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Mushin tower 8f-3 dps maths


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by calculations if mushin3 doesn't go immune at all and u dps him u still need 4.8k per second to kill him on last second lol


But in reality this guy gets around 3second immunity once every 20seconds let alone his fire circles which u waste time to Dodge(normally 30second interval )  so for his 4:30 duration, the first about 5seconds u cannot attack because he's grabbed u and speaking thrash but counts towards the timer like lol, then his immunes would give him about 30seconds if u pot Iframe pots to dps through the fire, u still only have around 200seconds to actually do dmg to him...  this is just like wow... 


1.24m hp in 200 seconds meaning u need about 6.5k dps to be safe passing him and depending on class... some needs less ap some needs more but I think it would be safe to say, around 400ap mark will make the margin of passing Mushin 8.3 for most, while it is possible for people with lower than that, it will require a lot more things to actually kill him. 


Cos I haven't pass him, so I decided to do a calculation on how much dps I need to actually kill him XD,  and here it is, I play as summoner currently at 384 ap,  nowhere near enough but I can get him down to about 20% -30% ish, depending how many times he jumps into air with iframe for 3 seconds XD I know I can do more dmg with my current equipment but... after calculating I know I don't have enough because I only hit him for about 4-5k ish XD well super sunflower and thorn strike can hit higher than that if crits... Max crit with thorns(after cat grabbed-def shred, having dot on him and striking in the back gives a crit of 9k) .... but I think I'm really unlucky as most of the time my thorns doesn't crit ya and I have nearly 50% crit haha 


Assuming if I have higher crit rate I should be able to kill him XD 

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I play fm and though I've only killed this guy once (i dont do dailies for money and he only drops traitor) I know what allowed me to kill him was changing my spec to max dps fire spec (i play frost 24/7 cause of pvp).  Timer isn't an issue at all as fire though at the time I think I had 403AP so meh, try a higher dps spec and pot his fire crap and life is good, he never does the frozen circles on the ground so long as your dps is high enough and that adds tons of time since he goes invuln during that too otherwise.  Also heard something about power ups in that fight but no clue what those are or how to get them nor do i care since I'll never fight him again... that much work isnt worth a mere 90 silver.

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58 minutes ago, Hokonoso said:

I play fm and though I've only killed this guy once (i dont do dailies for money and he only drops traitor) I know what allowed me to kill him was changing my spec to max dps fire spec (i play frost 24/7 cause of pvp).  Timer isn't an issue at all as fire though at the time I think I had 403AP so meh, try a higher dps spec and pot his fire crap and life is good, he never does the frozen circles on the ground so long as your dps is high enough and that adds tons of time since he goes invuln during that too otherwise.  Also heard something about power ups in that fight but no clue what those are or how to get them nor do i care since I'll never fight him again... that much work isnt worth a mere 90 silver.

1: fm has highest dps in game

2: this post is to estimate a margin of ap stats to kill darkness

3: ty for proving my point


And ofc crit rate and crit dmg bonus also must be accounted for

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I passed him the first time with like 418~ AP 2500 crit and 900 crt damage I think with 15 seconds to spare on my FM

Now with 438 AP 3600 crit and 1100 crt damage I kill him with 40+ seconds to spare I think

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Been killing him regularly as FM with pure ice spec . only 2 Fire abilities I am using are inferno and meteor shower especially when he goes up to the middle for his fire AOE 


AP range : Started fighting him at 400 , finished at exactly one second left . Been improving on that time slightly and currently am at 430 AP and am killing him with near 50sec left. 


Mushin does the ice thing the very first time when the buff pops up , after that normally burns him fast enough to not spawn it again 


Crit Rate : Varying from 55.4% to 57% 


Big hits + Crit when the buff happens seems to make a decent amount of difference in the time taken to kill him from my observation. 

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Summoners in my clan have beaten him, albeit with some retries and swear words in clan chat. Make sure to take Mushin's damage buff when he does it, and to be fair, with ~380 ap you're a little below the curve with the current content, so upgrade your stuff a bit too.


Fortunately, Mushin8-3 only drops the outfit and the only reason to do him now is the daily quest and 1g from it.

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I beat with 420 AP 3k and 197% crit damage but it took some effort as my class (LBD) is burst dps more then sustained DPS working out the build was easy but one mistake and you die kind of pisses me off. Still first time I took him to 40% with a PVP build i was nope this sucks so i tried a mostly wind build with more iFrames and took him to 10% after a few tries. 


I then worked out I could stand in the fire and DPS him for 6 seconds using that potion and that's when he fell down, he just stands there in the fire so if you time it right you can grab him or knock him back depending on class and maintaining dps. Also after he goes immune he just stands there so you can either burst him then for a few seconds like when he is in the fire and if you deal enough damage you wont even see the ice attack.

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As an assassin, I spent 3 days in 8th floor. When i first started i couldn't even kill the first boss. Wasted more than 20 repair tools (you do the math), but now i finish it like a regular daily quest. Yes, you need -/+400 attack power with 50% crit rate, but you also need to know how to dodge his attacks, hit him while he does his fire aoe skills etc. Just keep going, you'll learn the mechanics. Plus, you'll be better at pvp, because those dodge&knock out skills are transferable :)

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The DPS should not really be an issue for most classes, except for maybe BMs. It's more important to understand his attack pattern and have a clear strategy for the fight.


For example, BDs, who are widely considered to be one of the worst DPS classes, can do this fight with ~390 AP with almost a minute left on the enrage timer, without using immunity potions. If they can do it with such a huge safety margin, then other classes should really have no issues meeting the DPS requirement with similar, or even worse gear.

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7 minutes ago, Chikotan said:

The DPS should not really be an issue for most classes, except for maybe BMs. It's more important to understand his attack pattern and have a clear strategy for the fight.


For example, BDs, who are widely considered to be one of the worst DPS classes, can do this fight with ~390 AP with almost a minute left on the enrage timer, without using immunity potions. If they can do it with such a huge safety margin, then other classes should really have no issues meeting the DPS requirement with similar, or even worse gear.

First of all I wouldn't consider bd to be bad dps class... my bd would do more dmg than my summoner with same gear.... and bm is a testament of ping...  

honestly low ping increases dps heavily, as my ping fluturates I can say at 190ish my dps is like 10% more than when I have 260(normally this is my ping) so I'm offering the 400ap as a margin to be safe because a lot of people have 180+ ping some like myself at 200+... XD 


Also it has to do with ur class, some classes like FM's can do it with ~350ap... whereas summoners would need ~380 with good ping XD 


Quite basically the maths calculation is to say that if u don't hit him for around 4k+ per crit then u r gone with the wind XD cos regardless of ani cancel at Max one second is 2.5 attacks the third one won't be framed till next second, besides I would consider summoners to have lowest dps in this game XD 

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