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Fix the auto-kill


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I don't know about the other dungeons but it's really annoying in the Skittering Tunnels when you are past the dragon blood totem and you still get killed from the fireball coming from the cavern. I get it shooting you if you are still in the tunnel but holy crap is that bad programming if you die in the boss room from it. 

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1 hour ago, Pinwheel said:

Or... you could just stand inside the room when you know there is a firewall in the doorway. In and around the corner, safe as can be.


It sounds so simple, but there are the antsy people who just rush boss, decide to solo it, and end up dying after wasting 5 minutes. Wish people were just patient :(


If you removed the firewall, the boss could have a possible reset which is the reason why I think they put it in the first place...

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The firewalls are there so you can't just die and run back in and die and run back in and die and run back in and die and run back in again during the same attempt. Either stay with the front runners or stay back behind the firewall area for a few extra seconds until you know if they are going to pull prematurely or wait for people to actually get inside. People pull prematurely, that's just what happens, you can't stop them. Easier to just solo everything if an occasional premature pull is that detrimental to your enjoyment of the game, or just run with people that aren't complete idiots (ie friends/guildies).

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If you pass the dragonblood totem, the fire wall shoots fireballs at you and you insta-die, even with dragonblood on. I tried rezzing someone near the totem and was one shot by the fire wall.  It does need to be fixed. That's just bad.

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