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Serious question. Are NCS programmers sane?


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Seriously, let's start with Scumoners. I got to gold with Summoner at level 20, on forums we saw a guy who did it at 16 prepatch. What did they do? Buff it. Crazy logic. Of course summoners will say "learn to play your class". For those lolicons, stfu. I could faceroll at level 20 to gold with your shitty class BEFORE buff happened. Who's TOP1? Intellect? His main is FM lel. Numbers of scummoners in gold+ speaks for itself. And what? Their sunflower goes through divine veil? It's not projectile?


Blade Dancers? I just checked on FM, Sin, Destro and BM. They deflect everything. 0,5s? Well, if it's 0,5s after every single spin then maybe. There are some I can beat, but they are that gold scum that got there only because of their 15 second god mode. Before the patch I somehow didn't feel they are invulnerable. What? They weren't broken enough? Random immunities that pop up on standing BD are soooo funny. No. It never happened and it shouldn't be happening now. I stand chance maybe as Force Master. Or should I roll scummoner?


Destroyers.. I have Destroyer, I play it in pvp. It's damage is insane, but you have to braindead to get caught in it. Unless you are in 3v3...



New meta? We did beat them, but it required crazy teamwork and outplay. PvE as destro? I faceroll. Every boss. I solo'd Tomb of Exiles at 36 without any problems, I just rushed and kill everything in Fury. Retarded design. I lost interest in destroyer at 40. Seriously, I'd play it if it had HALF the damage it has.  Playing it just feels retarded. As I leveled I noticed EVERYONE levels BD, SM and DS. Coincidence? Random spike in interest in those classes?


Force Masters. It's my main, and I don't know if it's "Flame Soul" or w/e it's called. It feels as retarded as Destro now. Tag matches? I can take 70% hp during one interfere. Are you effin kidding me?


KFM? Yeah. Not much though. Just like BD after the patch, they have random "resist" popping up, which has never happened to me before the patch. Who knows, maybe it's the same issue as with BD. I still beat them 7-8/10 unless I meet really good KFM and it feels more balanced than before. I just like to know HOW THE HELL did they resist something. Animation of some sort, explanation, whatever. KFM standing still on arena for 3 seconds with "resist resist resist" feels retarded.

@Disclaimer: I'm not hating on KFM, really, I feel they are the most balanced and normal class in this game that actually requires skill *cough* macro *cough*.


As for Scummoners and Blade Cancers the decide to cry "git gud" and "learn class", no, YOU get good with something other than scummoner and BD. There ARE good BDs and Summoners that can play other classes, but there are even more noobs that faceroll to gold/diamond and think they are pro and their class is normal. They tell themselves that to boost their egos. If they accepted that their class is OP their self-esteem would drop. Accept it, you faceroll, you heal more than a healer in any other game and you can get into stealth as easy as assassin. WHEN Sumoners gets finally balanced you will cry. A lot. You will whine here that they destroyed your class, everything it stood for and how they went completely overboard. You know why? Because you were never good to begin with. And with balanced class you will drop to gold and silver. You will get rotflstomped. Just not now, because NCSoft decided to launch with broken patches with broken balance, because they are too lazy to actually change whole balance to current KR/TW server. They can just copypasta their releases, fix few translation errors and get easy money, right? Why change something that was changed, balanced after just as many complaints? It requires work, pff.

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Ruining the game by NCSoft. Good game, bad publisher. Shitty balance. Ignoring player feedback and making it even worse than before.  You can't read or what? And if something serves no purpose, it's your post, so stop spamming, summoner. Yeah, I'm prophetic. Sorry.

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2 minutes ago, Duniak said:

Ruining the game by NCSoft. Good game, bad publisher. Shitty balance. Ignoring player feedback and making it even worse than before.  You can't read or what? And if something serves no purpose, it's your post, so stop spamming, summoner. Yeah, I'm prophetic. Sorry.

So tired of players thinking that anything is going to change in terms of "balance" if they complain on the forums. NCSoft has already stated they are following the KR balance patches. GIVE IT A *cricket*ING REST!

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Just now, Roxefeller said:

So tired of players thinking that anything is going to change in terms of "balance" if they complain on the forums. NCSoft has already stated they are following the KR balance patches. GIVE IT A *cricket*ING REST!

Uh, yeah, that's why I said they're ruining it all because they follow broken patches with same issues that were fixed instead of fixing skills, balance etc. But it requires work, some tweaking for current level. Not doing shit and rolling summoner won't make it change. Many complaints about one thing will at least bringg issue to their attention.

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Answer : No, they're not sane. These guys made Aion, and that game was trash.

1 hour ago, Duniak said:

PvE as destro? I faceroll. Every boss. I solo'd Tomb of Exiles at 36 without any problems, I just rushed and kill everything in Fury. Retarded design.

Please teach me your ways. I couldn't do it as a Lv39 Blade Master with everything upgraded to that point (pre-Infernal) and the Lv36 Cinderlands Soul Shield. Then again, maybe the class I picked is crap compared to the three you're talking about.

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1 hour ago, Asildriez said:

BM gets much better with the level 50 patch and hongmoon skills....no clue when that will come out though. I have a level 42 destro and I'm already so bored of it I'm not sure I can get it to 45.


I am tired of reading this pathetic paper thin defense.  Listen I understand that in a MMO not every Class can be God. That some must be worse or better. But they just debuffed BM this patch. Making an already struggling class, even more struggling. Then buffed Summoner and LBD. There is poor design, and then their is incompetence. And if this is "Korea" then yes they are incompetent as of now. All the Meanwhile the Paw Summoner glitch plaguing arena has not been remedied.

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Ok... its understandable, even I do it for dailies.

But if you want it to be competitive or balanced, I suggest you to quit for a couple years or just jump the stronger classes boats.

For now you should just chill and enjoy it as your best possibilities.


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3 minutes ago, Grevier said:

Ok... its understandable, even I do it for dailies.

But if you want it to be competitive or balanced, I suggest you to quit for a couple years or just jump the stronger classes boats.

For now you should just chill and enjoy it as your best possibilities.



...I am assuming, that you are unaware that BnS is a pvp/Esport game mostly. The Pve while not the worst, is lacking far, far behind. 


Personally I feel like this is a closed Beta, a Beta for a 4 year old game. Chat bugs, gold spammer, server issues, ping issues, unbalanced classes, People getting stuck in first person, people getting stuck and have to relog to move, Summoner Paw skill glitch. These are issues with early, early beta MMO Phases. personally, at this rate I'll be shocked if BnS remains half it's size in a year. All these isuses+NCSoft politics is leaving a very, very sour taste in peoples mouths. 

And for an 'Esport" to have clearly unbalanced classes, is unforgivable. The number 1 priority of an "Esport" is to be balanced, as it is purely competitive. And nothing kills a competitive driven game more so then with broken classes and glitched skills. 

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The game being an eSport before the current Korean stats doesn't mean it was balanced back then. Many games required tons of Patches and fixes before going to a reasonable balance.

So many harsh words but talk about thinking and using the brain... I just feel sorry for you.

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On 13.02.2016 at 9:55 AM, Grevier said:

Ok... its understandable, even I do it for dailies.

But if you want it to be competitive or balanced, I suggest you to quit for a couple years or just jump the stronger classes boats.

For now you should just chill and enjoy it as your best possibilities.



So we are supposed to roll scummoners to have fun because there's no balance now? This game is made around pvp, so of course I will play pvp. I have every class and I pvp with everything. I won't wait for 50 lvl patch, because this game simply doesn't offer solid, good, interesting end game PvE content. And I don't blame them, it's not what it's been made for.


And about balance in KR... uh... Warlock? Noname wildcard facerolled to championship, beat Jeasung 3:0, lost 1 round in the entire series.

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