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AFK kick while not AFK... fix your AFK system


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If you implement an AFK kick, at least make it a smart one, that can actually decide whether a player is AFK or not. I was AFK kicked multiple times while browsing the abilities window and reading through my class mechanics. This is frustrating and not necessary. This is 2016, AFK kick should not be as dumb as "if the player doesn't move for 5 mins, then kick".

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10 minutes ago, Veldan said:

If you implement an AFK kick, at least make it a smart one, that can actually decide whether a player is AFK or not. I was AFK kicked multiple times while browsing the abilities window and reading through my class mechanics. This is frustrating and not necessary. This is 2016, AFK kick should not be as dumb as "if the player doesn't move for 5 mins, then kick".

That's an unstable connection, not an afk kick. Afk is much longer then 5 minutes I heard it was 3 hours

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I believe its 30 minutes without moving, and ive actually managed to remote control my computer through my phone and get my character to stay logged in by swinging the camera around, so you must have been doing literally nothing for 30 minutes. Thats some impressively slow reading time.

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45 minutes ago, Veldan said:

If you implement an AFK kick, at least make it a smart one, that can actually decide whether a player is AFK or not. I was AFK kicked multiple times while browsing the abilities window and reading through my class mechanics. This is frustrating and not necessary. This is 2016, AFK kick should not be as dumb as "if the player doesn't move for 5 mins, then kick".

u have problems with your connection never got afk kick in 5 mins i can easily make my dinner that takes some wut 20 -25 mins after i log in the game and still can be on and do stuff right after 

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