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Blade Master is the Weakest


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21 minutes ago, Ra9eQuit said:

Is this thread still going on? Jesus, when will you finally realize that you are bad as a player if you dont succeed with BM. Wow, Dunning-Kruger-effect is such a pain. BM is the hardest class, next to FM, in the game. You need weeks if not months mastering your timing, combos and strafe game. If you suck as BM then you just have no skill. Lets be real. If BM would be a weak class, then there wouldnt be Diamond players like Luki or KillingGod decimating everyone they queue against. 
Spar against them, it is horrible. You cant do anything. It is like they are always one step ahead of you. That is coming from a Plat KFM and Destro Player.


While I agree with you that this thread is completely ridiculous, we should not lose sight of the fact that the top rated bm on na is currently 35th overall (that alone says something). People seemed to think that level 50 would magically level the playing field for bm and it hasnt. Allergies are wrecking me in real life (to the point of facial swelling around my eyes), so I have not played 1 v 1 since 4 days before the level 50 patch (with the coughing and fever there is no way I wouldnt get wrecked), in that time I have moved up nearly 100 spots on the bm board to like 450 ( I am low plat). Around 100 bms have dropped below me because they decided to queue for pvp in the patch we are supposedly getting better in. 


We need hm level 10 (honestly 15) and our hm skilz and even then, I think we will only be op in the hands of the very skilled. 


@ random people in thread: BM beats Force Master, you should win this match up at least 80% of the time. I havent lost to a fm since the week after release, our tools just counter there entire kit. Do not waste ss, and pay careful attention to not letting fm land snowball and you are golden. 



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i am new BM  and did 100 matches for a few weeks and its so terrible, even worse if you live near australia with ~180 ms on wtfast. Almost every enemy that i see uses charge skill somehow hits me even if i block. I tried running sideways the moment match start and its useless. Their attacks land even when i am at least 5m away from them. Effectively you are already fighting 80% vs 100%, every time you attempt to use a skill when it shows up, the enemy will land their skill before you. every hit that shouldnt be on resist when you attack before they iframe becomes resist, and my only main damage flock of blades is so combo reliant. Only matchups i love is FM, rest i will just cry.


Against summoners, I have to put in 110% effort and i only barely beat a few of them. The summoner just stood there, wave wands to hit me and i am already down 10k health. Its like for every 7 attacks i land the enemy needs only 1. I have to iframe, knock down cat, strafe and mouseturn to hit the keyboard turn summoner, pull off my best combos while the keyboard turning summoner just stood there backpedalling and hitting like as if it was nothing. All they need to do is pop up dandelion to buy them time from range , camoflage among their pet and with the stupid targeting system in this game even after i knock them up i cannot follow through and the summoner randomly shoot flora and a chunk of my health is almost gone.



I am very noob but the amount of herculean effort i need to pull off a BM win is so much that doing arena gives me a sense of dread rather then enjoying it. I play on my level 30 assassin, randomly use my combos and i can even pull off wins way easier then my BM.

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7 hours ago, DriftingSoul said:

i am new BM  and did 100 matches for a few weeks and its so terrible, even worse if you live near australia with ~180 ms on wtfast. Almost every enemy that i see uses charge skill somehow hits me even if i block. I tried running sideways the moment match start and its useless. Their attacks land even when i am at least 5m away from them. Effectively you are already fighting 80% vs 100%, every time you attempt to use a skill when it shows up, the enemy will land their skill before you. every hit that shouldnt be on resist when you attack before they iframe becomes resist, and my only main damage flock of blades is so combo reliant. Only matchups i love is FM, rest i will just cry.


Against summoners, I have to put in 110% effort and i only barely beat a few of them. The summoner just stood there, wave wands to hit me and i am already down 10k health. Its like for every 7 attacks i land the enemy needs only 1. I have to iframe, knock down cat, strafe and mouseturn to hit the keyboard turn summoner, pull off my best combos while the keyboard turning summoner just stood there backpedalling and hitting like as if it was nothing. All they need to do is pop up dandelion to buy them time from range , camoflage among their pet and with the stupid targeting system in this game even after i knock them up i cannot follow through and the summoner randomly shoot flora and a chunk of my health is almost gone.



I am very noob but the amount of herculean effort i need to pull off a BM win is so much that doing arena gives me a sense of dread rather then enjoying it. I play on my level 30 assassin, randomly use my combos and i can even pull off wins way easier then my BM.

It sounds like your ping is really hurting you. You can spam q, when you know the enemy is going to leap / charge as well. I dont know if it is more responsive than block or not, but I imagine it would be and plat and below a iframed approach always seems to take the enemy by surprise. 

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I could play BM pretty well. No problem against another BladeMaster but problem is... I need a new computer and I need to shift country for better ping.

'Cause it spike lags every time opposing faction member hits me with a flashy skill.

Atm I'll just PVE.

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BM is the hardest class for pvp cause u need to understand all other classes but for silverfrost pve all melle classes suck and no point on bothering playing BM cause all u do is die and u cant complete a single daylie on silverfrost u either hardcore BM or if 7u just a casual player like myself your best choice is to just quit


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11 minutes ago, Marburg said:

BM is the hardest class for pvp cause u need to understand all other classes but for silverfrost pve all melle classes suck and no point on bothering playing BM cause all u do is die and u cant complete a single daylie on silverfrost u either hardcore BM or if 7u just a casual player like myself your best choice is to just quit


Can u explain me how come u can't complete daily in sf? 0.o

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2 hours ago, Enoll said:

Guys just some heads up .... BMs ROCK !


The only dailies I have difficulty with are the Soulstone Plains faction dailies, and this is 50% due the crappy servers and client, leading to too many freezes that I can't time anything or learn patterns with more than 5+ people.

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On 10.04.2016 at 11:24 AM, Marburg said:

BM is the hardest class for pvp cause u need to understand all other classes but for silverfrost pve all melle classes suck and no point on bothering playing BM cause all u do is die and u cant complete a single daylie on silverfrost u either hardcore BM or if 7u just a casual player like myself your best choice is to just quit


Sorry but doing all Silverfrost dailies takes my BM less than 45 mins... When I teamed up with guildies it actually took way longer lol.

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On 2016-04-10 at 5:24 AM, Marburg said:

BM is the hardest class for pvp cause u need to understand all other classes but for silverfrost pve all melle classes suck and no point on bothering playing BM cause all u do is die and u cant complete a single daylie on silverfrost u either hardcore BM or if 7u just a casual player like myself your best choice is to just quit


I'm not sure this is an exaggeration or you literally can't complete a single daily in Silverfrost.  If you can't complete even 1, any easy one near Herbside village (the snowy land in the north), you are ever worse than me.  C'mon, i'm sure you can chase down some child monks in the monastery and kill some mobs.  You are not talking about the plog and the bosses quests near Grand Harvest with x people and with a few stars, are you?

BM is hard to play actually despite what the intro says when you create character.  I sure find it a lot harder with BM vs Summoner or FM.  I find the timing is very important and maximizing the skills in between cool downs.  I thought it would be straight forward lol.

My first character is a BM.  I have  FM and  Summoner.  I found the later two much easier and I can keep them alive easier. Could be that I got the hang of the game too.

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