half fix, its 1 or 100

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Ironically, the root cause of the Arena bot issue is because its attractive for bot owners to "farm" PvP.


The very simple solution is to remove Zen Beans. It sucks for PvP players who want to earn gold while doing PvP. In theory it's nice but not when you can not control bots.

NCSoft is powerless against bots, because for the 10 it bans, 25 new ones are already in the process of being made.


The most sad part is that bots find a way to reach level 45 without being detected by their system, while bots are fully automated from the start.

But normal people who use a simple macro are detected and banned (Atleast according to many other posts I read).


The most simple solution is to not make PvP rewarding. People who love PvP will continue to do so anyway regardless of beans. 

If they also want to gear up a bit, they'll have to do some PvE too. Nothing new here its like this in many other MMOs.


This, or play arena infested with bots. I think doing PvP without rewards seems like a better choice.

Another thing would be to make the game Pay2play, I never liked F2P anyway cuz you can make endless acounts with 0 cost all gain.

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22 minutes ago, Shirolicious said:

Ironically, the root cause of the Arena bot issue is because its attractive for bot owners to "farm" PvP.


The very simple solution is to remove Zen Beans. It sucks for PvP players who want to earn gold while doing PvP. In theory it's nice but not when you can not control bots.

NCSoft is powerless against bots, because for the 10 it bans, 25 new ones are already in the process of being made.


The most sad part is that bots find a way to reach level 45 without being detected by their system, while bots are fully automated from the start.

But normal people who use a simple macro are detected and banned (Atleast according to many other posts I read).


The most simple solution is to not make PvP rewarding. People who love PvP will continue to do so anyway regardless of beans. 

If they also want to gear up a bit, they'll have to do some PvE too. Nothing new here its like this in many other MMOs.


This, or play arena infested with bots. I think doing PvP without rewards seems like a better choice.

Another thing would be to make the game Pay2play, I never liked F2P anyway cuz you can make endless acounts with 0 cost all gain.

Pay to play wouldent fix it as bots have prem and the amount of money they prob bring in outweighs the cost so thats a no go. I have suggested removing zen beans also with pvp but then i think about it now and say how much harder will it be to get soulstones? + all the other rewards and future rewards from it so yea. The part thats most anoying is that bots are getting to 45 UNDETECTED which is completely unacceptable they are going for that long or in fact LONGER then that and STILL not being banned this is one of the many reasons that prove this game was half arsed. There fix that theyre "working on" will hopefully solve it if not then bots will never cease to exist 

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The bots have been getting better and better.. seeing them do new insane things that I haven't seen before.. I'm struggling to break into 1800, the bots all seemed heavily powered up once you go past 1801 lol. 1300-1780 was a breeze. 

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