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Is there much rping?


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Can't say I've seen much on Jiwan (the server chosen by the RP community linked above), but that doesn't mean much, as I haven't been able to log in since headstart.


Roleplay communities tend to hit their stride at least a few weeks after launch, as many roleplayers will be engrossed in working through the game at first. That's not to say many don't start right away (like myself lol), but do expect that the RP community will become more apparent given time.

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There's been some RP but most of our users on the RP site have been just leveling and figuring out their characters now that they have a chance to get a better grasp on the lore and all that. I'm pretty sure it'll pick up soon.


Best bet would be to join our website and our discord, we usually announce and ask one another there. :D  Happy trails!

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