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Destroyers needs nerf period holy ****


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2 hours ago, Yongnian said:

I don't think I have lost to a destroyer yet on my Force Master... maybe it's a melee problem?


It's a bad player problem. Stage 1 and 3 can be nailed with any CC. Stage 2 has a 60-second cooldown, costs 20 focus to initiate and 10 per swing -- the only way to keep it up is if your opponent is an idiot who keeps feeding the Destroyer Focus through damage. I still see many terrible Summoners who are so used to facerolling BMs and KFMs that they get blown up in a flash by any semi-competent Destroyer with a Q key on his keyboard.

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3 hours ago, Yongnian said:

I don't think I have lost to a destroyer yet on my Force Master... maybe it's a melee problem?


Okay either you are just fighting terrible Destroyers or I'm just a dipshit. I seriously don't understand how the hell you fight a destroyer as a FM. If you attack they spin, deflect, stun, jump on you, stun again, beatdown time and now you've lost half your hp or more. Sure you can use a stunbreak, backstep, and then you're back at square one and all they lost was a freaking no CD leap ability. Then they just repeat. You can't freeze them EVER because they just insta remove it while moving faster and doing mass damage if you even close. 


Care to explain a step by step strategy to beating this mother freaking butt wipes?

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50 minutes ago, LittleBritches said:


Okay either you are just fighting terrible Destroyers or I'm just a dipshit. I seriously don't understand how the hell you fight a destroyer as a FM. If you attack they spin, deflect, stun, jump on you, stun again, beatdown time and now you've lost half your hp or more. Sure you can use a stunbreak, backstep, and then you're back at square one and all they lost was a freaking no CD leap ability. Then they just repeat. You can't freeze them EVER because they just insta remove it while moving faster and doing mass damage if you even close. 


Care to explain a step by step strategy to beating this mother freaking butt wipes?

It is literally just bad destroyers vs a good fm, a good destroyer can wipe the floor with a good fm.

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ppl dont understand that this game is balanced for high rating PvP. low and mid rated pvpers might think classes are OP but in reality tehy just dont have the skill. Its the same as it was in SC2. PPl crying about how unbalaced shit was but it was totaly fine on high rated games or in tourneys were better player play


crying about opnes of classes wont bring you any further as they gonna change balance like they do in korea as NC wnats that NA and EU can compete in worlds. so we get the same changes tehy have

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As you rank higher, it's freaking funny to see how most of the classes you had the easiest time against will become the hardest and vice versa.


You'll have to start speccing differently, you won't see destroyers using red spin, their fury will be persistence, you won't see any more air throws or shields used for healing. The basic idea is, people just don't know how to play yet.


Clear example is, assassin players at low rating keep crying in the arena chat about how impossible is to beat destroyers...

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The spin stun only works for the first 0.5 seconds of the spin.  If they're spamming spin you just have to wait half a second before attacking.  You can also just run away until they're out of focus.  If you can keep chill on them (by shooting after the first 0.5 seconds of spin) you prevent their movement abilities, and if you have godly ping/reaction time you can parry their axe throw with your 1 ability (provided you have specced for it).  Save your tab cc break for when they pop their big burst cooldown and ice block it, then /laugh at them.

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Thanks Yong (: I will definitely try some of those strategies, however there is no way in hell I'm blocking that axe throw with the terrible servers. Most everyone and their mom can't get below 200ms in arena so it just ain't gonna happen. Also makes it incredibly difficult to time chills in between spins with the lag. Maybe Destroyers are just OP atm because they are so faceroll they make the best class with high ping....huh....interesting thought....

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Yong I had a moment of reflection and realized that I was wrong in thanking you, sorry. Yes the deflect only lasts 0.5 seconds, but the scenario you were talking about is a mindless spin to win destroyer. If I face anyone with mild competence then they won't just spin and waste all their focus getting up to me. They will simply only spin when they are on top of me, or right as I launch a projectile so that they stun me and can jump on me for a combo. When you CAN'T attack someone because they can deflect and stun you on a no CD ability that is just retarded. Same with BM and BD. You just can not shoot a single thing at them if they have decent reflexes or you get stunned. What are you suppose to do about someone with spammable deflect and decent reaction time?  

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Well I'm not sure if all classes can do this, but the way I pvp against destroyers as a LBD is to wait for them to attack first then counter them.

The hardest counter is when they leap at you.

Due to the nature of lag in this game they don't always jump right on you and may leap a bit to the left or right depending on which way you are moving.

But to counter this if lag permits is to use Q/E then immediately follow up with a stun combo.

A lot of times when you do this to a destroyer they will insta tab.

The next skill to be weary of is that spear chain thing that drags you to them.

When you see that skill start spamming the *cricket* out of your F key to roll backwards or be prepared to lose a shit ton of life.

Now usually after you roll out of that skill they like to follow it up with a charge so get ready to SS backwards.

After doing this if they are spinning RED then run away as fast as you can.

If they are not spinning red they will use a regular spin, in which case use an iframe skill if you have one.

On my class I've found using Phantom Grip and spec'ing that drain skill for stun works great and lets me air combo them.

Actually usually a double air combo because at this point if I'm playing correctly I still have V off CD.

Then rinse and repeat, if you mess up in the counters a lot, I recommend taking some sort of ohsht skill that gives you invincibility for a bit or gets you half way across the map or something.

I don't know all classes very well but this should be a good general guide on how to face destroyers.

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45 minutes ago, LittleBritches said:

 When you CAN'T attack someone because they can deflect and stun you on a no CD ability that is just retarded. Same with BM and BD. You just can not shoot a single thing at them if they have decent reflexes or you get stunned. What are you suppose to do about someone with spammable deflect and decent reaction time?  


I take it you are a FM, right?


Your Ice Coil (Z) goes through their spins = safest way to renew chill stacks.

Your Frost Tornado (X), disables their spin for 4 seconds.

Also, try using Phantom Grip, immeadiately use 1 or 4, and during the "falling down from the grip" animation, you can apply 1 chill stack with RMB then Impact.

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First off the red spin to win just ss. Now ur far away and he can't recent focus. 


Second off I'm a destroyer currently only at 1735 not spec for typhoon reason only use it as a scare to get themy away from be when I am getting trashed, or vs summoner I will take points from other skills to specify into typhoon then. Reason cat=free focus but only use it when stun on both then get 3 sec stunning from typhoon.


When a des grabs u look for them to hold up up a little higher and press 2 u will counter them if u do it correctly.


AnI cancel try to waist the stuns knockdown then not that likely to anI cancel. Reason u can back away.



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On 2/5/2016 at 3:04 PM, Mysticstrider said:

Please for the love of god, everoyne has a hard time playing against destroyers. I have a destroyer as a 2nd character and they literally shred to everything. I've played every class int he game but I main assassin and I can tell you all Destroyers ever do in pvp is just spin to win and grab you whe you're in the gorund. Assassin has nor response to that oyu can't even move or get out the way or hurt the destroyer while hekafsdl;kjfsdal;kjfsdafsda






On 2/5/2016 at 3:06 PM, Mysticstrider said:

Summoner is second. 


On 2/5/2016 at 3:15 PM, Mysticstrider said:

No seriously dude they make people crazy... you can't do anything against them, you can't disagree on this. I know how destroyers work and play as them as one of my alts. 


On 2/5/2016 at 6:08 PM, Mysticstrider said:




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