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Everything posted by Madscream

  1. People are tired of accepting bulshit. And I am sorry to say, almost every reply to my post here is exacly this - bullocks. There are always knights in shining armor that are first to defend dumb and stupid developers and in-game marketing. Honestly I started answering to all your posts, but there is no point. You can't talk seriously with a fanboys anyway. Just be aware, that even if you talk on the forums here alot and have 1k posts does not mean you are in the majority of players and represent their stance. It seems to me you are okay with the game being worse than it could be, just because you farmed your ass off to get gear and you should be rewarded for it by basicaly being a god in-game. Tell me then, how is it that many, many other MMOs, like FFXIV, WoW, GW2 etc have superior gearing patterns? When you can return to the game and after putting some hard work you can be BIS geared in under 4 months? Are you saying BnS is better in this aspect? How people are not to feel discouraged by the basics of the game (gearing)? This is exacly why you dont have enough people to play the game. BTW: My post was originaly intended for devs and community managers, not for players praising everything the game currently is.
  2. September 11 - as my birthday present I present you my angry wall of text below. I wanted to check the game after new update, since I was curious about the game performance. Although game runs smoothly, it still lacks that sharpness and optimalization in zones with high count. Not terrible, but it still sucks to play MSP with 10 FPS. I was quickly reminded however why I quit playing Blade and Soul. 1. The gap between players performance is too big here. It's kinda stupid that my FM does 3,5 M damage per second and I see people doing 1/4 of this AND people doing 15 M +. Having to do dailies for a month for an upgrade is one thing. Having to compete with other players that do 400% of your damage is another. In any other MMORPG gear level difference is usually balanced much better. I can't imagine BNS being successfull without entire gear revamp. 2. I am still bombarded on every step with adds advertising game shop "brilliant" limited time purchases. Also, I dont think I need to say it - the game is still pay to win. 3. Running dungeons in F8? Forget it. F8 is almost dead. I am waiting 5 minutes for single person to join. 4. Old dungeons keep disappearing from F8. There is just less to do in the game and there is somehow more cash shop stuff in it. 5. Dungeons are getting harder, so entry level is tougher. Alts become not enjoyable / not possible. For god sake, nerf gear, dont boost dungeon bosses. 6. Game is still made to be unconvenient while every quality of life change people can want from the game is behind Premium. I am done giving you any money unless you actually fix current game issues. 7. I played the game with BNSBuddy (yes I know it is against license, yet it provided me with few changes I needed to enjoy the game). Years later there is still no improvements to the main game, that were made back in the days with game fans. - No DPS meter for whole party in dungeons. - Every box takes another second to open. It feels so nice to spend 5 minutes daily just to open boxes from that day. 10/10 - Still no spellbind customization. I played with a mod for my FM that made my TAB always blocking, my Z always giving me Solar Flare buff etc. Default spellbinds suck so much I am triggered every time I need to block something. - There is no Simple Mode customization. People want that. Why wont you give people what they want? I am done with this crap treatment. No more money from me. No more time from me. You ruined one of the best Action Combat MMOs. Congratulation. Get your ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ together NCSOFT.
  3. Took one month break awaiting FM 3rd spec (my main char). Then this happens. I'm definetly not comming back if this change hits live servers. Those changes hit mid tier players more than anyone else.
  4. I wanna necro this topic a little ;) We all agree that combat system in BnS is what makes us play. Some people preffer Earth Destroyer, some stick to Shadow, like me. And there are some that play new 3rd spec just cause it deals more damage. I am an MMO player and I see this in every game. even 3-5% more damage makes half of the people switch to "superior" spec and we know balancing specs is hard, but NC$oft is not even trying. I'm an altoholic, I like trying different playstyles. Got all the classes in bns leveled up. I was maining SIN, then KFM, then WL and now I'm on FM. Honestly can't wait for that sweet yin&yang FM 3rd spec tbh. But! I also wanted to sugest one thing: make SF 3rd spec a full ranged one please! PS.: Oh, and if I can suggest another: delete lyn from the game.
  5. Hello there. I'm a returning mmo player. Came back about a month ago. Do you think people playing BnS in 2020 are toxic? I have never seen this mutch hate and toxicity in any game I've played before. Is Blade and Soul still even an MMO? People don't talk to each other in parties at all, or if they do, its mostly insults or bragging (or asking for ress). When someone in F8 said "Hi" to me the other day, I got soo excited I replied and asked about hows hes doing today. Didnt get an answer. Most chat interractions are just to say "tyfp" at the end of the run. People play with each other, but they are acting like its single player race with bots. BnS wasn't like this a year ago...
  6. Good thing I am hitting every Honing Oil on Daily Dash now. And ofcourse it will be trash item after wednesday...
  7. Why? They turned it off because you did not paid enough money in current trove.
  8. Is it rly worth to trove with keys bought for gold in F10? on EU 49 hm coins = 36 gold. You need alot of luck to get something worth to buy from trove this way unless you exclude key price.
  9. Veteran players will always say, that it should stay the same (since they worked for it for months, theres no way new played could get is easier). I'm pretty sure you already have all the gems you need, and thats why you are saying that. I'm gonna say it again, so it will be easier to understand: Getting One Hepta is 24x Solar Energy = 6 days of DC Getting 7 Heptas, thats 168x Solar Energy = 42 days of DC Getting One Garnet is pure rng, but considering my last 70 runs gave me 2 gems, you will need 90 days for One Hepta Garnet to the point: One Hepta Obsidian = 360x Solar Energy = 90 days of DC To get full set, you need 4 months of playing everyday DC to get all those gems (and I'm already counting one Hepta from CS/HM. Also, you will need those 9 gems, because of Garnet being as difficult to get as it is.
  10. I'm doing the same as you. It always was the case in KR servers and NOONE ever had any problem with this. Pass on all loot from both bosses, you are getting "boosted/free entry". Loot from CS is usualy crap anyway, and since we are allowed to sell orb shards on the market, there will be much more runs like this in the future. Saw Gem ticket from 2nd boss only once, while on the 1st boss it drops like every 5-6 runs for my alts. I wont bother using orb for just half of loot. Its better to just sell it on the market. So if you dont like MOML rule, use lfp and do just one boss, bid on one extra feather and be happy. Oh, and miss on 2nd boss dynamic reward with event coins :P Dont make your own "MOML for 2nd boss only" rule, since it never was like this in the past guys.
  11. With recent changes to Hongmoon Gem prices, Hexagonal Color Gems cost 8x Solar Energy. At the same time Obsidian Gems didnt get any update for their Solar Energy prices - making Hexagonal Obsidian via Transmute window costs 120x Solar Energy (so about a month of doing daily challenge) + some gold. Obsidian Gems realy need price update to make them more accesible across new players. I can easily say, that new aim for new players are Heptagonal Gems (24x Solar Energy), while Hepta Obsidians are not that common (360x Solar Energy). I wont even talk about Garnet Gems, since I got only one for last 70 Koldrak kills - those also could use either price reduction or Hepta version should be added to drop.
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