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Posts posted by Showta

  1. I can't remember for sure, but didnt they already say something is coming out for guilds? Like some sort of Guild vs Guild pvp...I feel like I remember hearing that. I also can't remember whether or not faction had anything to do with it. Whatever was though I believe was also met with groans of disappointment once it was realized that the new battlefield(?) wasnt going to be equalized anyway so


    Whatever the case, i thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiink faction is dead yeah.

    Gear is way too much nowdays. WAY too much. If it's not equalized, there's no point. so any kind of faction battle maps are just useless and no mans land other than people willing to pay car payments to a video game.

  2. 2 hours ago, Youmukon said:

    Regarding the Avatar Gallery and forum upgrade, I just asked the team in charge again today for an ETA. It's a feature we know works since we have it on another NCSOFT title forums, so all we need is to deploy that update on Blade & Soul forums.

    ALRIGHT sounds good, better than nothing, looking forward to it


    One last suggestion I can think up would be...maybe in the future, to breathe more life into the forum other than just "I hate NCsoft, they never do anything right, dead game, my entire life is now ruined over one mistake in an update and now I demand compensation in the form of having both my tuition paid and all of my medical bills because that update left me quadriplegic" -to maybe get some moods ooooooooother than spicy anger going on here, maybe host a dinky Screenshot contest or something. Winner doesnt have to get a brand new car, just chuck em a free appearance change voucher or something. That would be very nice.

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  3. 7 hours ago, Youmukon said:

    Hi! We answered to that question several times in the past and letting everyone to choose the avatar they want on forums is a route we will never take. We've all seen what can happen on F2 Profile pictures in-game already, I would like to avoid our Moderators chasing up after inappropriate avatars/signatures all day long, not to mention that forums are readable technically by anyone (including non-authenticated users) meaning that there's no age gating in place, so all content published in here must be completely safe for work (we are even more strict than we are in-game here). Let's not mention all the drama related to art theft that we would have to deal with too.


    Our initial goal when we launched forums was to directly integrate in-game data so your avatar would be representing your character in-game (like WoW basically), as well as pulling basic settings such as your level, clan etc. That was unfortunately never put in place. The alternative we are looking at is to have an avatar gallery. It's something we will be able to do once Blade & Soul forums gets upgraded (right now the functionality isn't present in the current version of the forum software we are using). Once that feature is in, adding a bunch of pre-determined avatars for everyone to choose from will be easy!


    Great mock up also Showta, thank you for taking the time to make that!

    Thank you, King. Graphic Design is my passion.

    Now back to business.


    The Art Theft dramu thing is right, that's real, true true...a point was made.
    How about offering up a couple BnS banners as well? Or!! I have a juicy idea-what if you held a "design forum banners" contest

    Or even if we still say No to banners, what about being able to change color templates at least?


    The most beneficial though would without a doubt be ah...having players be able to write and display who they are in-game as well as maaaaaybe where to find their content. There are so many Blade and Soul artists and people who do very detailed guide videos and streamers who dedicate hours of their day every day inviting newbies to tag along or happily explain content to them. I understand completely though that that also does open the "well what if they link something foul" window, so I mean, it does make it a little tricky. What if their media link requires an approval first? I don't know. I just wish BnS content wasnt as scattered as it is. I've done pastebins for BnS which really puts into perspective both how confusing the game itself can be for newbies along with how confusing it is for them to find current reliable sources without having to scavenge the internet for 2 or 3 days.


    Reddit is of no use, naturally. I associate with trash on a daily basis and even we're more civilized than that.

    So all that leaves is the main site/forum for a big hub of information which is kindaaaaaaaaaaa not too great.


    An avatar gallery is a lot better than everyone being the same, so I can appreciate that.

    Any idea on when the upgrade might come? I'm just being nosy at this point.


    Basically, I'm just hoping for something-anything really, that sets us apart from having too much anonymity.

    There's already Reddit for whining and naming calling and there was already bnsg for the exact same thing which ate itself completely and I'm quite tired of coming to the official forum and pretty much seeing a 3rd version of the exact same thing. and no Twitter doesnt take the place because I'm an adult and the last thing I want is for other adults I actually know in real life to know what I do when I get home.

  4. I think this is a great idea. To demonstrate, I wasted my time doing up two examples of changes that I personally thought could be beneficial.

    CMs could of course with my blessings still have gifs as their icons which would still set them apart. But giving everyone else the ability to stop being faceless nobodies would certainly brighten things up around here. Let's take a look.

    Also, hope you don't mind but had to use you as a base, Snow



    As we can see, User uploaded icons add just a touch of actual personality behind posts. In addition to this, having the ability to write about who you are in game also makes it so making friends off the forum is much easier-plus it gets rid of there being way too much anonymity here-which we all know what happens when a forum is completely anon, dont we CM. Then! I'm not sure if images are allowed in signatures or not but if they're not then that might be nice as well. But I think they might already be able to exist. I'm not sure there-will have to fiddle with that later.

    Now, let's take a look further.



    So, current user profiles are just as faceless as what we see on the front side of the forum.

    But with just a few changes, it will almost now appears like we players are actual human beings!


    Customizable color schemes, banners, another spot to write a little about yourself (which right now that current spot is just oddly blank as if that was its original intention but never panned out), plus some other things other than just forum posts visible to other users from this page. This again encourages creativity, game immersion, and a sense of sharing with your game community which creates a closeness that makes it much harder to simply leave after being one shot and then disconnected during a 6v6 match.


    In actuality, these are very very minimal changes, but sometimes, it's the little things that leave a much bigger and long lasting impression. The more freedom you allow your customers, the happier they might possibly be. And there are no downsides to happy customers. Let's get those smiles started.


    - Your Marketing Genius, Showta

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    You're not wrong. Yah some people here are arguing-listen to me. You're not wrong.

    That's a lot to do. and I'm gonna tell you what I did to get past all of it.


    I stopped doing it.


    THINK ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You're gearing super hard-for what. What is it all for. You get one gear set and what do you do next-you work on getting even more gear. What is it for. "w-well to do current conten-" YOU DO NOT NEED MAX GEAR TO DO CURRENT CONTENT!!! EVER!!!! EVER!!!!! 6v6?? Who cares, that's trash anyway. Raids??? It'll be hard for 2 weeks and then get nerfed into the ground so WHAT are you gearing for.


    Nothing. The answer is nothing. So don't worry about gearing. Just make friends and have fun. If tagging along with friends gets you gear, then great.

    But MMORPGS have never been all about gear. They're about the experiences, relationships, and memories you form and create with those around you in a big beautiful fake digital world with fantasy characters and pretty looking costumes.


    Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game.

    That is what you are playing. Not a gear treadmill simulator. Always remember that.

    Don't ever let these companies or anyone else convince you that what you're playing is a gear contest game. You're not. You don't have to. That wasnt what this genre was intended for. Your fate and path in a digital world is entirely in your own hands, not theirs.

    • Like 4
  6. :YeharaBig:


    Team Release the names tbh!!!


    I've been here all 4 years, from beta to now and if I had quit 3 years ago of course I wouldnt come back expecting to still have my name, know why? Because I wouldnt be coming back, hello!!!!!! I don't care if they paid 20 bucks or even the 120bucks-honey that was 3 or 4 years ago now. That's old money. We thrive off that new money, they're not paying any bills around here anymore. "They're a veteran" yeah so was your first kiss, you still want them showing up to your baby shower 10 years later to pick your babies name right in front of the spouse you're happy with right now?? They're irrelevant, sorry! They hold no power, have no opinion. They're not reading this right now and they let their BnS emails go straight to spam.


    THAT SAID ok so how to do it


    First, send them all emails. Give them a month or two to log in.

    Let everyone else know as well, scream from the rooftops that in a month or two name releases are coming

    This gives people time to either check their emails and go, "Oh I better log in to keep those" or to tell their friends "Hey, you better log in to keep that name!"
    Either way it's a bit of a win because this gets a bunch of older players to download the game and log in again.

    If they cant be bothered to log in then they don't care enough and thus lose their name


    What about for the rare cases that will suddenly the very next day come out of the woodwork and say "Oh I only couldnt play BnS for x amount of years because I was studying abroad on mars, this isnt fair" If they paid 100+, maybe. Maybe give them back the name and the person who took it a name voucher-but only under the condition that that person log in. They have to log in first. If they dont even have the game downloaded and they're pleading for a name, gurl bye.


    Also, be sure to make it clear whether everyone has to log into every character to save that name or whether logging into one character will save all their character names.

    • Like 2
  7. Weird that some are having so many issues. Maybe you're not installing the right launcher or you're installing it in the wrong place? idk. idk man.

    All I did was click the download button they told us to click, download it, and install it into my bns folder. I have no idea how that can manage to go wrong but here we are.

  8. Understand this


    If it's a costume and it's in trove, just assume you won't get it

    It's hard, it's miserable, but they'll bring it back 5 or 6 months anyway in a non RNG way. So its a waste to spend a bunch of money gambling for it when eventually you'll be able to outright buy it anyway. mmm and,    this is a 3rd version of the pig set. Just get the normal one or the freebie one. Gold one is a bit bright on the eyes anyway


    I would say the spending limit for keys should be no more than about 50. After that, cut your loses.

  9. Hi there, if you don't like your characters idle animation you can take your weapon off while you idle and you'll stop doing it

    Although usually when people are idle they're not actually at the computer.


    But if you for some reason find yourself sitting and starting at your screen doing absolutely nothing and the sight of your character having a sense of humor still alarms you, please know that at any time you can snatch that weapon right out of their little digital undeserving hands and leave them shocked, standing there quietly deeply ashamed for the horrific acts of a good time they were just attempting to have right in front of you


    So since I'm here, time to make this about me

    I love the idle animations but I wish they didn't do a vocal emot noise. My character is screaming every 30 seconds now.

    Which is why I too rip that sword right out of his grubby little hands.

  10. I lost about 130 Spirit Stones or whatever those were to this.

    I'm not like, hopping mad or anything. But I kinda want those back.


    and it's really hard to find mandate/cs groups now since no one has orbs.

    Which ruins the event since we're supposed to be doing mandate/cs every day


    Kinda sorta a big mess.


    That said, really don't like seeing the CMs getting dragged this hard.

    It was a really really really bad mistake and their first week without a couple people who used to handle a lot of things behind the scenes. I don't believe for a second that they intentionally lied. One look at NCWests employee reviews shows you easily that CMs are pretty much just the talking punching bags. They can only do so much. They sat there that day and did their jobs, and their job was to read off a list of things that were supposed to be in the patch. So I'm not at all annoyed by any of the CMs. It's the higher ups who just arent paying attention well enough. Well, them and whoever was supposed to be double-triple checking every single thing in the game before putting it up. but primarily, whoever created the patch. and to my understanding, NCWest does not create the patches, they just get them from KR. Whatever the case is, CMs sweeties, you did your best. This is a pretty bad oops but you can fix it by giving them/us our items back. If you can't do that, then well, yikes. Remember to bring an aspirin to work for the next month or so.
    But also, please tell KR that this is a disaster, thanks.

  11. 43 minutes ago, Lyn Thunderfox said:

    Now let's not really always put the blame on the sexist comments shall we ? Not that I don't condemn them, but as a CM of a game company, you can be sure she was much more safe than any random female players which can potentially have it way worse.

    Oh no, she always had it pretty bad. I've been here since beta and I've seen ugly little boys constantly being rude in the streams, on reddit, on twitter, and even sometimes here and what I mean by rude isnt "oh wah wah they were giving her constructive criticism about her job" No, they were always picking at her for reasons I don't even want to bring up because I think it's a bit distasteful in what's supposed to be a friendly goodbye thread. I'd ignore it altogether but I'm not going to sit up here and let anyone pretend people werent being awful to her from the start.


    To be honest, if I were her I would have quit way sooner lmao. The way people treat each other in this game has had me debating quitting all the time-I take months breaks at a time because people just act like they have no kind of sense. They really act 10 kinds of stupid online when you know for a fact in person they'd get all meek and shy. The BnS population has had a problem with acting like they know everything at all times and are the star and hero of their own anime show from the beginning, having absolutely no regard for the things they say or how they treat others-all along now! The only reason it's so noticeable right now is because it's all at once, but they've been acting like this all along now. Nothing they're posting is new-the video of them being foul on her twitch is a year old. They've been hurling every insult under the sun at her all along.


    I can understand not liking the way someone does their job, oh honey that's fine. Express concern all you need!

    But the moment it crosses into name calling, everything you had to say is void. And people act like flat-out disrespecting someone cursing at them calling them stupid for forgetting a key is the same thing as expressing concern. Yeah sweetie, go express concern like that at your job, see how that goes over. Talk to your parents like that then, lets see how fast you get written out of that will.


    Anyway so they can continue being ugly showing their true colors scaring women away from them keeping a firm tight grip on that chastity belt all they'd like. She's free now and they can move onto the next target, continuing to spit on every CM they encounter with unwarranted personal attacks and then playing victim and claiming that it was only because they love the game so much. lmao!

    • Like 2
  12. Thank you Miss Bethany for helping the BnS commoontity look their best in all cosmetics you helped get into our grubby little mitts over the years. I will always appreciate you every time I view my crowded digital wardrobe and one day I too will have a very very cute fuzzy wolf looking hat-I bookmarked it, so one of these days. I wish both you and Miss Jonica Balenciaga Lien Rose the absolute best. I'll miss being slayed by your outfits in streams, but it's all for the best. Have fun you two crazy kids, be safe!



  13. Home from my trip!!! Time to be annoying-are we ever going to get answers about this?

    What's on NC's mind, what kind of compromise can be made here?

    Nothing???? Is it nothing?? Because that would truly be a shame.

    Like said, there are many ways around outright removing every single blue quest. You just have to rub more than 2 braince-ok that's a little, what I meant to say is you just have to believe in yourselves and in the unrelenting faith of your beautiful graceful certainly not obnoxious paying costumers who by the way pay and love you all at NC very very much.

    Love is truly the answer to everything. Please restore blue quests.

    • Like 3
  14. On 10/19/2018 at 3:44 AM, Trilioh said:

    In case it wasn't mentioned here yet, here is the response by NC's Cyan in a reddit post in the matter:


    @Cyan Can I talk to you for a second

    I'm sure you need no reminder, but keep in mind that I'm a complete nobody who knows next to nothing about running video games. However, I've played them for way too long and so I know exactly how long term players think. And this is important useful information because, as gently and loving as I can put it, none of you seem to have any understanding of what long term players think or feel (which is very bad, because long term players are the ones that pay the most).


    Ok. Bad idea. That's a bad idea.

    Need any proof? Alright, go play Tera. Ok now come back. How was itIT WAS AWFUL yeah, I know. Ok, so what do we do now.

    We gotta not end up like that. We gotta do everything we can....to not end up like that. This idea right here??? This is exactly like that. This is a big dangerous step in Teras direction. They're struggling to even have more than 2-3k players on at a time even during primetime hours during the weekend. Ok, they're reaching Wildstar numbers. EDD will only be able to help you with so much-I need you to listen to me.


    So how do we fix it, what do we do?
    SOLUTION:  Put the quests back. Write up a newbie guide.
    I know I KNOW just-hear me out. You have a team. You have a million nerds at your beck and call via here or reddit. You have BnS academy, you have Bns buddy, you have Skelly, you have Jaesung, you have unfortunately have me-you have a plethora of people who would be willing to help you. I've already written a guide, it's easy. Of course it's not for here but if you needed one I'd be happy to volunteer someone else.

    REMEMBER!! You guys are running this game. You're actually supposed to put up information about the game.

    So you have that drop down bar with Races, Classes, Media, Factions. You can slap a "Beginners Guide" right there!!! Slap it on the front page, slap it next to the download button, anywhere! Worlds your oyster.


    Just do not. Do not for any reason remove those additional story quests.
    Or maybe, just put a tooltip that says "Blue quest arent needed! To progress faster, just do yellow quests only!"

    There are ways to get what you want done, to achieve that same goal without removing half of the games story.

    • Like 5
  15. I don't understand this move at all


    What do they think Blade and Soul is?


    It's an MMO, right? Do they know what an MMO is? Are the people making these changes in any way educated about their job?

    I wish I could get hired not knowing anything about anything and just do what I want no matter how much it upsets the companies customers.

    If I just took half the stuff off the shelves in the store and told customers I was streamlining their shopping experience so they had nothing to choose from but milk and eggs, I'd be thrown into on-coming traffic by both the customers and my manager together. LOL


    Story is what makes an MMO an MMO. STORY!!! NOT!! RNG BOXES OR TROVE!!! 
    If we want to play a fighting game only, we'll go play Tekken. If we want to play a raiding game only, sorry baby but we're going to go play WoW or XIV. You don't even understand what made your own game special! LMAO It's amazing! It's amazing if you think about it.


    I don't know who did this, NCKorea or NCWest. Whoever did it is wrong

    When it comes to NA/EU, you guys are constantly getting moves wrong and then just sitting on your hands about it looking up at the ceiling wondering why people are so mad. Your customers literally tell you every step of the way what you're doing wrong and how to fix it and nothing changes. It's embarrassing! At this point, this game is embarrassing me lol. I don't know what to say. Well I do, but I can't believe I'm actually having to say it.


    Please keep the story in Blade and Soul

    Please stop taking away every single reason to P L A Y the G A M E

    • Like 5
  16. 10 minutes ago, Enigmatic Reaper said:

    I'd like to see Dark Specter and Summer Sea come back.  They're 2 of my favorite outfits.  Was disappointed that Summer Sea didn't make it back this year during summer.  They didn't really give us much in the way of swimsuits this year.  Probably hoping we'd be too hyped about the dyeable swimsuit to notice the lack of selection.  >.>

    That was so tragic

    That dyeable set was such a flop. Only one person I knew out of all of them-out of like 3 guilds worth of people got it. One!!!! Out of all of those costume hoarding whales!! Truly a shame. My heart goes out to all of NC.


    Hopefully they start rolling out swimsuits early next time around spring? Or even earlier than that if they can, instead of waiting and releasing all the summer outfits basically in fall :giggle:

  17. VS9p0Df.jpg


    I've been waiting on these wigs siiiiiiiince launch lol

    We've gotten the costume 2 or 3 times, but every single time we just kept getting "Silky hair" wig instead which is this one:


    NO MORE OF THIS ONE PLEASE. That is the wrong one and we all have 1,000 of it.

    I would love to see the other one finally.


    Aside from that off the top of my head, the white blindfold from the Cobolt twins that doesn't drop. The white mask was put into trove once, but the white blindfold has still never appeared in the game at all. Would be nice to have a chance at that finally too!

  18. 9 hours ago, KzE said:

    Majority of mmorpg players are adults with limited free time and they are solo players. How this game support them to stay? Grind is not the problem, the WAY how you need to grind is.

    Don't mean to single anyone out, but this....ok how I can say it gently


    MMO's were never made for solo players, parents, full time job holders. They were never made for you. They were never made to keep a busy persons 5 minutes of free time.

    Maybe when you first started playing them as a student that was fine. But once you got too busy with life, you got too busy with life.

    The genre's job is not to change itself to mold around people who grew up. That's not what's supposed to happen. and I know it sucks, but that is just the honest truth.

    MMO's have always been something where either you're a kid with too much free time or maybe you're an adult, but you play anyway despite what it is because you enjoy having your guild and gathering people up to do content. That is the reality.


    MMO's arent supposed to remove all hard content and just make everything buy-able so no one ever has to play with each other/farm anything.
    That my friends, would be a single person game, which you can find everywhere for consoles or from Steam.
    I think a lot of you are confused about genres and perhaps would be better suited to a different type. Again, no offense.
    But it's like wanting an orange to taste like a banana. It's not going to happen. and if it did, then that would remove the source of orange juice.

    You see what I'm saying?
    Ok, moving right along then

    Is the game dead right now? No.
    Is it dying right now? Depends on perspective.
    Could it die in the future? Will you die in the future?!? Everything is made to die so yes at some point it will die, just like you and me
    Are there problems? Yes. Just like there are problems in all games in all genres and in everyones life ever.


    Ok so we know there are problems. Now what?
    Continue suggesting changes you would like to see to better improve yours and others gaming experience. When you make suggestion threads, try to all stay in them and not spread out making 50 different suggestion threads where none gain any traction because someone just writes up another one instead of putting their post in your post.

    Alright goodluck, I'm supporting all of you.

  19. -Anyways, now it's time for me to post my wants again because as usual, they're the most important.


    I think in last weeks episode way back on page 3 I just simply said Rosethorn crown but you know what, that's boring, that's cancelled now. We need imagery, we need fantasy.



    This. Right. Here. Is what needs to come back. Now that it's dyeable it's iconic and that means I needed to have it like, yesterday. So soonest we can lets get that back in and then maybe I guess the rest of Rosethorn at some point (but I don't really care, just give me the hat)


    Now, my personal verdict for Founders costumes?? I'm gonna tell it like it is NC. Heart to heart, me to you-rest of you keep it moving.


    That's not for you to worry about. Founders packs were advertised as having exclusive costumes. You go back on a word like "exclusive" and you ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ off way too many people who pay your bills consistently. You already have the cheap knockoff recolors-throw those back at em. Give em that lil bone to chew on again, Dead Reckoning. They'll wear it 3 times and forget all about it and you and I both know that so you just ignore these catfights over it.

    Now, what I'm still looking forward to also are these right here


    But I know already how you are NC, you're gonna slide em both in Trove because they're kinda summer'ish, kind of school like. Kind of have the spring student feeling-I see you right now NC you kinda sneakin around a lil bit but I see you. I want the little tracksuit outside of a Trove but if you put it in Trove at least make it an easy grab for us less fortunates out here you know what I'm saying, like we're good people too. Looking forward to admiring all 3 in my inventory rotation!!

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