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How do I fight Spinning spammers as Assassin?


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All they do is spin and i've been told to "wait out their spin" but I could only wait it out for so long until I run out of stealth and they charge you.  


I cannot hit neither Destroyer nor Blade dancer as they both seem immune to CC even when they are not spinning.  

It feels like there is absolutely nothing I can do because they only spin - grab - air combo. It's so tiresome and stupid and i've tried so many things to get around it but there is literally nothing you can do while they spin. Then Blade Dancer has 2 grabs that he can do in a row with 2 air combos and just spins inbetween them.

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Knockdowns work during the spins (aside from the firespin CD of destroyers, for that gtfo or lotus dance). So try to talent into the shadowslash knockdown for these fights. Your tab is the most important ability you have for those fights, they can't do crap about it besides I-frame. When you know they're high on chi let them exhaust it, Use your talented swiftstep to extend stealth during those times. Try to put your shadow shuriken (stealthed X) on them in the middle of the spin, not the start or you'll get stunned. Run away from them and then immediately teleport to them (with the talent that dazes them) when they stop spinning and kick them in the air to start your combo.


For BDs try to smoke bomb the blade they throw, it's what gives them back most of their chi (like 8 or something). For Destroyers try to spam Q when you think they'll charge you. Just mash the button, it should shadowdance as soon as they're near you and you'll dodge the charge stun.


If you don't mind watching long guides try to look up 'Vile assassin guides' on youtube. He's a very good Sin and since I started watching his vids I've definitely improved. The only class I literally can't beat is Summoners -.- stuck at 1650 for life!  (waiting for Vile's summoner matchup guide ;p)   GL in arenas, and don't give up on Sin! Sin is love, Sin is...death?

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Always remember that your greatest strength and your greatest weakness as a assassin is your Hide.


Fighting against spin to win classes is pretty easy, they cant spin forever especially when ur not giving them any way to regen their chi. NO CHI = NO SPIN


As a assassin, you need to remember that your hide is precious. Dont use them all at once. Conserve them and wait for that perfect moment where you can initiate a combo where ur enemy have little room to escape.


Always remember that u have a knockdown skill, a backflip, a teleport skill, a switch place skill, buttefly, lotus etc... ur more equipped on killing enemies compared to everyone else.


Patience young padawan... your time will come where you dont even bother breaking a sweat...master the art of dual aerial unlimited hide and CC combo and you will dominate any fight.




btw, i always practice my combo in bosses. hehe

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22 minutes ago, Kurotsuki said:

Knockdowns work during the spins (aside from the firespin CD of destroyers, for that gtfo or lotus dance). So try to talent into the shadowslash knockdown for these fights. Your tab is the most important ability you have for those fights, they can't do crap about it besides I-frame. When you know they're high on chi let them exhaust it, Use your talented swiftstep to extend stealth during those times. Try to put your shadow shuriken (stealthed X) on them in the middle of the spin, not the start or you'll get stunned. Run away from them and then immediately teleport to them (with the talent that dazes them) when they stop spinning and kick them in the air to start your combo.


For BDs try to smoke bomb the blade they throw, it's what gives them back most of their chi (like 8 or something). For Destroyers try to spam Q when you think they'll charge you. Just mash the button, it should shadowdance as soon as they're near you and you'll dodge the charge stun.


If you don't mind watching long guides try to look up 'Vile assassin guides' on youtube. He's a very good Sin and since I started watching his vids I've definitely improved. The only class I literally can't beat is Summoners -.- stuck at 1650 for life!  (waiting for Vile's summoner matchup guide ;p)   GL in arenas, and don't give up on Sin! Sin is love, Sin is...death?


Thanks for the info, i'm also at 1650 right now but was having a really hard time with the spins. The NA lag doesn't make it any better (kr internet is flawless) but when I stun here the players continue to walk and they are out of range for any follow up. I have a 300mbps connection.  


I will look at the vile video ty.

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Although I don't have much luck killing them most of the info here is correct.


  1. Use stealth shuriken ( x ) a second or so after they start their spin. Once they stop spinning its a free teleport (has no range) into a daze+air combo
  2. If you think they will charge mash Q and hope for a free stealth
  3. SS+FF combo to kick into air combo and kite after you web them. Seems cheap but it works.
  4. Tab switch at the end of their spin
  5.  Use your C ability with 2 points to resist most attacks
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