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Everything posted by Toshiwoshi

  1. Well, the only thing I can say is that I'm just one step away from uninstalling the game after 3+ years. This patch is the pefect example of how not to make a patch, and I don't really see they care much about it, just a few messages on forums but to adress this mess there should be a producer's letter ASAP with information and letting us know what they are gonna do in the future, because if this is truly the path the game has taken and will keep it like this, its a Bye for me and almost all of my clanmates. Seriously, I don't know what they were expecting: Increase the ammount of time and effort needed for less rewards than ever (and not only with the dungeons, the events as well), monetyze every single item and remove or reduce them from the game so you can only do content if you pay real money, remove a ton of hard mode dungeons at the same time when they said only 2 of them were losing the hard mode, making the dungeons harder when they should be easier... Someone has made a HUGE mistake with this, as I think it's obvious when you see the community reaction. I'll give the game a couple of weeks to see if anything changes for better (and today's changes are just the first of the huge ammount they need to do to fix the mess they have made in just one patch). I truly hope they take this serious and do something, I like this game a lot, but sometimes it seems they want you to dislike it by force.
  2. Imho, this is a perfect example of how NOT to make a patch. First off, a ton of changes that where never asked nor wanted by the community (DC changes, Easy mode, etc.). Even worse, those changes are bugged and Easy dungeons have old normal mode HP stats with Hard mode mechanics (it even happens with the new dungeon, mechs are hard mode (3 rounds at 90, 60, 30 etc., but just lower hp than hard mode). Announce you will remove hard mode from starstone and hollows, but actually remove all hard modes except the last 4 dungeons. Then make the new bracelet almost impossible to get in less than half a year, unless you buy expensive resets. To tell you the truth, I dont think they did this on purpose, they just did this because they don't know their own game, and they don't test the patches before releasing them, otherwise they would have found every single error in time and this all could have been fixed. I love the game, I love how combat works, and I think it's fun to play, but I also think this patch made it worse in every single way possible, so I vote to revert the changes too. Keep the archer, keep the new dungeon, but bring us back the normal Daily Challenge (with PVP, Celestial Basin, solo dungeons and other options) and not that horrible experiment that for some reason you released and that no one likes. Also, if you really know so little about the game, get some community feedback before doing changes like this, if you do it, it will make life easier for you and every player. I know you can't listen to every single person, but when almost everyone agrees that this is a horrible patch, that means something. And for god's sake, I understand you have to get some money, but if you keep trying to milk the players until they end dried, your playerbase will be so low in a few weeks that you won't have enough money to keep the game going. I don't know who decides the rng and lootbox policy in the game, but he or she should be fired because I'm sure doesn't understand a single thing about the game. Also, please, stop doing the patch streams. Last stream was horrible, it was obvios no one knew a thing of what they were talking about, and they didn't show anything relevant that players wanted to know (lockout time of the new raid, etc.). Streams had some sense when Bethany and Jonathan did them, because they seemed to care and had some communication skills (yes, Jonathan sometimes looked like he hated his job...), and the streams were pretty informative. Right now you lose your time making them, and we lose our time watching them... This will be my last month playing as well if this doesn't change. I know almost no one will care, but I will, since I spent a lot of time playing, I got lots of friends, clanmates, etc., and is something I don't want to lose. But seriously, sometimes it seems that they want us to leave or something. And maybe they don't understand that without enough players, not even whales will stay.
  3. As an Earth Summoner, TT3 was more or less like Awakened3 BT accesories in my experience, but not much better. TT6 was slightly better, around 30k extra dps each accesory, and TT10 was a good improvement.
  4. Well, we must admit it makes absolutely no sense to allow Simple Mode on every single mode in the game, even ARenas, Battlegrounds, raids, etc... but not allowing it on the training room. Simple mode on training room is a great way to parse for many clases, and anyone who usually plays with simple mode can also practice bosses the way they are used to play, so we should be able to use it there since there is no reason to not allow it :/. If they are worried that people would not complete the training due to SImple Mode, it's as easy as adding a message like "You are using Simple Mode, cant complete skill training in this mode " .
  5. I got 3 gloves by just killing Hachi, wich takes me around 30 seconds, so for me is faster than clearing the whole dungeon. I think I've killed Hachi around 80-100 times, but got the 3 gloves on the first 40-50.
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