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  1. It's been awhile since I tried to remake my Summoner... Finally sat down to fix some parts while I was fixing up a new preset for bf's Yun. Before when everything was red, her hair and eyes, the redness really stood out above the colors of the outfits I'm wearing. Now with ivory hair and blue eyes, most of the outfits and their colors blend in well overall :D The new colors were my original intention before game was launched. I made this preset back in CBT and back then, we didn't have these BRIGHT colors. I believe one of the most requested thing from CBT was the brighter colors for hair and eyes and they finally gave us that at headstart. When I heard the news, I immediately switched the both parts with the new bright red color we got (red is my all time favorite color >.<). It's been few months now and I've had enough fun with the red so now I'm going back to the original colors I wanted for my Summoner xD Fixed up her eyes a bit too :D BEFORE AFTER
  2. It took me 3 days of farming to get the outfit from the wheel :l But I actually stayed in the area to farm Balrok + Dark Balrok after I finished all of the dailies I needed to do. I actually got the wing adornment from the wheel after spinning the wheel about 12 times, it made me want to farm for the outfit as well so I can equip that adornment. Dark Balrok's loot box also has a chance to give one of the costume pieces. While farming for essences, I actually got the eye piece 3 times from Dark Balrok's box...while hoping they'd be outfit hahaha After 3 days of farming, I finally got the outfit from the wheel. I think I used about 80ish essences in total for all the pieces?
  3. Well I didn't expect to see the Custom Poh hair in the cash shop today... We just had to get it D: Here's my Summoner and my bf's LBM xD I made that pink character specifically for him hahaha So adorable <3 Forgot to add xD Enjoying the new hair :3
  4. I forgot to take new screenshots of my main after headstart, but I took some for my alt tonight xD Here's my alt Lyn Summoner, Sakuranbo :3 I'll post main sometime after I take new pics as my Gon FM is my favorite character :D
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