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Posts posted by Showta

  1. This is a great idea, I have a few suggestions of my own as well.


    DELETE Raven King, his cutscene traps people and I dont CARE if korea fixed it the point is he did it to begin with, therefore he needs to shown the door

    DELETE Zulia, her hair looks like two cows licked it and her costume is ill-fitting no matter which version she's in

    DELETE Master Hong, he lookin all swole for no reason when he's like 382 years old and I don't know where to look when he transforms

    DELETE Ryu, he took falling off that cliff entirely too personal when it's a passage of life absolutely crucial to teen development that builds character we did him a favor and he repays us with attitude and homicide like the entitled lazy millennial he is

    DELETE raids they take too long

    DELETE  pvp and make it so when we queue up we actually queue into a moral kombat game, preferably one where 'toasty' still exists or any injustice game since currently they're like the same game now anyway

    DELETE GonF hand on hip pose, they look like theyre expecting something and i have nothing else to give other than my own uncertainty and emotional baggage from past relationships

    ok that's all I got, looking forward to seeing my many great ideas put into the game asap

  2. But how else can they get you to keep logging in and playing the game everyday?? If there's nothing to gear for months at a time, what else is there even to do?

    -is what I'd ask if I were a complete newbie to MMORPGS.
    Extra points for "and what else could they use to make money??"


    We've been proven time and time again that most of NC doesn't actually play video games. How people who don't even play games wind up in the gaming moderation field I'll never know, but here they are. Constantly doing everything wrong and then ignoring customers who tell them how to fix it, opting to just do something even worse instead probably under the assumption that "well they wont ACTUALLY quit" only to be shocked and appalled when their numbers start dropping. I dont know, not much else to say anymore. New thing costs 100+ oils. Yup sounds about right lol.

  3. 8 hours ago, Baskerville said:

    Unfortunately, there are no plans for releasing these names at this point in time.

    We are aware that there are a lot of concerns about the language barrier, which is why we are currently working with the development team on a few options to address this issue, including some options that had been suggested by the player base.

    Let's start making those plans then!



    Blade and Soul has always been very cramped in terms of how it lets it's players communicate.

    We don't get buddy chat channels, we don't get global chat channels, we can't make our own chat channels, and we're only allowed to write one and a half sentences at a time.


    The argument against this has always been "well, spam bots"

    Well, you've had 3 years to get rid of spam bots. Did you? Did it work yet? And how much longer is a failure on NCWest's part supposed to effect the entire playerbase? You're telling me until the game dies we're still never going to be allowed to say more than a sentence at a time? We're still never going to have friend channels? We're still going to be punished for things we're in not in control of? But in other games they have no issues with this, they still have plenty of chat channels and chat space, and these games have even bigger populations than BnS. I understand spam bots are annoying and there's no way to truly get rid of them all, and that's why you do things anyway despite them. It doesnt make sense that players are robbed of normal functions all because of boogeyman bots for all eternity. I could understand it the first year, but after that it was just sheer lazyness. The very bare minimum least you could do is throw in a few more chat channels and increase the text input limit in maybe one of them or something-we're not typing in Asian language, so we need that space. and we need ways to talk to added friends/certain groups/everyone.


    I shouldnt have to keep tabbing out into discord to talk to friends who arent in my guild/faction.

    I have to leave the game to talk to friends I make in the game, do you realize how entirely backwards that is? lol

    It's bad enough our friendlists have been broken since the games release-we can't even tell who's on half the time...we can't tell who's on and we can't talk to them unless we whisper one on one..this is like..ancient communication tier. At this point we might as well be gifted carrier pigeons to talk to each other. So they can end up in F10 for 20ncoin each or something lmao zzzzzz

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  4. Wrote something long and thoughtful, then deleted it all; BnS isnt a good enough game to rely only on it's gameplay, the server(s) are trash, they don't even have esports anymore, raiding is pointless, and gear doesnt give you anything but acne, sleep deprivation, and carpel tunnel from parse spamming to show each other who can be better at consistently causing nerve damage to their fingers for a higher score than anyone else. Alright. So, if they were smart, they'd push cosmetics more. and they'd do it in a way that more people could access more frequently. Alright, 2 costumes once every 2 weeks is pathetic. Having almost 2 year old stuff in F10 and not being bothered to update it is pathetic. The fact that 2D games from 10 years ago can easily keep large inventories of digital costumes up for sale and still keep afloat to this very day while BnS is acting like it's on it's deathbed with a fraction of a fraction of it's wardrobe up for sale is just mindblowing. It's a level of stupidity that even on my worst day even I couldnt achieve. They're a Mercedes lot that stocks 2 Kia's and then sheepishly reports to HQ their abysmal numbers like they don't know what's going wrong. Alright. Because no one can tell me they're making bank. Not with these servers they can't. But they'll find spare change to pay off some random twitch streamers to play for 20 minutes though, where the streamer will do everything in their power to bite their tongue and not complain about how bad the game is running. Yeah that's a good idea. That's a great idea. That's how they'll get more people to spend money on their game.


    Also we'll probably get most of those costumes shown. If we're lucky though we'll skip the neon and purple ones but who knows people love all kinds of things.

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  5. The two-week rotation is a flop. It's a bad idea and borderline anti-customer. As I've said many times, the entire reason my MMO dedicated irl friends skipped and to this day still avoid BnS is because of that damn two week idea. It just pushes costume enthusiasts away who don't want to wait 9 months for something they like to come out for 3 seconds and then disappear again before they can remember to get it, or even worse, tell them "oh you can have this costume if you just sit and play the slots, sweetie :)"




    In a former post, I posted old KR costumes that we never got. If you'd like to see those click my name and find that post idk it was like last week. For now though, I'll post new costumes that have not yet reached our region, since why not, we're talking about costumes already anyway. Maybe this'll inspire new rotation ideas idk.


    And so here they are, beginning with Costume Contest Winners from around the world:




    And then originals (I believe):






    Note that the Maritime Patrol (?) was changed to dyeable, so this also means that they're looking into going back and making past costumes customizable as well. For the costume winners, not they are not all done. The top one is Russia's which was just finished. NA/EU's last costume contest winner is still in the works as well, I remember one of the CMs here saying it still had a little while to go. but yeah. So, these are the things we just havent gotten here yet.

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  6. Oh sweetie, I'll tell you where you can buy them!!!!


    In your dreams, because if anyone thinks they have any intention of releasing a costume that the majority of you want in a way that ISN'T RNG...


    I mean, who knows.

    We did once give a strong enough push about only getting ugly old rotations offered to us that Linxxy and co did work hard and actually deliver on changing that up a bit. But since she's been gone we've been right back to the same schedule we had before. Recolors and 100 times over re-releases. We're literally back to the Costco jackets again. It'd be hilarious if it wasn't also so depressing.


    Update F10. No you know what, lemmie go on ahead and stick my dumb ol neck out right quick @Hime @Cyan Uhh who else...I dare not wake Youmu from his slumber, I don't have that big a deathwish right now...maybe that's good enough. No it isn't, lemmie get on some more peoples nerves who are just trying to get through their workday @PhoenixMitra @Sunshine  power rangers assemble


    Update F10 please maybe if you have that ability. Usually F10 costumes would all get cleaned out and replaced once a year, but it's been about a year and a half now and still no update. Spring clean it, it's perfect timing. And push cosmetics more. No, not in the form of RNG. You're missing the point by 10 miles again with this latest box. I'm not spending a cent on "chance", I'm not stupid enough and neither are the majority of your customers. Newbies take one look at that and just uninstall-no one likes to be told "you can maybe have this if you gamble for it"  they'll just go play something where they can buy what they want outright instead. So anyways yes, please change the lineup in F10's cosmetics up a bit. ALSO!! Listen to me. Slap a discount on name, appearance, and gender changes.  The bigger the discount, the more people will spend. Keep that in mind. Let's think "happy customers" and "profit". There's a way to get both at the same time. It just takes a little brain storming.

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  7. Every single MMO that launches starts out with like 5 or 6 servers.

    Then on launch day, those servers are not enough and people face long queue times and get angry.

    That's when they open even more, and that's why we wound up with having so many at first as well.

    Literally every single one goes through the same thing. They all have a huge boom at the start and then shrink to an average.

    Now. As for whether or not they did a good job. The answer honestly, truly, is not really no.


    Like I've said in a past thread...they monetized all the wrong things.

    They STARTED out right!! They were absolutely on the right track in the beginning, and many people loved it. Blade and Soul around launch was a breath of fresh air. Finally, an MMO that didn't revolve around RNG boxes!!!! and then once they release Silverfrost, that's when the RNG boxes and trove started and that's all it's been ever since. It turned into yet another gambling casino which the majority of people rightfully hate.


    "If they dont rely on highly unpopular for the long term ideas like RNG boxes or Trove, then how can they make money?"
    Sell things players want to buy that don't feel like cheating and don't feel like they're being taken as a fool with endless amounts of money to throw away via gambling.


    "Well, what kinds of things??"

    You have a wardrobe with what-200 different items? But only 2 or 3 things are in rotation every two weeks along with maybe 10 other things that have been rotting in F10 for two years now. If I walk into a clothing store, I don't want to be told that I can only buy what's on 3 mannequins in the back room.


    People act like customers who buy costumes don't matter. It's insane. This is where a considerable chunk of their income could be coming from on a regular basis. For example; A newbie starts the game. They have access to a crazy amount of costumes. They buy a couple, this and that and this and that-well now they've already bought in so they'll try to make it work for the long haul and even if they quit at least they spent a lot on costumes first. Now let's try that again. A newbie starts a game. They have access to 3 costumes and none of them catch their eye. They quit easily with nothing tying them down and didn't buy a single thing. Come on. But I'm sure I can say it until I'm blue in the face and they'll sit in a meeting and go "nope nope, rng makes us more" completely ignoring that rng costs them way more than it'll ever make them and these 3 years of flopping is extremely hard proof of it. But anyways even I get tired of being a broken record.

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  8. It's a bad event. No game can avoid having a bad event.

    They have to think up a new event every month so if you think they or any other company in the entire world is going to think up a perfect event every single month back to back to back you're either out of your mind or you're a super genius who knows all the secrets and should go apply to NC yourself so you can cook up every event we get.


    NC can only do so much. People hate playing with newbies, they hate teaching anyone anything, they hate each other and then sit there and yell at NC about why their games should be more popular and what NC can do to fix that. No, loudmouths, you need to stop being barbaric first. They could lead in a million new players and 70% of those players would quit once they get a taste of how they'll be treated and that's a fact. They'll try to 6v6 and get told they should F off. Try to do a dungeon and get called names for messing up. Come on. They'll get lost for 3 seconds and get killed/locked out by a fire wall because someones time was too precious to wait, come on.


    My annoyance with the fake confusion around here aside, I think another important thing to consider is that NA/EU never made as much as KR was expecting them to.

    The problem isn't the games population, because the population is average. The problem is the lack of paying customers. and not problem in the sense of "they're poor!!!" but problem in the sense of, KR is a profit hungry beast and if they're not getting the millions they feel they deserve, they'll continue to punish and then eventually yoink the game away from West because it's profits just arent satisfying enough to them.


    I think a big hint to this was the Golden Lotus event where they expected our playerbase to come up with $400,000 for some event. They posted it confidently as if they thought we'd reach that without even trying within a few days. But that's not what happened. It was a struggle and for the most part turned out to be an outright embarrassment.


    It was here: https://esports.bladeandsoul.com/en/the-lotus
    And here:

    Here was a forum post about it:

    I think even in NA/EU's best days, KR wasn't happy with the profits. I don't think we've ever satisfied them.
    And right now is probably a pretty low point too. But this, they cannot be mad at players about. Players are the ones without a doubt that scare away new players-that much is true. Newbies dont know what white orbs were, newbies dont know or care about the things that pss all of you off. So if someone joins and quits, either they got bored of the story or one of you told them off while they were trying to learn. BUT. When it comes to the profits of BnS, this is not the playerbases fault. This is NC's.

    It's NC's fault because they arent providing things and services that make most of us want to spend. They arent encouraging it.
    They try to use guilt and force tactics, but instead it turns people away.
    The secret to making a person part with their money is to make them happy. Give them something they want in exchange for that money. It can't be gear. That turns too many off. It can't be trove, that's gambling and again turns too many off. It was supposed to be through selling cosmetics, but they hide behind RNG for that. "Well RNG makes them more" it costs them more in the end. They've been shooting themselves in the foot for a solid 3 years now. Sit down and think about what you like to buy and what makes you buy again. If they're at all in any type of panic about income then they need to actually think about what they're doing and try something new. Another reason newbies could be quitting is they join they game and they see they can't even buy 90% of the costumes out there. What are you doing that for? Who cares if some costumes are rare or not, you could have that income of people buying costumes as soon as they join right off the bat but instead you cling on to this weirdo 'everything has to be rare' concept which just irritates people. You're withholding looking like dumdums when that could be a steady flow of income all the time. I dont know, I could very well be wrong but if I'm right then I said what I said.

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  9. 1 hour ago, PetPuggi said:

    Once again the cringeworthy white knight strikes with a hilarious comment.

    What do you think a server merge means, population is increasing and game is doing great? Do you honestly think they'll keep a server up just for 100 whales when there are no f2p left? And do you honestly think whales will even stay when that happens? Oh yeah great game, a total of 100 players, will only take 2 hours to find a party, whales will totally dig that. Oh and did you forget 90% of the whale entertainment in this game is one-shotting casuals in 6v6?


    The whole "GAME IS DED!!!" screaming thing confuses me though.

    Like said, Zulia is very active. Everytime I log in there's so many people standing around Moon Refuge I have to go run off to escape the bit of lag. And if I go to mushins it's packed too. and Jadestone always has a group, and House of Pleasures, just outside of MSP, just outside of TT, Dasari Gardens, outside hong-so it's not that these servers are void of players. That's not the issue, you can't tell me it is. Because everywhere I go there's at least 20-30 others standing around or doing something. When I think of "dead server" I think of...you don't see anyone for a long time. Maybe one or two, but mainly abandoned towns as I've seen in past games that died.


    Maybe what you really mean is lack of paying customers? Which that could completely be true!

    Let's be real, they arent selling anything that anyone wants!! So that could be true, they're not good at making money. but "dead" ehhhhhhhhhhh...kind of implies there's no one around which is far from the case. idk that always just bugs me.

  10. Can I be real for a second here.


    I just had yet another friend try to come back to Blade and Soul and do you know what his complaint was?
    It was the same complaint I hear from the majority of friends who try the game and quit.

    "Players demanded high gear for even lower tier dungeons"


    I'm sorry, no offense here, but what the hell is NC supposed to do about players being jerkoffs to each other again??? What's the magic solution to that again??
    What, give us all more gear?? So players can be even more ridiculous about requirements????

    and I love my friends but they end up being part of the problem too because when I tell them, "well just talk to people and join a guild" I hear what I now hear from the majority of NA players which is waaahwaaahh I dont wanna make new friends-then what the hell are you doing playing an MMO?? Go turn on your playstation if you want to sit in silence by yourself, jesus christ. It's like...it's two things. Players insisting that you need 3k AP to clear Pigsty and then also players suddenly getting real shy tucking their tail between their legs acting like they don't know how to type "hi how are you" when they have the courage to type all kinds of freaky things in their search bars every night with their 20 tabs open-stop PLAYING with me!!!!


    Ok now back at the main issue though.

    "What is driving people away?"

    Yes, absolutely, the way the game is monetized is caveman tier. The people who run MMOs these days don't even play them and legitimately have no idea what they're doing which matters because it shows PAINFULLY HARD that they NO idea how to actually CATER to their customers because they have 0 understanding of what their customers want. It's like if I opened up a shoe-line for snakes and then acted confused as to why no snakes were buying my shoes. You don't play these games, you don't know why people like them, you're applying things and rules that just turn people off. Yes, that's a problem.


    But Daddy Korea doesn't care. and Auntie NA can't be bothered either-if they try to be bothered, they probably get snatched up and tossed right out that comical window just like Jonathan probably was every other week.


    So to sum it up;

    It's not just NC, it's the playerbase too. But the playerbase won't change and neither will NC.

    Maybe if you stopped treating each other like animals more people would want to stay and play the game, Happy Easter!

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  11. This is completely unrelated for the most part to the main focus of this post which is the event and the problems that came along with it but I'm gonna say what I wanna say anyways


    It's actually very simple to get into parties while being what many would consider to be "undergeared"

    Are you all listening, come real close


    Be sociable.

    If I need to pug, I don't just jump into some F8-are you kidding me, they'll kick my butt right back out.

    I start my own party, say the stupidest thing I can think of which is usually most of what I think of all the time, aand then let them all come running to me. Or sometimes. I just talk a lot in faction. I let my stupidity be nice and publicly known. That way, when I go "hehe does anyone wanna carry me" they can't help but feel sorry enough to say 'alright fine'.


    That's the secret. That's the secret to MMOs. Communication.

    Talk to people. Befriend them. Be nice, be clumsy, be whatever you are as long as it isnt a meanieweenie. When you get to know others, suddenly you never find yourself at the mercy of strangers who only care about your numbers ever again.

  12. 1 hour ago, darthBaal said:

    just for fun

    And there we have it, the entire purpose of the game and the only reason why anyone should be playing

    There's no reward for being first, so just take it slow and have an easy going fun time. There's no rush, there's no need to actually stress.

    and if you love to rush and love to stress and that's fun then sure do that too but understand that games are never actually entirely built around rushing people only. You can still in fact take it slow and you will not lose everything just like that.

  13. 19 hours ago, Kyline said:

    Bought the White Horse Mask



    Thank you Hime :please:

    Congrats on your mask!


    Alright, so I was spying on KR like usual when suddenly I saw something that made me put the binoculars down.

    I saw yet another set that we never got. Just like the spring-sheepie looking set, this one also has been out for a good what...at least 4 years? in KR anyway.

    Along with the very long forgotten TV hats and medium length male wig-all as seen below




    In addition to this, just thought I'd bring up yet again the Sanrio set. Make no mistake!!! I don't like them. Lol.

    But I remember for years Tera was blocked from releasing their Sanrio sets and then about a year after I quit that game for BnS I did see that they did finally get that set. So I guess, kind of makes me wonder if maybe someday that would at all be possible for NA/EU, even despite me not liking the sets myself-see how charitable I am?? You're all welcome, I do this all for you but mostly for myself but maybe just this once also for you




    Ok that's all I've got, have a nice day. Hope you're all weathering the bad event endless walls of text storm well.

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  14. No I'm gonna say it


    Those wings are ugly. Those wings, those wings are god awful. Those wings make you look like a chicken that just narrowly escaped being a Kentucky fried chicken. Those rotisserie chicken lookina-listen. Those greasy burnt up looking can I take your order mam looking wings you couldnt give them to me for free even with 0 effort involved so you know what they can keep them. Oh yes they can!!! Oh yes they can and let me tell you something else. THIS event. This event right here. Today. It's goin on right now, you log in, bam, it's in your face, that's what's happening, that's the mood of the day. That event is not their best work. I wouldnt put that one on the resume, I wouldnt show that one off. But we all make mistakes. But the mistakes are getting a little more frequent than usual, I'll admit that. I'll admit it, I hope they do too. Now. What's my point. Well let me get to that, I'm gonna say it right now.


    I don't particularly care for this event and I do not think that I will be participating in it, however I am looking forward to what the future brings here in Blade and Soul Online now let me tell you something else. Hmmmmmmmm. Actually, we don't need this many events. There's way too many events back to back to back to back, it's not an event if it's every dam day how many times do I

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  15. The thought of the lag is really getting spirits down, I can't even lie.

    It'd be one thing if we were dead servers status, but Zulia is well populated and I thought Yura was even more populated than we are..the thought of everyone being smooshed together and lag getting even worse is like...I just really hope you guys know what you're doing here. I know KR is probably grabbing you by the neck but if it's about money surely there are easier ways to be less in the red? I don't know-I don't know what's going on. Please just don't do this for a stupid reason. If you do this and the lag is awful, you're going to seriously see a drop in players/customers that I'm not sure you afford. Make sure it's a good strong server please, you are frightening me. ty

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  16. There is a "Wonderland" set and then an "Alice" set.


    Wonderland is the pale blue and white one, created by NC which you can see at the bottom of the next coming event page here:

    along with the first time it was released which was back when Gunslinger came out right here:

    Album here: https://imgur.com/a/hNmVD




    Alice is the royal blue and white set created by NA in the first costume contest that was held as shown here:


    Album here: https://imgur.com/a/uKaZI


    Just chiming in for clarification.

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  17. 3 hours ago, octo said:

    Unrelated to what should be in the box but can you guys pretty please with a cherry on top consider putting this costume in the game finally :please:



    Oh wow...I totally forgot about this set.. we still never got that! That's wild lol

    Yeah, definitely add that one in as well when you get the chance please-that one has been out in KR since before NA/EU even existed. Very very long overdue.

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  18. On 4/5/2019 at 6:25 PM, Hime said:

    What costumes would you like to see return? Also, we'll inquire about adding Weapon Illusion box possibly for events in the future.

    OH I THOUGHT YOU'D NEVER ASK brb, gonna log in take some screenshots and update this post with exactly what I'd like to see come back


    Ok here's my wishlist thanks



    Note about Knockout, it was released but the same way Carnation + Skybloom? Wings were at first released without the dance emot, Knockout was released without the wall-talk emot that it was supposed to have as well. So I had bought it, realized the emot was left out, and got my ncoin for it back via support because by itself, it just wasnt worth the $20. I still like it though. So I'm hoping someday it'll come back, but just complete next time.

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  19. Hi there me again nice and tired like always hopefully for the last time now, alright so


    On 4/2/2019 at 4:24 AM, Youmukon said:

     When it comes to guides or useful resources for the Community, we got that thread (which is a bit outdated, but we can dust that off!), feel free to link your pastebin to me and I'll be able to add them there too.


    Here you go  https://pastebin.com/3Z5vrh58

    But some is probably outdated and also not the most accurate in the entire world-like I'm pretty sure someone else can do a way better job but if it helps in any way then there it is. Anyone can do whatever they want with it, I don't mind. Use bits, take, reword, use to make own paste/better version,  etc etc etc-whatever's useful out of it feel free to use in any way at all. I am but a humble servant ok goodnight.



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