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Buying Lives/hearts affecting loot drop chance

Immensity Oak

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So i was running dungeons with some pugs the other day, and i received so much flak because i bought a life from the dragonstone pillar. They claimed that it affects the loot drop chance for each life that the group purchases. 


Since then i have done quite a few runs with guildies, in which none of us purchased any lives, and i can honestly say that i haven't noticed any change in the drops. I did some googling and i can't seem to find any evidence to substantiate the original pugs claim at all. Is it all hokum?


So i am coming here to you, beloved trolls, try hards and truly helpful members of the forum, can anyone give me information on this?

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No no, you guys got it wrong.


To get the best possible loot, everyone in the party have to circle the boss exactly 5 times clockwise - very important! - then use your 1 skill twice and after that never use it again.


No need to thank me.


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3 hours ago, Brainy said:

No no, you guys got it wrong.


To get the best possible loot, everyone in the party have to circle the boss exactly 5 times clockwise - very important! - then use your 1 skill twice and after that never use it again.


No need to thank me.


thanks master!

got so much loot

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3 hours ago, Brainy said:

No no, you guys got it wrong.


To get the best possible loot, everyone in the party have to circle the boss exactly 5 times clockwise - very important! - then use your 1 skill twice and after that never use it again.


No need to thank me.


Hahaha Nice trolling xD

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12 hours ago, Brainy said:

No no, you guys got it wrong.


To get the best possible loot, everyone in the party have to circle the boss exactly 5 times clockwise - very important! - then use your 1 skill twice and after that never use it again.


No need to thank me.


100% Legit Pro MLG strat for epic loot drops.


Do not steal!

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