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still players in arena?


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or is the game already dead? i've played about 20 matches in arena today over the last 15h and i think i've only encountered 2 human players ... both of them summoners.

is that just because my skill level is too low (low gold)? or did i have bad luck? because at the moment it feels like this is only getting worse, kfm and destro bots permanently hitting me out of stealth the moment i stealth, they never fail to instantly get up after a knockdown, basically making it impossible to even cc them and always face my direction even if frozen or webbed in midair.... great, lots of fun


so can we get a singleplayer for next version maybe? no need for inet connection if i wont play against other players anyway, right? will also reduce the input lags if its locally hosted and may increase my chances to win against those bots

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In the past few weeks I was genuinely fighting at the arena for gains, now im just doing my dailies. The bots are becoming annoyingly powerful, way to powerful for my blade master.

Out of 5 bots I defeated 2, and its not become I suck its because their resist combo is near infinite, and because their grab is 2x faster than my grapple/grab resist. Its insane. So now im sorry, but this high gold (1800~) is only going to be in the arena for absolute minimum. Now not only do I have to just sit idle when face with a summoner (which is now rare in arena for 1v1), I have to respect my build completely differnt for against this destroyer bots.

Thanks Obama.

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26 minutes ago, Dreamer0526 said:

In the past few weeks I was genuinely fighting at the arena for gains, now im just doing my dailies. The bots are becoming annoyingly powerful, way to powerful for my blade master.

Out of 5 bots I defeated 2, and its not become I suck its because their resist combo is near infinite, and because their grab is 2x faster than my grapple/grab resist. Its insane. So now im sorry, but this high gold (1800~) is only going to be in the arena for absolute minimum. Now not only do I have to just sit idle when face with a summoner (which is now rare in arena for 1v1), I have to respect my build completely differnt for against this destroyer bots.

Thanks Obama.


You really shouldn't lose to Destroyer bots as a BM. Start the match by gliding and the bot will either Z you out of the air, which you can F roll then immediately block for a deflect daze, or they will waste a bunch of CD's and focus while you're floating around. If he uses E just run around for 6 seconds. You can abuse block deflect a lot against bots because they will attack into it constantly. They will try to roll out of your Blade Call combo so as soon as you land start walking towards where he's going to be after F roll and use 3, then unload. If you can get to 1800 as a BM, you shouldn't have any problems with Destroyer bots at all. 

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1vs1 is awful.

I got platinum in 1v1 and stoped.

It is like Tera online, where 1v1 arena dont exis (yes, in Tera online minimal 3v3, 1v1 dont exist), how bad 1v1 balance is.


I play KFM and i almost hav NO chace to win sin or FM.

Butm i have high chances to win KFM or BM.

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3 hours ago, Ari-Shadow said:

1vs1 is awful.

I got platinum in 1v1 and stoped.

It is like Tera online, where 1v1 arena dont exis (yes, in Tera online minimal 3v3, 1v1 dont exist), how bad 1v1 balance is.


I play KFM and i almost hav NO chace to win sin or FM.

Butm i have high chances to win KFM or BM.


what rank are you in platinum?, what ping you have to play KFM?, and may i remind you THIS is still not the lvl 50 balance patch? where KFM's don't have the necessary skills to be complete right now, plus the downfall of summoners. So keep calm and wait lel.

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3 minutes ago, Inmortalibus said:


what rank are you in platinum?, what ping you have to play KFM?, and may i remind you THIS is still not the lvl 50 balance patch? where KFM's don't have the necessary skills to be complete right now, plus the downfall of summoners. So keep calm and wait lel.

KFM have only 1 OP and 1 good skill on 50/legendary.


Most changes on 50 will be for DM and BM.

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Then how do we see enough goof KFM's in high ranks and Diamond? -_-. And you cry about Sin, well may i remind you that Sin has their "counters" as well?  like Destroyer, LBM and summoners since you need to hit and run and pve build vs summoners to win, otherwise you simply can't.

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7 hours ago, Ari-Shadow said:

almost hav NO chace to win sin or FM.


Sin I can understand, they are impossible if they dont screw up.

FM however... not too hard unless they have huge position lag. Elbow Strike + mid path of avenging fist goes along way.

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