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Can I have tips about 5f mushin as destroyer?


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So currently I am unable to beat this boss on 5th floor on time . I Usually get him around 40 percent hp and I  die after it .

I got around 370 ap with moonwater arena soulshields .  I just cant seem to find good build for this guy cause I cant hit fast nonstop without my focus burning out . I do use persistance for wrath ( also after slam ) and typhon  when it is off cd but still cooldown is kinda big .

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I take most of the hits straight on with hurricane, Only the slam to the floor I use hurricane to move to his side. Other than that I keep on spamming lmb+rmb anicancel. Use fury whenever it is up. You can use hurricane to take the damage from the red aoe and the spin. Don't use typhoon on bosses. It's such a dps loss in my eyes. In between try to stun/kd him and pick him up with immediately throwing him down, then go lmb + rmb spam with wrath up. I use smash into the heal + focus and emberstomp in life drain + defense. This gives me enough regen in between without worrying about anything. Try to watch video's of destroyers doing that floor. Easiest way to learn.

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You should take Fury over Persistence, then just do the LB-RB anicancel. The only attack you need to move out of is the knockdown (the square shape on the ground), all the rest can be resisted with tab spin. Actually, you can stay there and eat the damage of the front swipe attack (quarter circle shape), since it's very low damage. Basically, what Deedss already said above.

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Floor 5 is practically a gear check for destroyers. Its easily the hardest floor for us. Floor 7 is easy if you know how to manage CC and cooldowns.


I don't really have much to add that hasn't already been said. Pop Fury whenever its off cooldown. Try to i-frame hits instead of dodging or backing up. Also make use of the 4 buff around the room whenever you do have to back out. Make sure you have a good amount of focus recovery skills as well.

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Okay so after I tweaked my skills and put fury instead persistance I managed to beat the guy on 5.th floor . Still struggled but I did it on my second run . Also I beat juangado so much easier then this guy :D and didnt watch single video for him hehe .

Thanks all !

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The main thing is to always be doing damage and use your Fury CD/Orbs in the room.   His two basic attacks, swipe and knockdown, are always in the same order. When you see him swipe, spin or move on top of him and get ready to move behind him when he casts the knockdown as getting knocked down is a huge DPS loss.

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