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Scorpion Boss


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Can I just say something isn't quite right with this boss? First of all, sometimes it seems like well-aimed bombs don't pop him back up a lot of the time. The other thing, is for some reason it seems really hard to get more than one essence. And it's not just me, it's everyone in the group. Anyone else having issues with this boss?

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The bomb missing seems to have something to do with latency, or related to it. I live pretty close to the servers, and have yet to experience a single bomb miss, my EU friend however who is playing on the same server as me (I don't know why he just doesn't go to a EU server, but whatever) has missed probably 3/4 of bombs he's thrown.


There's also some animation issue where the scorpion pops up, and then goes back in the ground for a second before spawning back above.


As far as essence goes; my theory is that it has to do with amount of damage dealt vs total damage/how many people are participating. The only reason I assume this is because I normally always receive more essence no matter what boss I am fighting if I have been the primary DD and target for the duration of the battle.

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I have had issues landing the bombs on Pinchy as well.  I found that I am usually have more luck when tossing the bomb just a little short of it.  I too have noticed that the number of essences seems less than most other open world bosses I've seen.

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As far as dmg dealt, I've been primary dd and agro holder and still got only 1 essence so... not sure. It does seem he drops fewer than other WB. I dunno. And for number, I may see a similar amount of people killing the Golden Dest boss, not be the big DDer or hold agro, and still get 2-3 essences lol. Seems off to me

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I believe the bombs do not always "hit". Sometimes they can be resisted especially if a player tosses that is lower level than Pinchy. I tried this at level 33 and seen "resist" pop up directly over where the bomb exploded when i hit him with a bomb.

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From my experience, pinchy seems to give 1 essence and then more if you contribute a lot. Some bosses always gave me at least 2 even if I did very little damage + more for high contribution. This is annoying because his mechanic makes him take a while to kill even if you are 45.


There might be a few more variables when it comes to bomb throwing. I remember a few days ago I perfectly aimed and threw a bomb at him and there was a "resisted" word come up.

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as a lvl 45 KFM tank I only get more than 1 essence from pinchy if theres only 2-3 other people around who are not as high level as me... also this fight goes a lot faster if the primary aggro holder drags pinchy closer to the bomb crates, or if a destroyer picks him up and walks him over near the crates, not too close though or people will have to back up to get in range to throw it, just out of the ditch he spawns in is usually a good distance.

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I have the same problem with pinchy resisting a lot of the bombs that I throw which, if intentional, is a rather questionable mechanic seeing as he heals while under the sand. Also as far as the essences go it seems you can only get a maximum of 3 from what I've seen. This comes from me killing him multiple times solo with absolutely no other players hitting him even once so I know I did 100% of the damage to him.

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