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Summoner after patch


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Anyone else feel like the difficulty fighting vs Summoners increased 3-fold? Previously I agreed that summoner can be handled by experienced players. But now, idk... Reviewing the patch notes I see that several things were buffed for summoners. Now they:


1. Heal more

2. Deal more damage

3. Deal damage from stealth

4. Can move around freely while casting stuff

5. Cat is way faster


As a KFM I find summoners much harder to handle. To kill them I need stars to align in a certain order, so to say:


1. Fish out their TAB escape

2. Be next to summoner

3. Have 2 stuns off-cooldown (35s and 45s cooldowns)

4. Have 2 buffs off-cooldown (1min and 1.5min cooldown)

5. Cat being CC-able and within range for CCs so I don't get interrupted

6. Not screw up my combo

7. No lag spikes


So I have 1, max 2 shots per round to deal with summoner while summoner can just as well hold their tab escape and never get caught. Don't you feel that's an unfair advantage they have? 


Oh and to top it off, guildies tested and it turns out that damage dealt to the cat doesn't count towards score in ties. So you will always lose ties vs summoners. Always.


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15 minutes ago, Kaal said:

As a KFM I find summoners much harder to handle. To kill them I need stars to align in a certain order, so to say:


1. Fish out their TAB escape

2. Be next to summoner

3. Have 2 stuns off-cooldown (35s and 45s cooldowns)

4. Have 2 buffs off-cooldown (1min and 1.5min cooldown)

5. Cat being CC-able and within range for CCs so I don't get interrupted

6. Not screw up my combo

7. No lag spikes


So... uhm... dont you need all these things, except number five, against every class? Not arguing balance here, just found it funny, like: "Gosh, they are like every other class, PLUS they have a cat!" :)

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KFM doesn't have any problems with summoners. Only if summoner, personaly, much more pro than you. 

 Its hard to beat summoner as new player, who doesn't know how to handle them, but they are not OP, remember that xD 

Just more practice, good luck.

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3 minutes ago, Naab said:


So... uhm... dont you need all these things, except number five, against every class? Not arguing balance here, just found it funny, like: "Gosh, they are like every other class, PLUS they have a cat!" :)

No, I don't need that vs all classes. I don't even use these 2 buffs vs other classes. Vs other classes I can chip at their hp with aerials and mini combos until they make a mistake. Vs summoner I need everything at once because if my window of opportunity is gone they heal up and I aufomatically lose.

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As a sin, I can beat summoners. I know I can because I have gotten VERY close multiple times and have one against one or two.


If I played a bit better, which of course will come with time over fighting more and more summoners, I'll be able to beat them fine.


The two/three classes I have problems with are BD and destro, and FM if the FM is at least decent at the game and is an ice build.

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4 minutes ago, Therapyx said:

KFM doesn't have any problems with summoners. Only if summoner, personaly, much more pro than you. 

 Its hard to beat summoner as new player, who doesn't know how to handle them, but they are not OP, remember that xD 

Just more practice, good luck.

I didn't have any problems vs summoners before patch. That saying I was around rating 1850. So I wouldn't say I'm a newbie.

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2 hours ago, Kaal said:

I didn't have any problems vs summoners before patch. That saying I was around rating 1850. So I wouldn't say I'm a newbie.

sometimes u get 30 noobs in a row, sometimes u get 30 "better than you" in a row. 

 I got for example at least 5 such guys in bronze and silver. And then till 1800 only noobs without exception. 

 So its just a thing of luck xD

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Endless..... Whine...... Learn you're class and other classes and you will be fine, and if not don't pvp since it's clearly not for you...

PvP should make you feel happy, and it should make you have fun,if it doesn't why you do it?




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10 hours ago, Drazon said:

Endless..... Whine...... Learn you're class and other classes and you will be fine, and if not don't pvp since it's clearly not for you...

PvP should make you feel happy, and it should make you have fun,if it doesn't why you do it?




I had no problems with summoners b4 patch. If they beat me it means they were better or I made a grave mistake. Now however I have roughly 10s time frame throughout a round to finish a summoner off. And even pulling that off is insanely hard due to targeting, cat immunity, trinket use, cooldowns and and etc etc. So no, this is not a whine, this is a concern. Also check the leaderboard and tell me what you see.


Now on topic. Earlier today I fought a summoner whom I cought twice taking his hp down to 30%. However... he healed up to full both times. I don't even... How is that even possible?

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looks like you fought many summoner that better than you... ~~


15 hours ago, Kaal said:

Now on topic. Earlier today I fought a summoner whom I cought twice taking his hp down to 30%. However... he healed up to full both times. I don't even... How is that even possible?

summoner have skill called True Friends

1st form of true friends is take the hp of cat for a certain percents to heal the summoner itself... the cooldown is 24 secs...

2nd form is take the hp of cat of certain percents to make an immunity wall for 5 secs for 5 damage or cc... the cooldown is 45 secs...


the other heal skill is Doom n Bloom, 100% dmg as heal... *also heal the cat for 20% of cat's hp


or rosethorn form 2, 2% dmg as heal... well the rosethorn heal isn't that great... ~~

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