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Always Destroyers


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Hello Developers,


I am a level 45 Assassin, with a score of 1534 in 1v1 Arena Match for about several days. I would like to make a complaint on the way the system sets the 1v1 all the time. Out of 10 matches 8 of them contain only Destroyers. As many would agree, there is almost zero to non chance of an assassin to have a decent fight against a Destroyer. Therefore I am unable to rise in rank at all because I end up loosing more than winning.


My request is the following or you FIX the way players end up fighting in arenas or you consider fixing the Destroyer class. One of the main reason why most assassins die is because NOTHING, NOTHING works against them, they resist all attacks, they do not get stumbled easily, they AOE, they interrupt all our stealth attacks, not even allowing us to get up, constant stuns and dazes, knocks up and health regeneration. My only way of fighting one to deal at least some decent damage before he even wipes the floor with me, is by auto attacking or using rapid skills. Only way to beat one is brutal force. In this case, an assassin is most vulnerable. I used to fight many other classes, such as Blade Masters, KongFu Masters that are mostly melee, and I can say that the chance of winning was 50/50, both of us having a great time and good challenge. The way I see it, the Destroyer class just simply eats the Assassin's up. I once ended up against a player who just SPAMMED his RIGHT BUTTON 10 times without me being able to get up from the stumbles and stuns and obviously didn't even lost more than 10% health.


The Arena it seems to be specially selected for classes as Force Masters, Summoners and Destroyers which are OP against the other classes because they are much more difficult to fight us. This is not fair-play, this is just brutal. Ranged or AOE's beats the hell out of any melee class with ease. This is unacceptable.

Consider adjusting this matter as soon as possible, it gives no fun to the players such as myself, even though I love Arena, due to the fast combat.


I do wish to apologize for the long and probably rage full message, but this got me extremely angry, and I mostly am a calm person. I am stuck at 1500 - 1600 because of this matter, I feel like my class has no worth climbing more. If this is what you wish to obtain and have the ranking in the Arena just composed from Summoners, Force Masters and Destroyers, and now recently added Warlocks, you already got that. I apologize if I offended any player which has a class as Destroyer and in somewhat way my winning made it look unpolite, but it's true, I speak on behalf of many assassins which simply do the same as I do, complain on the Arena Chats how unfair it is for Assassins to fight Destroyers.


Many thanks in advance,


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looks like an l2p issue. sorry but it is the truth.


auto attacking is literally the worst thing you can do in arena. It looks like you spam autoattacking, you get parried by their spin and dazed. I recommend to watch some assassin guides on youtube to learn how to deal with them, like this one:




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I hate to break it to you man, but that wave of Destroyers you've been running into in the Arena, those are bots. You're getting Areanblocked by bots. This is purely a case of needing to 'git gud'.


And for what it's worth, I'm going to play the LBM card here just to prove that Ranged classes aren't inherently superior to melee ones.

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Yes, those are mostly bots but destroyer vs assassin is favored towards assassin. As a destroyer i will give you some tips about how to fight against us. Wall of text incoming.


First of all our main burst ability is fury and our main goal is to bait opponent to waste his/her escapes so we can freely chain cc and drop you from 100-0. Our combos aren't automatic which means you can escape anytime in-between as long as you have an escape available. Because of that when fighting against a destroyer always have 1 escape available to escape from fury (generally called red buff). When destroyer uses fury you will see red aura around him/her. The moment you see it hit your escape ability and run away. It lasts for 6 secs and has a 45 secs cd.

Fury also comes at the cost of our second escape so a destroyer with fury will only have one escape. If you see a blue aura around destroyer it means he/she uses persistance(blue buff). Destroyer with blue buff has a second escape but he/she won't have enough damage to drop you in one chain cc combo.


We also have two types of spins usually called as red spin and blue spin.

When a destroyer blue spins, if you attack during first 0.5 seconds of it you will get stunned. It also deflects one attack but costs 20 focus. So play hide and seek, stay hidden. If destroyer keeps spamming blue spin he/she will focus starve fast. I generally try to predict assassins attacks and not spam it but most new players tend to do it.

Red spin makes us immune to most cc but you can use knockdown to stop it or move out of it. It costs 20 focus to cast and 10 focus after that to keep casting it. When talented with 3 points it stuns you after 5 hits so be fast to move out.


We have two methods to knock you up. We can do it after we grab you or if you attack into our searing strike. If you see a destroyer doing searing strike don't attack. If you attack into it we will iframe all your attacks and earn a free piledriver. Throwing you up during grab is a bad choice unless we really need that last hit or we can't cc you after a power slam.


I think you mean our ani-canceling by that "he spammed right click 10 times*. We cut animations of 2 swings by doing left click->right click-> left click etc at the right time but all classes have some form of ani-canceling.


Other then those as others said hit and run. Be patient against a destroyer and unless you get out-skilled massively you will win against a destroyer because without our fury/chain stuns we can't do much damage. An assassin really can get on a destroyer's nerves with all those invisibility and hide and seek tactics.


TL;DR Save an escape for fury, don't attack into searing strike. Don't attack at the beginning of blue spin, run from red spin. Play hide and seek.

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Many thanks for the advice and all the help you have offered me. Especially Velo16 and skelettbus for the guides. I thought that arena bots are noticeable in somewhat way in combat and I was just stuck in a wave of only destroyers. I had some fights against some who lacked the necessary skill to fight me, but the ones I did as I mentioned before, were countering what I was doing. But as what Velo16 posted, I will keep in mind and take your advice and use this in the future combats.

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