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[Suggestion] Evil Ox horn + Misty Woods Cold Iron weapons


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I don't want post it in general discussion, cuz it's sink there, so here it is.


Dear Devs,
As i know, this game positioning itself like pve/pvp. This means that all players should have equal rights. I prefer pve, cuz i tired of all these pvp games. But with this Evil Ox horn item, you force players to play pvp, otherwise we dont get that item and KEY skill - wallrun. Also wallrun needed for PvE content like BSH dungeon. This is discrimination of PvE players ;(
So here a little suggestion - is it possible to make this item tradable? craftable? or at least purchasable with hongmoon coins?



Okay, i figured it out. Just unlike other versions, you don't need any faction rank. You don't even need to wear your faction uniform to get this horn. It cost 50s.


Now, all these complaints redirects to Misty Woods Cold Iron weapons, which urgently needed for true siren breakthrough. To get this weapon, you forced to play PvP, and needed faction rank. So suggestions are the same - make this weapons available on marketplace / hongmoon store or make tradable/purchasable zen beans. Thank you for your attention.


Best regards, PvE player


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8 minutes ago, Aila said:

As i know, this game positioning itself like pve/pvp. This means that all players should have equal rights.


And they do.

You have the right to PvP.


Does the item even require ANYTHING other than equipping the costume and buying it? Coz I could purchase it immediately, before I even unlocked that area's pvp quests.


Still, you'll be forced to PvP anyways unless you're incredibly rich, coz you need like...700 soulstones? And a PvP weapon is needed for breakthrough that requires you to raise your PvP rank a little bit. If you find a deserted channel (usually the last one), you can equip the costume and do the PvP quests against NPCs without other players interfering.

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I don't understand why you say you cannot get the ox horn, to be honest.

I don't pvp and I got it no problem. Just equip you red/blue pvp costume when really close to the faction tent, go buy it from the npc, leave and un-equip it. 

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I've said this in another topic but I'll say it again.


We call those faction dailies "PvP quests", but only one of them actually involves actually having to PvP. To get the tokens to buy the cold iron weapon, you need to kill opposite faction NPCs (PvE) until the faction bosses spawn (still PvE). I advise doing this in a group as those faction bosses can hit quite hard and even the guys around him do to and there's quite a few of them.


Occasionally, you will get some Destroyer or Assassin who decide to jump in your group and try to kill a couple people before he's brutally murdered by everyone else, but that is somewhat rare.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 01.03.2016 at 9:18 PM, Shinsetsu said:


We call those faction dailies "PvP quests", but only one of them actually involves actually having to PvP. To get the tokens to buy the cold iron weapon, you need to kill opposite faction NPCs (PvE) until the faction bosses spawn (still PvE). I advise doing this in a group as those faction bosses can hit quite hard and even the guys around him do to and there's quite a few of them.


Occasionally, you will get some Destroyer or Assassin who decide to jump in your group and try to kill a couple people before he's brutally murdered by everyone else, but that is somewhat rare.

So you think it's possible to wear faction uniform, farm bosses and not been involved into PvP, when everyone doing faction dailies for soulstones?


Just make this sword and other future key-items tradable/marketable, simple, easy and everyone satisfied...

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On 13. 3. 2016 at 9:46 AM, Aila said:

So you think it's possible to wear faction uniform, farm bosses and not been involved into PvP, when everyone doing faction dailies for soulstones?

Yes. Just ask in faction chat for invite to channel where your faction is farming insignias.

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  • 1 month later...



I am in the minority but I also find it asinine that to level my weapon I have to engage a PVP mob to farm enough tokens or do arena enough times to get the zen beans to purchase the weapon. As if  12  gold to evolve the siren weapon was not painful enough. I hate PVP, have no desire to participate in it,  to me it is the most repetitive and  boring aspect of any MMO so I find it odious that this is a part of weapon's evolution path. I paid just as much money as those that enjoy PVP, I do not feel its fair to be denied access to in game resources unless I engage in it. That is utter bull. I pay to relax and enjoy the game not be coerced into doing something I do not like.


Granted  BnS's  PVP system is more engaging than most  but still find it a major grind that I loathe doing. The appeal of this game was its was promoted  that PVP was an optional part of it, just put on the uniform  when you want to engage and keep it off if you do not want to. What the hell happened to that approach? This weapon should be available through other means such cooperative dungeon play, Just like the Siren and Pirate weapon  is.


If you want to keep the thing acquired through the Sothern Tiger Boss kill that is fine too, but that should not remain the only avenue.  You could do even something like one version has higher critical % rate (PVP Boss) and the other defensive IE (Dungeon Boss Kill) respectively one for PVP on for PVE.

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How is this even still a complaint? No one is even doing those faction dailies anymore since everyone is at soulstone plains.


Did you even TRY to go there or are you just complaining because it MIGHT involve PvP. Read my post above. It's very possible to get this weapon and not have to PvP at all. If someone jumps you, switch channels and go again. There's hardly anyone in this moonwater area anymore. Stop your bitching and get it done.

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For Mistywood Cold Iron weapon, you have to be rank Spire and have 15 Insigma (Cerul if you are Crimson and vice versa). I, at first, thought it would be a pain to do however, it turns out pretty quick. When I found out I had to be rank Spire and have 15 of those coin, I was, literally, Initiate rank with 0 contribution points. After 2 days of daily factions in Jadestone, Cinderlands, Tomun Range, Razorwing, Moonwater, and Mistywood, I made it to rank Spire. As for the coin, just faction chat and get a group to mob the other side, you don't have to do it alone -- and that's what I did :) got 15 coins in 1 hrs.


I do faction not for PvP but the Soulstone. I have seen and met friendly opposite faction players since most of us just want to get the SS like you and me. If you worry about someone will hit you, party up. It's always good in number and quicker to get the daily done :)

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