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SM the most idiotc class on Arena


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Great constructive post about a seldom heard from topic...


On a more serious note, if you're going to make another topic about summoners... Either add your comment onto one of the many others or provide some substance to your post. Right now you're just another stereotypical user who must arbitrarily complain about summoners in PvP.

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Played Blade Dancer (lv45 HM2) and Summoner (lv42)


Both are pretty damn powerful in PvP, yeah. While BDs get all their deadliness from the player's skill (well-timed Vortex deflecting together with their invincibility are nasty), Summoners are a class that is very difficult to fight against instead (2 enemies instead of 1, so you need to target them both carefully).


The real problem behind Summoners is that you need to know them pretty well to defeat them, more so than all others.

-there are 2 cat specializations: Alley Cat (low health, crits a lot) and House Cat (massive health, can't crit).

-if you focus on the cat, the summoner will be using that time to deal high damage on you (they'll be dropping an AoE area on you and repeating Sunflower, a skill that can grow more powerful). Killing the cat first means you mustn't ever hit the dandelion and keep a ranged attack ready, as the summoner will run away to revive the cat. Killing a House Cat (the most common one) will be very tough. Don't bother hitting a crouching cat, you'll just heal it.

-if you focus on the summoner, you'll be getting CCed repeatedly, followed by Sunflowers. The cat is the one that has most of our stuns and they can be used while we're CCed. Furthermore, while the cat is alive, summoners can instantly heal 10% hp or spawn a 5 second / 5 resist shield.

-the cat is very vulnerable to the 30sec unconsciousness debuff. Though, if you knockdown the summoner he can switch places with the cat (to make you break unconscious) and the summoner will probably stick to the cat to bait you into hitting it.

-don't ever hit the dandelion. It stealths, grants focus, heals, cancels the cooldown on our Snare & Poison skill (which also grows Sunflowers) and greatly increases our movement speed.

-pay attention to the Doom 'n' Bloom animation. Use a resist skill to dodge this and you seal their healing & focus generation and prevent Sunflower growth. You can't defend / deflect DnB, but iirc activation is very slow. Again, stop this if you can, a summoner without focus can't hurt you!

-if you notice the summoner used stealth to escape a stun (knockdown / daze / grab / whatever), he is vulnerable to stunlock. He needs to use the cat to escape stun/daze.

-don't ever stop moving. Their most damaging spell, Sunflower, is shot in a line in front of them. Keep circling them

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Be sure to check blade and soul cash shop, they will release a pet dog, this will counter summoner cat and summoner will be free kill for every class, dog will be available only for 60$ and it will look like a tiny rabbit with a heart tattoo on the ass, but it's ok because it's so sweet and it can beat the summoner cat.

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19 minutes ago, hijonny said:

lol stop crying and prepare yourselfs for the worst the WARLOCK who can beat u in 3 hits.


We're getting the nerfed Warlock (less healing/CCing) and afaik while they're strong they don't kill you that fast.

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1 hour ago, Vexe said:


We're getting the nerfed Warlock (less healing/CCing) and afaik while they're strong they don't kill you that fast.


Heard they're far from top DPS too. Someone from BnS Dojo claims it to be 5th top DPS, which is quite low considering there's only 8 classes (if I'm not missing anyone). Certainly would not take their words for it, but it is still wise not to have that high expectation either.

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On 20.2.2016 at 0:37 AM, madDANET said:

Will they ever do a decent and fair nerf on that idiotic class? Do the monkeys that think about this game ever played it ??

Instead of nerfing a class you cant handle

you might tell us your class so we can help. This would actually improve your performance against Sum. You QQ and TT doesnt.

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2 minutes ago, Vexe said:

The summoner nerf wasn't mentioned in the patch notes (blame NCsoft), but the nerf shouldn't affect PvP. Except summoner vs summoner, but then both are affected.

Rumblebees got a nerf that applies to pvp. The knock up got it's cd increased too.

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9 minutes ago, OddFinrir said:

Rumblebees got a nerf that applies to pvp. The knock up got it's cd increased too.


Ah. I'm sunflower specced, so I missed that. Yeah, I see a bunch of Rumblebee nerfs. Uppercut+Playtime hurts my damage and wastes focus, so I'm avoiding those skills and using Super Sunflower in that time instead.


Can Rumblebees hit during Playtime?

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On 2/21/2016 at 9:34 AM, nahoot said:

Can you post pls the link with the patch note where summoner was nerfed?

its on the bns page, they mightve taken it off, but our heals were nerfed, out cat taunt was nerfed, our rumblbees was nerfed, our sy=unflower was nerfed ect.


our doom n bloom was nerfed the most, it heals for about 1.5/4 of what it used to

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15 hours ago, Vexe said:


Ah. I'm sunflower specced, so I missed that. Yeah, I see a bunch of Rumblebee nerfs. Uppercut+Playtime hurts my damage and wastes focus, so I'm avoiding those skills and using Super Sunflower in that time instead.


Can Rumblebees hit during Playtime?

Knocking them into the air can get you more damage in pvp and make them waste an escape when they fall. If you pin them, you can daze them before it's over and immediately knock them up and attack. Rumblebees can hit during the knock up, btw. Same as Rosethorn and Doom 'n Bloom, plus laying Briar Patch.

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