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Can we have a subforum only for top players to have civilized balance discussions in?


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As of right now entire Arena forum serves no purpose whatsoever. Left and right you see new players complaining about basic mechanics they didn't learn to counter yet and they cannot even make a real case of certain mechanic being overpowered.


Most common example: spin, it can be knocked down, pulled, dragged, phantom gripped, airborned and there are abilities with pierce parry/deflect that go right through it. It's also one of the two defensive mechanics in the game that drain mana (the other one being offensive counter) but you gonna see those players cricketing about how supposedly "OP" it is to no end


If you want real feedback about real balance issues this game has you gotta limit the discussion to the top players only and since most of them are biased towards their class you gotta enforce some rules in that discussion like for example:

1) Always back up your claim with VOD of a game and analyze the match as a whole to showcase how certain ability influences momentum and makes/breaks certain matchup

2) Prove that there is no counterplay or little to no counterplay to that mechanic which results in a broken matchup

3) Compare kit vs kit rather than ability X vs ability Y

4) No ad-hominem



Since now we have PvP rewards and rankings why not give top100 players or diamond+ players (or even top20 players of every class) additional reward in form of an access to a discussion forum where they can review balance of a certain patch between themselves without any bomani interference? It's win-win for everybody:

1) Players are more incentivized to become good and have their concerns heard by the staff

2) Constructive feedback and destructive feedback is separated so it's easier for developers to browse

3) The game is gonna become more balanced in the long run due to developers having more quality feedback

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I doubt NA/EU is going to have much influence on balance until we are caught up. They've already made it clear that we won't be getting custom rebalancing while we're behind in content. 


Regardless, the forms would just be alight with the fury of every "bomani" that they can't access the l33tsauce forum because they know they are good enough and it's not fair, etc.  Different complaint, same crap. 


Right now it's just a game of patience for most of them to move on to something else. Black Desert releases in less than a month, hopefully they will do the usual game hopping thing. 

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Constructive Discussion is Op.


Oh a more serious note, Everything posted on this forum is entirely pointless.  The reason is very simple honestly, The next handful of patch's are already complete. Until we catch up with the Korean version they won't take any feedback. which only makes sense wouldn't you agree?


In general there are two type's of PvP player's. The ones that like stun lock based Pvp, and the ones that do not. The majority of the complainer's are falling into the second category. and honestly there argument is correct which is basically "this game is skill less, Class X Op" now in Korea where they have Top tier internet, you could in fact test "Skill" (Or in this case dexterity/speed) But anywhere else it becomes completely ping based.  This is due to the overabundance of CC. Sadly they can't change the total amount of CC due to the fact that you need it for the majortiy of combos (that ive seen anyway) So this game will probably end up being niche, which is a shame as the combat is one of the best for an mmorpg.   Just enjoy this game for what it is.

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And to the op, I have seen 1, 1 person post a decent defense against someone complaining about Summoners. In 1 thread, I read your request as "Can we have a delusional driven subsection where we can circle jerk each other and talk about how our (For the buk of players on top tier) Four classes are good."

Now if I counted 'Get Gud" as aspiring words of wisdom or "QQ" then you guys would put Plato and Confucius to shame. The truth of the matter is your "smug" yes mostly smug crowd are as brain dead as the bulk of QQ posters. Sometimes you rarely display a glimmer of civility and intellect, but usually you're trolls, ranters or all around fan boys in denial. But hey, that's just my theory. 

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In general, I agree with the OP's idea.  The only real rule you need is "Be open to the possibility that you're wrong", and much of the rest just follows naturally.  That can be really difficult for highly competitive folks, though.  I would actually enjoy reading quality discussion with video/analytical proof as back-up though, if only to further my understanding of match-ups.


If this forum only got into the actual mechanics of classes, ever, when discussing balance.  That would be a large step in a great direction.

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29 minutes ago, voodooblade said:


Wait till 50. Until then BM is crippled. 


Once current competent BMs reach HM5 and get their HM Lightning Draw, they'll be a good bit more competitive than they were before Feb 10. Lightning Draw T5F1 is a massive burst damage ability (6.5k noncrit/10k crit roughly in arena) which will cost 5 skill points, then the extra 6 skill points give the ability to have all of our CC *and* Breeze (focus regen). This means well rounded build plus much needed burst damage. Now combine that with the very important and often overlooked change below and BM is going to surprise some people. I'm looking forward to complaints about getting hit for 10k by BMs. 


  • If you are affected by Knock Down and are inflicted with Stun or Daze you will no longer be able to use an ability that requires Knock Down status.
  • If you are affected by Knock Down or Daze and are inflicted with Stun you can no longer Retreat (F).
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