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Everything posted by CookieDAce

  1. That actually sound more like an ISP/Hardware/Software issue, not the servers. Maybe your connection is a bit suffering because of corona and too many people in your street/town are watching 4k videos or whatever.
  2. yes should have, but you always will have classes which counter other, that's not a myth its part of the kits of every class, especially if you want to balance for PvP and PvE. The only possibility to make all equal is to give everyone the same kit. Of cause, it's not only rock paper scissors, your own skill also plays a big part. If you know how other classes set up their combos, you can find a way how to counter it. Well yes back in the day's Summoner, Destro and Bladedancer were op, that changes every skill patch, for some classes more for others less.
  3. Here is an interesting comparison of the EU/NA client vs the KR client: The dips in performance are way higher in the EU/NA client. This is what NCWest should try to achieve for our client so that it will run on the same level as the Korean one. Another Problem in our Release is, that the servers are crippeled with the induced global ping, stronger servers and a better NETcode would do mirracles in terms of performance, because the sync between the server and the client would be better and not bottlenecking the client to wait for the sync or information from the server. This server bottlenecks are noticeable when you lower the graphics or use the potato mode, its not the optimisation its the server
  4. I guess its this Armory Premium Transformation stone which is already in the game since an event in January? Maybe now they are not only an event currency anymore and transform out of normal Premium Transformation Stones and/ or transmutable. Would also assume that this is 100% correct
  5. NO NO NO NO NO .... don't stop UE4, it's a big NO NO.... I don't want to wait another 5 years to get the UE5 patch when UE 6 is getting released!! Finsih UE4, get it optimized (wel yes I am an optimist!) and than start working on porting it from UE4 to UE5 xD
  6. Well ye BM is strong now, but PvP is not balanced at all, so you can't just blame BM, but his Air-Combo for example already got nerfed in KR, we are getting the same patches in 3 months. PvPis like rock paper scissors, which class beats another class. Of cause, you can also beat the class which counters you but this is skill-based. To begin with, if you don't learn every class for PvP, there is no point in even flaming for nerfs. Dunno why you didn't mention destroyer with his barely all-time cc immunity, his parry spin, same as BD. Summoner with his cat pin, FM with his frost root. The key to being good at PvP is to know what you are capable of with your own class, but you also need to know what other players can do with their class, so you can think of ways to play against it. If you are not willing to improve yourself then don't talk or even bother about PvP and just go 6vs6 Zerg. But still, keep in mind, its still rock paper scissors, you as a paper get owned by a scissor of the same skill level and you own a rock on your skill level. People can also say nerf WL with his SB in PvP, or the Thrall, or the root...... And to be honest if, raging and crying is ruining others' game experience, even more, salt is everywhere! PS: There is no point in even reaching out to NCWest, because they can' do something for balancing. NCWest is just a sort of Sub Company of NCSoft and TeamBloodlust (owned by NCSoft) is the developer. NCSoft tells TeamBloodlust what to do, not NCWest. NCWest is just publishing for EU/NA and can just ask for some regional changes in terms of costs, items and translations. Everything else is dictated by NCSoft. So no matter how hard you flame, cry and stomp the ground, NCWest will not and can not do something about it xD Feedback send to the devs by NCWest is going straight into the Dumbster. Korea is doing the patches and we get them 3 months later. ye it is, but well every class has its own perks, so play your class if you like the playstyle of your class. Dunno why ppl always try to show an e ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ with the most damage dealt, just because of their class Back in the day's Summoner had been Nr.1, at another patch, it has been Fm. It's kinda in every MMO or Moba, that certain classes/ champions are op, while others are either too hard to master as a normal player, or just low at all. Wait for the Korean skill patches who are tested at the moment in KR, we should get them in 3 months. Maybe we are lucky and get some balance, as far as I know, they extended the balancing patches for another 2-3 weeks, so atm KR get weekly balance changes
  7. Hi, I am fully aware that NCWest, as well as NCSoft, are just publishers and that TeamBloodlust is the developer, but TeamBloodlust is owned by NCSOFT. NCWest is in a position to talk with the devs to get things done. For example to get rid of old items and systems in the client, get some optimizations done, or request a better damage calculation, get the translations hardcoded instead of a filter exchanging it, and so on. There are a lot of problems which can be solved, it is possible to optimize UE3. How is it possible that the game is not using the Blade and Soul Nvidia Profile, how is it possible that even game profiles from other games work miracles on shuttering. I mean if NCWest would do some more inhouse testing on their internal server with more than 1 or 2 people and actually not to use gm weapons and use normal gear, maybe just with an unkillable buff so they won't die. There are a lot of things which can be done if you have a very motivated team! At the moment they try to milk the whales and I can understand that, because fewer players = less income = they need to get the money from other sources. Ye fancy animations for the homepage are nice as well, but an interactive homepage would be totally sufficient, if u tour through the Russian site u will see the animations and videos if u click on different classes for example
  8. Hey NCWest, I really don' want to hate but, you really need to beef up your game. The performance is horrible and mostly results in lazy programming with keeping legacy code and just adding up even more code, so the client is just blown up. You really should speed up the Unreal Engine 4 Update to get a fresh new client, without the old unused items, systems, and skills. I could bet that we still have the old level 45 skills in the client although they are not even usable anymore. But the game still "checks" on them. Despite that, even the Russian Blade and Soul Homepage is designed with more love and effort than the NCWest version. https://ru.4game.com/bns/ As I said I don't want to flame or to be rude, but the truth is you need to beef up a lot, even in terms of staff, which actually care for the game not only as a paycheck for themselves as long it's running, but to actually improve the game and increasing player experience. Because in the long run, you will earn more money with a big player base which also cashes casually than only milking the whales, who will quit the game as well at some point. With this said, I hope you don't screw up the Unreal Engine 4 and burry the game. (Don't bring us this frontier version)!
  9. Geht das Pay2Win geheule wieder los.... Ich will hier nicht den Whiteknight spielen, dafür hat NC$oft zu viel versaut, aber... Du kannst in BnS nicht Winnen, sondern Progressen, das ist ein Unterschied, darum ist es wenn schon Pay2Progress. Ja in den letzten Monaten ist NC$oft sehr aggressiv im Shop unterwegs, leigt aber daran, dass sehr viele Leute das Game gequittet haben, weil es für sie von der Performance unspielbar war. Dadurch hast du eine kleinere Playerbase -> weniger Casual Casher (Premium only, doer 20€ im Monat) -> selben Kosten die NC hat bei kleineren Einnahmen. Ja die hätten schon längst das Game ordentlich optimieren müssen, und nicht diesen Cross Play Frontier Server fabrizieren, hoffentlcih wird das UE4 Update für die Live Server nicht derselbe Müll sein, sondern das Game neu auf der UE4 codiert (ja ich weiß cih träume, weil NC es versauen wird). Pay2Win wäre es, wenn du dir ausschließlich im Cash Shop eine Waffe/Schmuck kaufen könntest, die besser als die aktuellste Max Waffe/Schmuck wäre. Ich komme ohne Probleme mit meinen gammel Twinks durch F8, bis auf die neuste Dungeon, aber naja, wäre traurig, wenn man mit Mini Twinks da einfach durchrennen kann. Und als ob du in andere Games nicht aus Gruppen geschmissen wirst, wenn du zu geringes gear hast, egal obd as WoW, FF oder sonst was ist. Und selbst wenn du dir dein Gear ercasht, wirst du spätestens nach dem ersten run aus der Multigruppe geschmissen, weil du nichts hinbekommst. Ist halt nciht alles schwarz und weiß. Und mal abgesehen davon, dass dieses geheule immer nur ne Ablenkung/ Rechtfertigung ist, dass man selbst nich schnell vorrankommt. Ich selbst hole mir nur Premium ab, hin und wieder mal 100 trove keys wenn überhaupt, meistens kaufe ich die sogar mit Gold ein und ich komme ganz gut vorran mit fast max gear und nein ich suchte nicht 24/7. Ich komme halt vorran wie es geht mal schneller mal langsamer. Gewinnen, tue ich ncihts wenn cih was in die Trove schmeiße, vorallem, da man aus der Trove kaum noch was gutes rauskriegt, Was meinst du wie die Geld verdienen sollen? Es gibt diverse Modelle, einmal die pay2Progress aber Free2Play variante, womit du geld verdienst indem einige wenige Spieler das game für mehrere Tausend Spieler mitfianzieren, die nur F2P spielen. Oder du gehst mit dem Pay2Play System, dass du monatlich ztahlen musst um spielen zu können, dann gibts nur ncoh Cosmetics und quality of life Sachen im Cash Shop. Das reine Buy2Play System gibts kaum bis garnciht mehr, ist meistens ähnlich wie das Pay2Play. Ich weiß nicht, was du für eine Weltvorstellugn hast, aber es gibt nichts umsonst auf der Welt. Meine 5 Cent zu diesem dähmlcihen Thema und falls das einer Von NC$oft liest, anstatt irgend einen Müll ins game einzubauen, liefert mal eine optimierte Version mit der UE4 ab, dann kommen auch Spieler wieder wenn das game gut spielbar ist, dann habt ihr auch wieder bessere Einnahmen und könnt diesen Pay2Progerss .... hust "Pay2Win" ... Modus weider runterfahren und es kommen dann sogar ncoh mehr Leute wieder ;)
  10. Than google about DX12 on Windows 10, it doesn't fully include DX9, so if a process requests code from a dx9 dll it has to emulate DX9, that is why my game ran better without shutters after installing DX9 Runtimes separately from Microsoft and also installing all the C++ and .net frameworks. For C++ and .NET you are right, that it doesn't emulate, but with all the different versions there might be some improvement which helped the game running better. I am defenitly not a white knight for NCWest, because in my oppinion they destroy the game because of listening on people who cry about everything. Like this dungeon is so hard I cant clear it (because I don't have a clue on what I am doing and I don't know the mech). Instead of makeing something of their guide menu CTRL + F NCWest decides to make the dungeons braindead that you can ignore the mech completely (eg Shadowmoor). From all the versions of BnS ours is so far the easiest, because of too many ignorant and lazy people crying about everything what causes then to work for their equipment, instead of getting it for free. Take a look at the future F8 changes Easy Mode for braindead and just 4 Hard mode dungeons left. In my opinion they just should have left all the Hard Modes and make them more rewarding. For example like in Korea they have Easy mode (our current normal mode, normal mode (our old normal mode before the mech nerfs) and hard mode with the original hard mode mechanics. For the players playing the game it would be much wiser to get some information from google YouTube or whatever about mechanics and play the game like its intended (it will make a lot more fun if you know what you are doing instead of just run through everything like a zombie). But well this would actually mean that people have to learn something, this can be kind of hard, so people decide to get angry on everything. Try out other MMOs than you can cry about P2W or long grinds, like WoW grinding 1 hour on one spot to get 1/3 quest items, blade and soul is nothing compared to it.
  11. Nobody said you need to have max equip, just do your thing and progress as fast as you can. I am not rushing anything just continuing step by step and I am barely at max gear atm. So for the new stuff comeing, I won't make a big deal out of it and continueing of doing my thing xD
  12. Well the game came to a state where the client/ the engine / the coding can't handle all the new content, too many bonus effect, amplifiers need to be calculated. This game was created around 2008 and released 2010. At our Release with the starting content in Moonwater there hasn't been any problems, you were able to go with 24 man on Poharan with all players enabled and settings on max. Just Blackwyrm with 50+ people was a pain in the ass. xD I am on an i5 6600, 8Gb Ram, GTX 780 and after installing all .NET Frameworks and C++ versions alone with DX9 for Windows I have no freezes or shutters in any raid. The FPS are low but I can get along with it. So if your computer is missing some files to run everything properly it have to emulate the files, this causes shutters. In addidtion to that try to switch Nvidia Profiles for the BnS or BnS Korea, just a quick google search helps (don't take "EvilDoUsHarm's", or "NeroKoso's" FPS tipps. There are couple of other guides on youtube, reddit or here in the forums. Just open your eyes. It's very unlikely that the devs will make any efford to continue optimizeing the game (it got already better compareing it from half a year ago), because most of them are working on the Unreal Engine 4 update, as far as I heard they are doing it from scratch, so it won't just be a graphical overhault, thats why this takes time. So instead of complaining you can do your research on your own. Can't say much about the p2w aspect because I still can't see any p2w here in the game, its called pay2progress, although the actual unity casher boxes are going already a bit too far. But I agree that putting these new unity casher boxes in F10 from day 1 is kinda strange. But for this complainment in total, this is not a huge dps increase as you think, same for the max pet thing, it has some slight increase and some other benefits, but its considered a luxury upgrade same as max soul, so thats why it's expensive, since they introduced soul and pet. Now you are complaining because you can't get everything from day one without putting any efford in it, but if they give max gear for free you will complain, about the game beeing too easy and booring. This is still an MMO, so for upgradeing your equip you need to farm, we are pretty lucky with guaranteed upgrade path here, maybe try BDO, BnS Korea or China, where your upgrades can fail, so you have to redo everything you farmed. Or WoW where you have to grind for 1 hour+ just to drop 1quest item from a mob. People are too spoiled here, most of the time everyone is expecting to get everything for free or without efford. Although with the recent buffs to everyone since the aweakened update (already would have been enough) and the additional nerfs to dungeon and raid mechs, people still complain that it's not easy enough. You can run most of the dungeons without even careing about mech anymore, thats a shame! People get lazy and spoiled, in addition to that they complain about everything what they don't get for free. This max upgrades are not a must have, so relax enjoy the game and progress as fast as you can, if you cash you will be faster, if not it will take a while, you can progress very fast with the events, like this one atm, where you get a massive amount of oils or pet packs for minimal efford! My 2 Cents for this! :p
  13. Well RNG is part of the game and we have a very softened version on this, try RNG in Korea or China, this might kill you. Getting everthing with the right stats would speed up everything, but it also would make everything boring, because you will reach max stuff very fast and be bored because you will have nothing to do anymore. I was farming 2 weeks straight for my mao neck, until I finaly got all the tokens back in the days. RNG is part of quiet every MMO and if you complain about this soft RNG here, try out other versions, or even try out other MMOs WOW, where u can grind 1 hour for 1 item a certain mob can drop for your, or BDO where u can fail upgradeing your equip and you have to go all over again. We can actauly call ourselfs lucky with this soft RNG we have, my 2 Cents.
  14. The trick is, not to get in combat if you dont have to. You usualy just get stuck in that mode if someone is still in combat, so instead of leaveing your teammates alone, just turn around and kill whatever is hitting your teammates. They fixed the combat stance bug with thralls and cats long ago, this was a major problem, but haven't had that bug for half a year.
  15. Just Linking my Thread here aswell, maybe someone from NC will stumble over it here, at least I hope someone does xD
  16. With all my testing so far (doing this for 2 years, still didnt found a good aa compatability bit for SGSSAA), I can just agree with you. Changeing graphical setting I achieve maybe 5 FPS compareing low settings to high settings. There are some small tweaks to the nvidia profile I found, but even the profile working best, is kind of linked to the graphic cards you use, so everybody have to do the testing by himself. For example on my main rig with an gtx 780 the normal bns profile works best, but on my notebook wiht an 1050 the client.exe is working better. But the main problem lies deeper as Amarathiel suggested, same goes with my suggestion at the start of this thread. For my experience, playing since the Close Beta, the client ran way smoother even with way higher player count at release. You have been able to 24 man Poharan without any problems FPS wise (at this point hideing Charakters with CTRL + F haven't been implemented), all charackters enabled and all effects on max. But the further we get new content, new accessories and bonuses and so on, the lower our FPS are. As I mentioned at the Thread Start my guess is, that on one hand, the damage calculateing system wasn't made toi handle so many bonuses and other variables, and on the other hand that like Amarathiel suggested the codeing isn't keeping up with the newer content changes and that it just cant handle everything. Translations also may be a problem, depends on how they are implemented, but we also have a way too messed up client, with Item IDs of every item since released, or not released. I bet we still have all the old skill IDs since release which just pile up somewhere and block the performance aswell, because the client is constantly checking what it have to process and that not. You can try it by yourself with opening your inventory and just hover around your items, you will notice how hard your FPS will drop. Maybe it will also be helping to clean up the client from old unused item and skill IDs. I hope this will be done anyway with the new UE4 client, therefore I hope that devs will just implement things which are actualy used, instead of implementing a library with everyhing piled up. Still hopeing that someone from NCWest will read this and maybe get this to the devs.
  17. I have already tried quiet everythign possible to optimize the client, tested ingame settings (like context guide and quest sorting), nvidia profile settings, windows settings and FTH. But the problem with the huge FPS drop persists, as far I tested it, my FPS were better with less gear (takeing off pet, badges and accessoriers) but I cant change anything to improve it. Thats why I still hope my suggestion will reach the devs xD
  18. Yes the ways of our game client are messed up weird xD I still hope this post will reach the devs at some point ^^
  19. lol what do u expect to placed with max equip at endgame? xD Its called Story and so far its one of the best MMO Stories so far, although its stretched at some point ^^
  20. Well you are right that the Soul takes a lot of time, but the Soul was intended as some sort of luxury Upgrade, so I also would just advice to get to true Tiger and than do all the other equip first. AP isn't everything, you get a lot of Bonus Effects from Accessories and SoulShields which outnumber the pure AP gain. and befor you think about upgradeing your Soul first concider upgradeing your Heart (as far as I know its still a better gold per damage ratio than the Soul) I know couple of people who just upgrade their Soul with Oils from Events and transmuteing Evolved Stones, it takes time, but in the meantime they do other Equip. It would be too boring if you were able to reach max equip in 2-3 months, after reaching it people would complain like: Its too easy to get max equip, its boting now, i am quitting because i have no challenge anymore. The PvP gear in my oppinion is something to neglect completely, I would only do it when u have nothing else left to do, well I am not a fan of 6vs6 anyway xD
  21. Hi, here are my 5 Cents: PvP Not sure what they broke in your oppinion but if you are talking about 6vs6 Battleground, that has been kind of Bullshit since the start, becasue of not equalized Stats. 1vs1 and 3vs3 looks unchanged at least for me, its not that easy, but well you need to know how to play your class and how to play against other classes, so a lot to learn and practice. For the Pay2Win aspect, correct me, but all of the PvE and PvP gear is unbuyable. You are still paying for progress not to win because you can't use your Stuff in 1vs1 and 3vs3 (Battleground is extended pve because better gear wins 90% of time, so its less skilldepended). If you pay for progress you are not winning something you just preogress faster. Well I don't want to defend them, because they made a lot of bad decisions by listening on the wrong part of the community, but NCsoft is not a Cherrity Organisation, they need to make money pay employes and pay for infrastructure, so they need to earn money somehow. But the game got a little bit too easy for my taste, with the awakening Patch we got a lot of Buffs and are able to deal more damage, waht is makeing things easier and faster already. But sadly on top of that we got a lot of Nerfs of Dungeons and Raids aswell, so that Mechanics are still kinda there but if you are not doing them u are also not wipeing or takeing any punishment or anything. I don't know if its only me but I would like a kind of challengeing experience rather than just running through everthing brainless and bored. This development resulted from a lot peoply crying for the game beeing too hard and they need so many AP to kill the boss in Naryu Sanctum or anything else, although they dont need any AP they need just knowlege. I guess it would help more if the Guide System with "CTRL + J" would actualy provide some Information about Mechanics. Because People are most of the time too lazy to use Google or Youtube. xD Well yes you are right the game is still no optimized properly, I have a Suggestion for one part except for the old engine and DX9 I hope someone of the developers can check if it helps. But on the other hand with the Unreal Engine 4 comeing early next year in Korea, my guess is, they actualy dont care for Bugs or anything at the moment because everybody is working on the Unreal Engine 4. As far as I know it won't be just an graphical overhault, it a new build from scratch. So lets hope it will help with the bad performance. :) So TLDR: the combat system itself is still enjoyable and not that boring like Tab targeting + faceroll on keyboard, or this new action systems like entering a cheatcode on your gameboy (up down up up down....). If you find a clan with some people u get along, the game is much more enjoyable. So for my part I still can recommend to come back, except you are someone who want max equip without spending time and efford and are just crying about everything is hard and takes too long..
  22. Hey, changeing process priority isn't helping a lot for me, I have already tried around with everything I was able to, I also messed with FTH, Nvidia Profiles, Windows settings and so on. At the moment I am just hopeing they won't make the same mistakes with UE4.
  23. Hello, maybe this might help improving the performance of the game. I noticed that the FPS drops and shutters are only occurring while being in battle and actually attacking. The moment I stop attacking, or if I die the FPS rise up and the game is running smoothly. Having other player hidden (Cntl + F) doesn't impact the performance while not attacking. So I assume that the damage calculation of dealt damage is the actual problem for the performance. With the actual content we have, on top of the RNG based damage calculation, a lot of additional effects on accessories, weapons, Soul Shield, Mystic, Boss AP and so on. All things which weren't considered when the game was developed, at that time just the RNG based damage system were made with amplifiers as critical chance / damage and additional damage. Comparing it to older content, for example the Silverfrost content update, the game ran a lot smoother and with higher FPS, even while being in fight. TLDR: My suggestion is that the damage calculations got too massive and complicated today that it heavily slows down the performance, because the system haven't been designed to work with so many variables. If you could ease up the calculations or maybe improve/streamline the damage calculation system client and server wise, the performance of players with no high end PCs will improve and Raids will be playable with more than 10 FPS. I hope someone from the NCSoft team reads and sends this suggestion to the developers. With regards, Cookie D Ace
  24. Is it just me, or do u also see the problems with the dumb Kill destribution in the Battle Royal mode. After an intense fight you finaly managed to down your opponent and in that moment, someone charges out of a bush and just throws some AoEs on your downed opponent and gets the kill for nothing. It should be more like in other Battle Royal games, where theone who downed the player also gets the kill no matter who makes the finishing blow after the opponent is helpless lying on the ground, except the downed player manges to revieve himself or gets revived. Cant even count on how many Kills I lost to Vultures sitting in bushes or trees. Would be a nice change to the new game mode and be at least rewardeing for people who realy do pvp, instead of just trying to sneak a kill and than run away. PS. English is not my native language, so please forgive some mistakes made xD
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