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FM cannot beat BM unless BM is mentally challenged


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1 minute ago, Teffy said:


There is.You wait him to SS(and most obviously he will try to charge at you like all of them doing after they clean the chill)and if you manage to block hes charge with ice V and jump behind him with Q/E or SS(with the amazing Freezing effect that saved the day so many times and I doubt just for me)and RB(from my observation after you jump behind them and use RB they always use 1,like 99.9% of them) is time for snowball.He don't have SS and obviously you used the moment when hes blade call is on CD.Your moment.

This of course is like perfect case scenario but you have to work hard to get this split second moment for your advantage.But honestly some BM's are like gods and so damn unpredictable and in such at second fight I switch to Frost Tornado.Atleast I have time to DPS them but meanwhile I have to play a retard abusing every possible ice/Iframe I have or is no game at all.


I'm following you with this strategy, but it is riddled with flaws. The BM is not going to use his SS so easily. Typically the only time BM uses his SS is after you hit him successfully with snowball. That is ALWAYS when I see good BM's use their SS and it is when they should. Even if the BM for some reason does make a stupid mistake and blow his SS, it is on a very short CD and he still has blade barrier as an extra measure of emergency protection in that very specific scenario. The problem is you need the BM to use his SS before you snowball him, but you need snowball to make him use his SS. It's a lose lose situation.

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12 minutes ago, LittleBritches2 said:


I'm following you with this strategy, but it is riddled with flaws. The BM is not going to use his SS so easily. Typically the only time BM uses his SS is after you hit him successfully with snowball. That is ALWAYS when I see good BM's use their SS and it is when they should. Even if the BM for some reason does make a stupid mistake and blow his SS, it is on a very short CD and he still has blade barrier as an extra measure of emergency protection in that very specific scenario. The problem is you need the BM to use his SS before you snowball him, but you need snowball to make him use his SS. It's a lose lose situation.


OR after you trick him with Glacial Beam / 4 with extended range / Cold Snap. They don't just stand in Cold snap waiting you to snowball them to SS...


I'm slow punk and very bad with Airbone and thats why I'`ll never be one of them gods of arena whatever.But there is place under the sun for slow punks like me as well.Mostly because I'm not asian with cat reflexes and I'm Eu player...and my ping is 20-300.In arena my avarage ping is 60-100...


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1 hour ago, LittleBritches2 said:



LMAO this has to be the best troll I've seen in a while. Firstly I'm not sure what your "quote" is about because I never said that. Nice job abusing the terrible quote system.


Secondly, I'm not QQing about not being able to beat a BM on my FM. That is not the point of this thread if you would simply read you twit. I am saying that the insane advantages and disadvantages of some match ups in this game for certain classes is absurd. I am simply using the FM BM match up as an example because I am most familiar with those classes. 


As to your "strategies" of playing a FM, most of that is banking on you fighting a brainless BM. Any BM worth his salt is just going to block as soon as you break your ice barrier or instantly stun you. Again as I said, you can juke around and play mind games with a BM as to when you throw your snowball at them, but you are never REALLY using skill or timing but rather just making your best guess. The incredibly bad lag in arena also makes it even more impossible to time snowball. 


As to the FM that went 49 and 0 bravo to him. I'd be interested to see how exactly he did that as I am highly skeptical. No one is QQing here Nebuchadnezzar, so please quit acting butt hurt and join the discussion like a civilized human being if you are capable of that. If not please troll someone else.


Yeah, you never said that, but it was all QQing, so I just made it short so people don't need to read it again. Quote is so you know I'm replying to your post.


That is not the point of this thread, so I literally named my topic "FM CAN'T BEAT BM UNLESS BM IS MENTALLY CHALLENGED" and not "Paper scissors mechanics"


If he does block when you are in Freeze, you have 0,3s window to stun him. If he doesn't, his reaction time can't possibly match up to Glacial Beam's speed. Soooo, nah. No BM can really counter it UNLESS you run down whole timer that he can see and he can time it all perfectly.Or unless he expects you to do that. As I said, mix it up. I never have problems with hitting with my snowball. And I never go past 8m mark. From 16m mentally challenged BM can easily see an attack and block it for easy stun. But hey, you are RANGED, right? So you just run as far as you can. Double aerial also disables block for SIX seconds. You can't kill BM in 6 seconds? You can't freeze BM in 6 seconds? Change your class then lol


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Alright, a few things. I main BM, and most average FMs do not stand a chance, simply due to not understanding the match-up. I honestly think FM has one of the highest learning curves in the game. With this said, within the plat+ FM grouping, several of them manage to shit on me occasionally. In short, it comes down to player skill to overcome the minute natural advantage that classes have over each other. You just need more practice against BMs.  I would advise friending a few decent BM players, and sparring them while on voice coms, testing things and figuring out what works in what situations. Have them explain what you're doing to make their life easier. Class balance is also better at 50, I know thats not a solution for now, though.


As for the arena ping issue, WTFast solved it for me, which leads me to think its mainly just routing issues. The bots and the hacks, though, are a severe problem, and I feel that the devs are really dropping the ball on this one. This needs to be addressed rapidly.

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3 minutes ago, vigarious said:

Alright, a few things. I main BM, and most average FMs do not stand a chance, simply due to not understanding the match-up. I honestly think FM has one of the highest learning curves in the game. With this said, within the plat+ FM grouping, several of them manage to shit on me occasionally. In short, it comes down to player skill to overcome the minute natural advantage that classes have over each other. You just need more practice against BMs.  I would advise friending a few decent BM players, and sparring them while on voice coms, testing things and figuring out what works in what situations. Have them explain what you're doing to make their life easier. Class balance is also better at 50, I know thats not a solution for now, though.


As for the arena ping issue, WTFast solved it for me, which leads me to think its mainly just routing issues. The bots and the hacks, though, are a severe problem, and I feel that the devs are really dropping the ball on this one. This needs to be addressed rapidly.


Thanks for the well written reply vigarious :3 Although I may not completely agree with you as i still think there are just some really really awful matchups for equally skilled players, I think your idea of sparing a BM would definitely be helpful. A large reason for why I am still very annoyed with the rock paper scissors style is because I have watched Jaesung lose to multiple Summoners on his BM, even though he is a world champion. These summoners were only in gold and he still lost. Granted he could have been having a bad day, but I doubt it seeing as how he wrecked everyone else. Honestly it's not about my Force Master that I main at all, but rather the overall just bad matchups among all classes.


Also I will try WTFast although most people say it doesn't do anything for them.


@Nebuchadnezzar The title of this thread is a statement, and in my opinion a true statement. I'm in no way QQing mate, just pointing out how silly some matchups are in this game. Also you must not know that BM's can perma block if you think you have a 0.3 second opening to stun after breaking freeze. Also yes you can talent air grab to cancel block skills for 6 seconds after impact, but that requires you to start a combo on them...which is the whole problem in the first place......honestly I feel like you're just playing trash BM's based on your responses.

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5 minutes ago, Zooks said:

You're pretty much right. BM has a good matchup against FM. FM's are our morale boosters. Then we fight Summoners and this happens:




Yessssssss! That is exactly my whole point in this thread! That feeling should NOT be there for any class no matter what class they are fighting. Obviously perfect balance is impossible but at the moment some classes just have WAY too much of an advantage vs specific other classes.

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1 minute ago, LittleBritches2 said:


Yessssssss! That is exactly my whole point in this thread! That feeling should NOT be there for any class no matter what class they are fighting. Obviously perfect balance is impossible but at the moment some classes just have WAY too much of an advantage vs specific other classes.


It's an MMORPG. I've pretty much accepted that PVP in MMO's will never be balanced. This game comes pretty close, but it's still a long ways off.

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1 minute ago, Zooks said:


It's an MMORPG. I've pretty much accepted that PVP in MMO's will never be balanced. This game comes pretty close, but it's still a long ways off.


Well the thing is, it's not really that certain classes are too imba or certain classes are trash. It's just that certain classes have abilities that hardcore just shutdown other classes without much of a chance for counter play. So it's not really your typical balance issues like in WoW where people just play the flavor of the month. Rather it's just balance within certain class matchups. 

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2 minutes ago, Zooks said:

The amount of people playing Summoner isn't FOTM? 


Well...okay when it comes to summoner I do have to admit they they are a bit too strong, but more so they are just really strong against too many classes. They really don't have any classes that hard hard counter them like most other classes do, which is what really makes them slightly OP. Also they are easy to do well with, so like in any other MMO people flock to the easy and seemingly OP class. I probably won't come back to BnS anyway though honestly. With Overwatch and BDO right around the corner I'm gonna have all my gaming hours taken up. Can't wait for overwatch :D That is going to be some seriously fun PvP, balanced or not.

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Just now, Zooks said:

If you think balance is bad in this game, you're in for a nightmare in BDO lol. It's a much better MMORPG though. Overwatch looks amazing. I'm terrible at FPS games, but I'm still going to play because it looks so fun. 


Oh I'm absolutely sure that 1v1 balance in BDO is NOT a thing and I don't think it's meant to be. Most of the game's PvP revolves around large scale or at least small group PvP. 1v1's are just for fun in BDO. Yah I'm most exited for the world and all the fun crafting, trading, guild wars stuff.


Haha! I'm not good at FPS either :P But I LOVED the heck out of Dota and Team Fortress, so I'm sure Overwatch won't disappoint since it's like those two combined. 

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Honestly I have seen BM's shit on summoners at plat rank.Summoners have very little of CC breaks and if you smart enough not to attack them when they use counter they don't have much to do.Cat in other hand is the most op thing they have as they simply CC you to death and the summoner can put them in defense/recall non stop.However beside SS,counter and this little invincibility for some sec buff they don't have anything else.I watched a BM that literally blade call and CC to death the cat in few sec(atleast they can't put the little bugger in defense if its under CC)with unlocked 4 and all ther burst.Then he was bugging the summoner enough to waste hes SS and buff waited the counter and literally dismantle him with gazilion of dmg and stuns.

Perhaps those gods of BM's aren't many but considering there is more BM's in top 20 then sins,fm's,destros and BD all togather it seems they ain't that bad.Atleast in EU.

I enjoy watching streams and videos of other classes of pro people...err except destros.That thing bore me to death.

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2 hours ago, CycLee said:

Ever thought of... forcegrip the opponent? Also -> Snowball! Nice oportunities come out of this skills.


Well after not being able to log into my forum account for reasons that can only be attributed to NCsoft sucking...nope...I'm sure a mod will ban me for finishing that sentence...but we all know where that was going. Anyway, finally I can respond to this CycLee twit. 


Excuse me good sir CycLee, could you please refer to the rest of this thread before you insert your foot in your mouth? Several times snowball and force grip have been mentioned young one. Learn to read. Stay in school and get off those drugs mate. 

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12 hours ago, Oishii said:

I see this discussion is more civil than most posts explaining the frustration of a terrible match up. Guessing because the BMs and FMs can relate to each other.


Possibly. Honestly after watching Jaesung play FM on KR servers I have given up on this game. If you don't have below 30-40ms you just can't do have the combos someone with good ping can do. Will never get over 2000 rating simply because of ping, even with WTfast. If you want a dose of drama though head over to the BDO forums...good lord it's a mess of trolls.

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On 28.02.2016 at 4:57 AM, LittleBritches2 said:

As far as Black Desert goes I respect your opinion but I must tell you that you have been severely mislead by the general public whiners. People don't see strict raiding and dungeons in BDO and so they go screaming that there is no endgame content. Not true at all. There is plenty of endgame, but better yet it's not really end game. You can start doing all the "endgame" stuff right from the start and don't have to wait until max level to actually start having fun. The world is what you make it in BDO, not what the developers give you in linear content. Think skyrim. 


As far as Pay to Win goes, the Western release is not P2W at the moment. The publishers actually got a lot of flack from the western community about the Pay 2 Win cash shop stuff and so they have removed it. This doesn't mean that the game still can't go down that road, which is why I mentioned that I hope it doesn't. 

As someone who played BDO, i could only say that the whiners are actually 80% right. There is almost no content in the game at this very moment and won't really be any for quite a while until the game catches up to Korean patches which won't happen within a year or 2. As of now the game is just grind and up your gear. If you don't grind, well you will gain levels with doing profs and stuff but then you will severely lack skill points for your skills. Which means you have to guess what? Grind. 

Ofcourse the game has a very interesting trading system but sadly the profits from it will not be any good up until Imperial Trading is up. Which isn't any time soon judging by the Russian version. All your other profs are pretty much the same as trading. The highest profit gains is from grinding. 

The game world itself is fun to explore on the first playthrough and i would recommend everyone to actually explore the game at a very slow pace doing most of the quests. Or you will most likely burn out after a month or two. I was so amazed when i first played BDO, it was an incredible experience, but unfortinately this game would only be a blast if it actually had more content. The speed at which content is released is nowhere near the speed that content is passed. 

Personally for the long term i think only L2 players would love that game. I doubt the new casual games era would actually look at this game with all seriousness it could deserve. 

Back to the FM thingie... Well i would suggest to actually spec into shield break and try to deal most of your dmg in that time frame. Also iFrame or TAB\V when you see him trying to CC you, learn his animations. Nothing else i could say, because BM is actually pretty OP atm, despite people saying otherwise. 

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