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Same thing happened to me yesterday @OP and i was at work. All tradeables gone. Costumes dismantled and gone to.  Did a support ticket and so far only "secured" my account. And no, this isnt because "oh i window shopped a gold selling site" its a shitty interface to login. i mean come on just look at the bots and such going on in the game already its ridiculous!

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On 1/29/2016 at 0:51 AM, INemesisl said:

Today I tried logging in only to find my Password has been changed. My friend tells me that he saw me log in earlier today and I said that's not possible because I was at work.

So, I reset my password, and got on. My 6 digit PIN was also changed. Had to reset and change that too. Once I finally got on, ALL my gold, and tradable items were gone. 


All the hard earned items + gold gone just like that...I've already submitted a ticket to NCSoft. I tried calling but their phone services are terrible. I like most people have spent lots of money buying the Master pack for this game and I've enjoyed it a lot, but when stuff like this happens it really pushes me away from the game.


I'm really not sure how my account was hacked. I never go to any unsafe websites and my email/password is pretty strong. This is the first time I've ever been hacked actually. My account shows that someone has logged in from a different IP address than my usual, and I can provide this information to the GM. I'd appreciate it if a GM can escalate this issue. 



This is job "from inside".someone who knows your pass did it.100-1000%

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  • 4 weeks later...

Happened to me too while I was at work, couldn't get on, password and pin changed. I don't go to any shady sites or those stupid gold sellers. It really bothers me that I spent money on this game and find the security very lacking,. So far they're just securing my account and by the looks of it I'm probably not going to get any of my things back that I worked hard for. It feels like there's no point of playing anymore when you might just get hacked out of the blue again and lose everything with just a sorry from ncsoft.  

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On 01/28/2016 at 5:57 PM, Killian said:

I really wish they would implement an optional phone login verification, only optional cause some people would whine about it but I'd rather be extra safe than sorry.

They have an authenticator , it changes your pin every 30 sec or so. If you have a smartphone that's all u need. Go to your account page to set it up its easy.

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Someone said that keyloggers don't record anything but keys, and that's true, but it's very easy to make a program that takes a screenshot every mousepress. Please do a virus scan first of all. Second, please go here: https://haveibeenpwned.com/ and see if your email is listed. It searches to see if you've been added to dumps of sensitive information such as databases. I heard that BnS had one leaked, but can't confirm.


Besides that, do basic security checkups once you get your account back, change security questions, COMPLETELY DIFFERENT password, change your email. Only do those things once you've scanned your computer, btw.


It might seem extensive, but this is how you can make sure you're secure and/or find out how this happened.


Also if you're listed on the above site, I highly recommend you do a huge sweep of all the accounts associated with that email because they'll be compromisable.

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On 3/27/2016 at 9:29 AM, Songless said:

Someone said that keyloggers don't record anything but keys, and that's true, but it's very easy to make a program that takes a screenshot every mousepress. Please do a virus scan first of all. Second, please go here: https://haveibeenpwned.com/ and see if your email is listed. It searches to see if you've been added to dumps of sensitive information such as databases. I heard that BnS had one leaked, but can't confirm.


Besides that, do basic security checkups once you get your account back, change security questions, COMPLETELY DIFFERENT password, change your email. Only do those things once you've scanned your computer, btw.


It might seem extensive, but this is how you can make sure you're secure and/or find out how this happened.


Also if you're listed on the above site, I highly recommend you do a huge sweep of all the accounts associated with that email because they'll be compromisable.

Thanks to your reminder, I did the check-ups and I found out that my yahoo mail was compromised (which I used for this game) and was logged in China. So I signed off my email from every computer and re-logged on my own, changed password and turned ON my 2-step verification. After that, I changed all of my e-mails passwords and turned ON the 2-step verification option.


PS: I got hacked myself, and I am still waiting for the support to give back my account. They blocked access to the account, but it already might be too late when I get it back, for the hacker had more than 2 days time to do a vacation my account before it got blocked by NCsoft. Any hacked account would have been saved if only the support team wouldn't take 12 hours to reply to our tickets, and even then they don't take action but they ask more information from you so they can start the investigation and have you wait an extra 12 hours before they make a decision or even ask for more information from you and have you wait another 12 hours. 


Honestly speaking, prepare yourself mentally that if you get hacked at one point to not panic or anything, because it is useless, you won't be able to stop it. Once you get hacked by these Chinese gold sellers, you are done; everything is gone; and hope that your Credit Card information is not linked to your account, because I heard people got their accounts whipped that way. 


Now, while I wait for NCsoft for another 12 hours for them to do their job (changing log-in information and give it to me - very hard task), I wish you all good luck in not being hacked out of nowhere.


Have a good day~

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52 minutes ago, AionCheesecake said:

Please never ever use Yahoo email for a gaming account. It is unbelievably garbage tier.

I learned that the hard way... never again. 

I always used gmail for my personal mail and such, and yahoo for games since I didn't care much... but now that I actually for once spend real $$ in a game and got *cricket*ed over.. GMAIL it is. Best mail server and most secure there is nowadays. I recommend everyone to do so.

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Biggest  security flaw in this game is the email, if you get your email hacked, than  they can just access your account no matter  the password, mail security pass,  pin, or even the 2 step  verification   because they can do anything if they have the email ( and you used some correct info on the email bio )


I am one of those that got hacked, never recived anything back ( luckly I was a fresh 45 when it happened lost everything but recovered after  with hard work )  what was NCsoftW  answer  well F-U   we will  block you for 3 days, change your email, and  block your access to send any kind of support ticked in the future    ( I  CAN'T SEND ANY SUPPORT TICKETS BECAUSE THE WEBPAGE WON'T LET ME  that's how NCw fixes the hacking) 


So  the lesson to learn  use  the longest password on emails,  never use correct bio in email, use an email with phone confirmation login like gmail.


And if you wonder I got hacked on yahoo mail  with a 7 char password that had a mix of letters and numbers not easy but not that hard  to brute-force it.  Never visited goldselling sites, have 2 antiviruses  Kaspersky  (full time active) and Malwarebytes (once a day scan),  no keyloggers, no nothing, still a poor *cricket* in the game...   


Anyhow  after the last  update  it made me realize there is nothing to play  for in this game anymore...  there is no end purpose,  time invested =/= not rewarding... sooo uninstall for the time being 

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You weren't hacked. Your account was compromised. Usually a result of a weak email password or sharing login information with somebody else. Hacking is an intrusion of a remote computer. Nobody penetrated NC servers. Somebody guessed your password.


I really hate the misuse of the term "Hacked" these days.

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3 minutes ago, SpyderBite said:

You weren't hacked. Your account was compromised. Usually a result of a weak email password or sharing login information with somebody else. Hacking is an intrusion of a remote computer. Nobody penetrated NC servers. Somebody guessed your password.


I really hate the misuse of the term "Hacked" these days.

Hacked =  gain unauthorized access to data in a system or computer.


Their account got hacked,  by hacking the email...   I don't see a misuse of the verb hacked. 

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On 3/28/2016 at 2:13 PM, Puppy Pie said:

These posts are pointless.....


You tell a one sided story and want what? Sympathy??????



send in a ticket and hear what the people who can do something about it help you

No one makes topics in the lookout for attention or sympathy, if someone makes a topic like this is to be generous and let everyone else know about an issue that is raising, something that others should be aware and take precautions for. Now, morons like you tend to make posts like this and act like you know stuff, but in fact you are just a clueless idiot. I hope you get hacked once and we'll see how you feel and who will make another topic about being hacked.


If you don't have something smart to say, please refrain from posting again. *cough* attention seeker *cough* 

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13 hours ago, Zendenn2 said:

No one makes topics in the lookout for attention or sympathy, if someone makes a topic like this is to be generous and let everyone else know about an issue that is raising, something that others should be aware and take precautions for. Now, morons like you tend to make posts like this and act like you know stuff, but in fact you are just a clueless idiot. I hope you get hacked once and we'll see how you feel and who will make another topic about being hacked.


If you don't have something smart to say, please refrain from posting again. *cough* attention seeker *cough* 

soooo how did his "I got hacked and I did nothing wrong!" post help you?....

You don't know what sites he goes on (keyloggers), you don't know if he buys gold, you don't know if he shared his password with someone......


All these things can get you "hacked"... so no these post do nothing but look for attention or sympathy... If you want help do not ask random forum people that have NO power to do anything....



If you want a generous topic than making something like

Warning! I DCed when I went through this portal! so wait a second before entering so your pc can load the other side....

See now topics like that let people know about an issue and ways to avoid said issue.....





If you want ways to not get hacked I'll let you in on some..


DO NOT share information

DO NOT go to shady sites (yes this includes pornography and even includes the little click bait ads on facebook)

DO NOT buy gold

DO NOT save passwords on your pc

DO NOT use passwords that can be guessed (pets/kids/wedding dates/bday dates/loved ones names)

DO NOT use yahoo

DO NOT use a email account that you use for other things... have one only for games

DO NOT tell people your email


so once again you do not know what this person does daily on his computer so once again these posts do not help anyone... what will help him is opening a ticket.



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12 hours ago, Zendenn2 said:


reported your post as name calling is unnecessary especially for someone  who is trying to act "above the rest".


Also I still have no sympathy for these post as once again they do nothing but look for attention. (please send a ticket to people that can help you instead)

Now I quit reading your post once you started in with the name calling as it is counter productive and really does not get any point across other than your upset.


You do not have to reply as the train has already derailed for you :)



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On 4/1/2016 at 1:34 PM, Puppy Pie said:

reported your post as name calling is unnecessary especially for someone  who is trying to act "above the rest".


Also I still have no sympathy for these post as once again they do nothing but look for attention. (please send a ticket to people that can help you instead)

Now I quit reading your post once you started in with the name calling as it is counter productive and really does not get any point across other than your upset.


You do not have to reply as the train has already derailed for you :)



Haha, I replied that way being well aware that you will report it and that I would get a warning. As long as you read it, that's good for me. It was worth taking that first warning in this forum for that. 


If my reply didn't really get anything across your head, then there's a problem and for sure it's not mine. Have a good life *cricket*.




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I just got hacked in this dawn when someone got acess to my account using the 2-Step Verification google authenticator which i didnt have before. And i dont know how they got acess to my account using only it, since i didnt authorize any location.


Then i log in game and all my belogings where missing. About 400g in species, +200g in tradable itens, everything.

Now Ive already secured the google authenticator to my own posession.

Theres a way of tracking this? My computer is secured, i use anti virus, iam a premium member and i dont use any illegal software, and no one else has my password or acess to my e-mail.

Already open a support ticket.

Any one who got hacked got a reply from BNS support and got an awnser for that?

Because if nothing happens iam not playing ever again.

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14 hours ago, Zendenn2 said:

Haha, I replied that way being well aware that you will report it and that I would get a warning. As long as you read it, that's good for me. It was worth taking that first warning in this forum for that. 


If my reply didn't really get anything across your head, then there's a problem and for sure it's not mine. Have a good life *cricket*.




dude quit replying lol. Quit while you still a little decency


Thank you for more salt, but my fries are salty enough I'm good I promise lol.


You are getting no point across other than your upset.

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1 hour ago, Flamaleon said:

I just got hacked in this dawn when someone got acess to my account using the 2-Step Verification google authenticator which i didnt have before. And i dont know how they got acess to my account using only it, since i didnt authorize any location.


Then i log in game and all my belogings where missing. About 400g in species, +200g in tradable itens, everything.

Now Ive already secured the google authenticator to my own posession.

Theres a way of tracking this? My computer is secured, i use anti virus, iam a premium member and i dont use any illegal software, and no one else has my password or acess to my e-mail.

Already open a support ticket.

Any one who got hacked got a reply from BNS support and got an awnser for that?

Because if nothing happens iam not playing ever again.

Hello Flamaleon,


Yes they do reply and they do solve these cases as fast as they can. I got my issue solved within 3 days. After they got me my account back, they also reinstated some of my most valuable items that I lost (NCoins, Costumes, Gold that was traded away). I advice you to be patient and nice to the NC support staff and you will have your issue dealt and solved in no time.




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