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Will I like this game?


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I am a player that much prefers PvE over PvP, I also really hate how mmos make you level a character to full until you can actually start enjoying events and other fun things that come with max level characters in such mmos. How does blade and soul handle these?

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The game mechanics are great adn the combat is very enjoyable and on top of that the fan service is great in game! I do enjoy the dugeons, etc of all lvls. This is the 3rd client i play (Japan, RU) so for me im kinda bored of the story. However by no means this is a "next gen" since a lot of the concepts are pretty dated for a MMO! kill 15 of these, etc the crafting system is pretty simple, wardrobe is NOT account bound. You dont have shared banks and you have to mail in stuff between character! The daily dash once you reach your goal then it just stops and you have to wait until next month for a new one! 


Also for Pvp you must be lvl 45. Is true a lvl 20 could and i emphasize "COULD" beat a lvl 45 but that must of been a really bad player and noob to begin with but its possible. But by no means i would suggest you to doPvP  until you are max lvl and had experimented with your class learn the combos, movements, etc. 


Weather you like it or not do you will put yourself for some Open world Pvp like factions where you need crystal to upgrade your weapon and soul shields. So you cannot completely scape Pvp in that sense.  Again the great thing about Blase and soul is that you do have a sense of progression and the stats in game actually make a difference.

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I doubt it. PvE in this game, if you wanna talk about leveling and world events is a huge faceroll. Only way you'll die is by pulling 1000 mobs or being bad. Same with dungeons, most can be done with 2 people and rest semi afk. At the max level there's very little to do aside from grinding certain stuff and if you're not in PvP well I hope you like grinding like the asians. if you wanna PVP just prepare for huge stunfest, sure you can make it fun but with the way pvp is set up it gets boring fast. 

Yeah I'm about to quit lol,  back to dota.

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Depends on what you look for in an mmo. I personally prefer pve to pvp as well, and I really like this game. While a lot of the more interesting dungeons are late game, there are plenty of interesting map bosses and dungeons to do early.



-Character Creation is pretty good

-Various map bosses throughout the levels

-Decent amount of costumes obtainable without spending cash

-Spell animations are mostly awesome

-Does not cost anything to respec your skill points

-Option to avoid pvp for the most part by never wearing a pvp costume

-Auction bidding system for loot (Some see this as a negative but I like how it distributes the gold among those who lost the bid.)

-Plenty of quests

-Story is interesting imo & some of the npcs are amusing

-Each class is unique (at least the ones I tried)

-Free to play



-End game items like soulstones which are required for upgrading your weapon come mainly from pvp dailies. That said you -can- make money other ways and just buy it or very very slowly gather the 2 from Tomb of Exiles daily.

-Holy gold spam (They're working on it..but it's still pretty bad. I use a party/clan chat tab 90% of the time)

-Majority of quests are the same format. Kill x number of things.

-Easy to run out of inventory space if you don't want to buy any bags (cash though eventually can get from an in-game currency)

-Largely RNG based (If you're unlucky...well)

-Classes are Race bound

-Later game soul shields (sorta like BnS version of armor) need unsealing charms to use/view stats, which can be a pain if you're trying to get better randomized stats from some sets

-Crafting/Gathering professions can take multiple hours to complete a craft

-Only 2 character slots by default


Sorry about the wall of text...

Anyways, since it's free to play I'd say to just try it and see how you like it. A word of warning though, the first 17-20 levels or so are really easy and a lot of the quests are meant to teach you how to play the game.

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6 minutes ago, Aimo said:


-Auction bidding system for loot (Some see this as a negative but I like how it distributes the gold among those who lost the bid.)



I was wondering how I was getting money after a loot was distributed. I guess I'm gonna love it when people go into bid wars and jacking up the bids.

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