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NCoins / HongmoonStore Prices / Premium very unappealing & Solution!!!

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hello this is actually directed towards ncsoft.

Let's talk about purchasing NCoins First:


NCOIN Prices are like this


400 Ncoins = 5€

800 Ncoins = 10€

1600 Ncoins = 20€

4000 Ncoins = 50€

8000 Ncoins = 100€


My first complain here is, where is the bulk discount ? or why dont we get more ncoins, the more we spend?

also maybe add a 1200 Ncoins = 15€ so it lines up with costume prices...


Next thing is the Offers you have in the Hongmoonstore, there is a problem with that, either change the hongmoonstore ncoin prices, or change the ncoin amoun/price directly


Premium Membership (30 Days) = 959 Ncoins

Premium Membership (90 Days) = 2799 Ncoins

Premium Membership (365 Days) = 9999 Ncoins


Duelist Bundle = 2699 Ncoins

Student Bundle = 399 Ncoins


Additional Slot Voucher = 400 Ncoins

Character Alternation Voucher = 1000 Ncoins

Name Change Voucher = 1200 Ncoins

Training Expansion Ticket = 800 Ncoins


Dragon Trade Pouch  = 40 Ncoin

Dragon Trade Pouch x11 = 400 Ncoin

Dragon Trade Pouch x23 = 800 Ncoin

Gem Hammer = 160 Ncoin

Hongmoon Brilliant Moonwater Key = 600 Ncoin



Random Costume = 800 Ncoin

Random Costume = 999 Ncoin

Random Costume = 1000 Ncoin

Random Costume = 1199 Ncoin

Random Costume = 1200 Ncoin

Random Costume = 1399 Ncoin


Winter Frenzy Chest (an RNG Costume Box) = 159 Ncoins 




ok now you see the prices.... dont line up with ncoins properly.


  • 1. Please make 30 Days Premium Membership 800 Ncoins, 90 Days premium Membership 2400 Ncoins, 365 days premium membership 8000 Ncoins
  • 2. Why aren't you offering 14 Days Premium for 400 Ncoins?


  • 3. Duelist Bundle is kindah disappointing , here is the Package : ( Traditional Hongmoon Dragon Soup (x10) ,  Training Expansion Ticket ,  Premium Membership (30 Days) ,  Hongmoon Brilliant Viridian Key (x1) , Hongmoon Brilliant Cinderlands Key (x2)) what the hell are DUELISTS/PvP people supposed to do with a  viridian coast/cinderlands key LOL , also why arent you giving them at least a moonwater key and maybe (transformation stones or crimson insignias or moonwater valor stones) to buy pvp soulshields or something, would make much more sense to me.
  • 4. Student Bundle, is pretty okay, you get some sunglasses, 7 days premium, 10 unsealing charms, 3 dragon trade pouches, 10 master field repairtool , my suggestion is, make this 400 Ncoins and also add 10 keys to that. then its decent. or maybe even increase the premium to 14 days.


  • 5. Character Alteration Voucher, please make it 800 Ncoins...
  • 6. Name Change Voucher... WoW, really 1200 Ncoins? please make it 800 Ncoins


  • 7. Dragon Trade Pouch (here a googledoc https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HISRWdW0M9h1x5frmZfUtw8hUtLWjJruYzJKZI2giA0/edit#gid=0 how many dragon trade pouches you need) but actually you "only" need 205 Dragon Trade Pouches, (i personally got 9 already just through gaming, feedback survey and spinning wheel), soooo yeah 205 dragontrade pouches is insane... i basically should/could/would have to buy 9x23 = 207 Dragon Trade Pouches, just for inventory.... thats 9x800 Ncoins = 9x10€ , 90€ just for inventory, come on this is crazy... pls reduce that.. i gladly would pay some price for inventory, i think inventory is the most annoying thing in the game now... i know i dont have to unlock all, but i want to...

i dont like it that i should have to pay 90€ for just unlocking ... maybe make it 40 dragontrade pouches for 800 Ncoins, then it would be like 5x40 Dragontrade pouches for 50€ that seems more realistic to me.


  • 8. gem hammer 160 ncoin ? why ? i wouldnt buy it personally, because its easy to buy for gold, so just make it 100 ncoin?
  • 9. same for brilliant moonwater key 600ncoin :X, this is like 2g50s on the eu marketplace, this doesnt seem fair or logical, u still have to buy the most expensive thing which is the moonwater transformation stone key, even if u get your dream weapon out of it. should be like 100 ncoin max too. (i personally wouldnt buy it anyways)


  • 10. next thing is the costumes, why are the costume prices so different? are some costumes = more work, with animations on them or what? i dont get the pricing, also why are some 1199 and some 1200, thats very confusing and irritating to look at, just make all costumes depending on how long you worked for it, 800 or 1200 Ncoins, and thats it... not 1399 not 1199 not 999 or whatever...


  • 11. winterfrenzy chest, i get that this box is RNG (random luck) so you can get a costume but also some massive useless garbage. again i dont like that the price is 159, it should be 100 or 200, maybe with an increased rate on something if 200, else 100 ncoins.




premium is also not very appealing: 

first of all, what is chi, is it stamina? cause my screen says stamina when i mouseover, but the premium benefit says chi, so im a bit confused.

i get the idea with ranking system for premium, i personally dislike it, i want the max benefits right away, then premium would actually be useful / appealing... im not the guy who spends ncoins on a regular basis or something, i just play premium when i need it... i think some of the people do the same, they only use ncoins once to unlock something and then maybe use premium if they need the benefits.

the benefits that we get aren't p2w anyways, so why not unlock them right away, we pay for something and thats convenience and timesaving thats the CORE/KEY of premium membership in my eyes, or at least what you were trying to do and how i see that.


SOLUTION to making PREMIUM appealing: either unlock all the max premium benefits right away OR give us the useful benefits right away at max, like:

-Increased Gold (200%) from Dailies/Quests/Monsters , and maybe increase the value of useless items if you sell them to npc as nonpremium they are 1copper, but as premium they should be more worth.

-Increased Marketplace Slots (simultaneously) should be at least 40 items (its 15 at maxpremium rank)

-Increased Marketplace Slots per day should be limited to 80 or 120 items. (its 100 at maxpremium rank)

-Windstride Cooldown (0 seconds) should be available right away

-Additional Daily Dash Spin just 3, should be at least 4 and maybe allow us, to not have a cooldown inbetween the spins... thats very inconvenient and timeconsuming (and thats what premium is about, being convenient and timesaving)

- premium membership icon (im not sure if it actually evolves when ranking up premium) but would be cool (also i dont like the color of the premium icon)

-remote storage should be available right away

-maybe also allow remote marketplace

-other than that i can only suggest that you somehow reward some goodies or special quests or something to premium members.


i really find it unappealing the way it is now, i dont want to buy it, it feels underwhelming.

it actually took me over an hour to write this down, i hope someone important actually reads this, and that the people will actually feel like me.


i understand that you want to make money, and i get that, but there are some things wrong here and they also need improvement. 

even tho it might sound ridicilous, but i think if you change it like that, the money will rain down on you and premiums going to be happy.

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You already have something more or less similar here



But, imho, if they make the premium too "interesting" they are going to be even more trashed.. Because it would be even more forcing the hand of the player to pay a monthly fee like whatever P2P.


But i understand for thoses how pay such for expensive month subcription that they are not every happy considering the price.. xD


Unlock inv will never happen, they charge for 83euros when you buy the necessary pouch to unlock everything... so yeah..

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16 minutes ago, wootwoots said:

You already have something more or less similar here



But, imho, if they make the premium too "interesting" they are going to be even more trashed.. Because it would be even more forcing the hand of the player to pay a monthly fee like whatever P2P.


But i understand for thoses how pay such for expensive month subcription that they are not every happy considering the price.. xD


Unlock inv will never happen, they charge for 83euros when you buy the necessary pouch to unlock everything... so yeah..


i personally dont use premium and i didnt yet, cause its just not appealing.

also i didnt say they should unlock the inventory, i said they should increase the dragontrade pouches per ncoins basically, so i have to buy less and its cheaper overall, basically i said, reduce the price of unlocking the full inventory which is 90€ currently.

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As soon as my month is up I'm going F2P.  I have never been F2P in any mmo for more than 3 days but in BNS premium benefits suck, the daily dash sucks. All the other BNS versions get better prices, better daily dash, better premium benefits that they probably don't have to spend $1,000 to make those benefits they already pay for useful.

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Their prices are very deliberate, they probably spent months coming up with those amounts. Why make the premium price match up exactly to 800 coins when they can force you to buy 1600 instead. They also know if you're anything like me you will probably spend those coins on something, so next month you have to buy another 1600. I can't see them changing anything anytime soon until after a few months when the number of people/premium subscriptions drop sharply, but by then it will probably be too late as most of those people probably won't come back.

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On 6.2.2016 at 9:18 PM, uTired2 said:

Their prices are very deliberate, they probably spent months coming up with those amounts. Why make the premium price match up exactly to 800 coins when they can force you to buy 1600 instead. They also know if you're anything like me you will probably spend those coins on something, so next month you have to buy another 1600. I can't see them changing anything anytime soon until after a few months when the number of people/premium subscriptions drop sharply, but by then it will probably be too late as most of those people probably won't come back.


maybe they did take months to come up with prices... still it doesnt mean they know it will appeal to the customers, because now it doesnt.

and now they need feedback and improve their prices and offers.


if they dont, it will just die like another ncsoft game.

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I have to agree with the dragon trade pouch, make them cheap with premium membership but keep the original prices for f2p.


It's a good way to encourage people to pay for premium if you ask me.


As it stands now i will just make mule accounts and mail all the items that are not currenct bound, i refuse to buy more dragon trade pouches until this has been changed.

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