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any blade masters at plat who STARTED playing 19 january?


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you are probably right. Blade master is not easier to learn than KFM and I am still at 1750 even after 100 fights (and maybe 100 more in CBT). ^_^


But some might have reached plat in the first few days after launch, when arena was full of newbies. But already peopel are getting better, I don't think you can finger fumble your way to plat any more, not even as BD or summoner. :D

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I started playing BM on launch and I have no prior experience on this game, only played abit of BD during beta which I didn't even manage to get gold (lol).


...so yeah, BM is viable with dedication and practice. Also, I don't use parry on block.

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11 hours ago, Rimuru said:

I started playing BM on launch and I have no prior experience on this game, only played abit of BD during beta which I didn't even manage to get gold (lol).


...so yeah, BM is viable with dedication and practice. Also, I don't use parry on block.

What's your ping, just wondering.

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1 minute ago, DeOne said:

Im BM with 8 wins and and 89 losses, so how about them apples?


Most people start there if you didn't play in beta or other locations... My record was 12 and 72 at one point, and it was 72 and 116 before the reset. Learn the key abilities of other classes and learn your combos. At one point I spent about 6 hours over a weekend practicing combos on pigs and went from 1550-1750 afterwards. 

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I only got to lvl 30 in closed beta so i wouldn't really say that helped me in any way. What i did do instead was study high lvl blademasters very closely before doing any kind of pvp. So i knew what to do and just needed to get the timings/reflexes/muscle memory down. This made me jump up to around 1650 really fast. I think i started with 30-10 or something but it's been really hard getting up to plat so now i'm sitting at 50-50. If i mess up the stunlock after a baited tab (Which happens a lot... still need to work on that) It's pretty much a lost game.

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FFS, i really dont want to make a new charracter, farming is too long. I guess only option is to quit untill lvl 50 content, but then again every one has learned to play and its again gonan be pointless to play


The game devs are just stupid ass holes, who cant make a decent match making. This MM punishses noobs, as every new player starts with lowest rank. So good player has to stomp noobs to get to the decent rank, while there should be so newbies can get lower rank where new players dont even get matched against... So newbies can play in theyr own bronze sandbox, and peacefully spam abilities for fun.


And the most retarded thing is, im rising in rank...

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the term "bronze sandbox" is a good idea, with only one drawback destroying it. If you had a way to get quick random sparring matches between bronze rank players that would not affect rank, it would be very educational and helpful.

But now comes the drawback: Griefers will surely exploit it, they just reroll a bronze rank char and then go around stomping the newbies in that sandbox, for their own sadistic enjoyement.


I have the feeling all of these discussions have already happened in Korea, and NCsoft has done their best to address many if not most issues. Doing your best does not make things perfect. But I am still very impressed by how the game works. I am going to hang around this arena a long time. ^_^

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On 2/11/2016 at 11:51 AM, DeOne said:

Im BM with 8 wins and and 89 losses, so how about them apples?


I had a really bad record but part of it was due to participating in the arena in the level 30s. I feel at level 45 I would have won at least 25% of the fights I lost. I didn't play in the beta so figured I should get as much experience as possible before this patch came out even if I was mostly getting face rolled. I wish I made it to 45 a lot sooner but had too much overtime at work.

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