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Everything posted by Lantios

  1. And does that amulet even drop from normal mode? If so, what seems to be the chance for drop? I have never seen it drop since they released this solo dungeon.
  2. My question is if it is waste of tokens and time to try to get amulet with second skill that actually does some dmg? I already got 3 amulets with the same completely useless skill. So should I rather upgrade amulet with useless skill that I have or should I still try to get that amulet I need?
  3. I guess you will just have to switch to ENG keyboard, where you have numbers above letters. However it would be great if we didn't need to switch type of keyboard, because when I switch keyboard which I use in my language to ENG keyboard, it also switches y for z and vice versa (and some other symbols changes too). So it sometimes becomes messz to trz to tzpe with that >D.
  4. If there is a bug, then it's probably the upgrade path via evolution stone from stage 6 to stage 7 which should not work.
  5. I am not sure if this one is supposed to troll others, but you are supposed to get maximum of stage 6 on your silversteel weapon through this event. Why should it work above that? There were events where you could upgrade only some stages before using some special material. Rather ask for things that were actually listed between rewards and we didn't get them. Here I post this picture again.
  6. I believe that most of the players didn't proceed with transformation from Awakened Brightwill Soul Stage 1 to Awakened Brightwill Soul Stage 2 when they saw that their last Everwill Soul Evolution Stone isn't enough to upgrade to True Brightwill Soul. So, it would be great if we get path from Awakened Brightwill Soul Stage1 to True Brightwill Soul with our last Everwill Soul Evolution Stone. I hope it wouldn't be complicated solution.
  7. I wonder why they keep available the same weapons almost all the time too. For more than year we were able to get lotus, inkbrush and cosmos weapons from some paid events. They still even now are on auction house for affordable prices. Why not change it to different weapons that didn't appear for long time. I guess a lot of people have characters where they would like to get them. For example dragonshroud/dragonbrand or special training illusion weapon chests were last time available more than 2 years ago.
  8. Another question. In my inventory, how do I recognice those boxes which someone send me and those which I can send to get reward?
  9. Do psyches in weapon disappear at some point during upgrading weapon or do they stay there until change to different type of psyche? Probably the same question is about psyches in soul, heart atc., overall in things which you only evolve to get better equipment.
  10. Is there any way how to get rid of slacking player in party? During this event I have already seen several players who just stand on place and do nothing.
  11. As Force Master and Astromancer I use ss to get behind one of those monkeys so that I am on green part of platform. In that way you can easily avoid red attack and all monkeys suddenly get in front of you. Only thing that remains is to block in right time. You just need to know how far do you ss, so you don't ss into water. Probably you only need to get on the green edge of platform, but I just want to be sure that every monkey is as much in front of me as possible :D
  12. Well, I think that you can find wings in trove more than once, so why not weapons? Some weapons didn't appear for very long time. For example it seems like special training weapon was available only once almost two years ago and I believe that quite a lot of players didn't play so long ago. However this comment probably doesn't belong to discussion about store :))
  13. Thank you. I hope that training lynblade will be available again, it looks really good. But it seems like all of those weapons are very rare anyway.
  14. Does anyone know which illusion weapons do that aura with things floating around you (for example DragonBrand Illusion Weapon)? Or how can I recognice all of them?
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