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Why wasn't windwalk rankings pruned before weekly rewards were handed out?

Piggy osu

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Best time on NA is currently 1:15, the entire first page of rankings is 1:47 and under. This really sours the experience for the entire community and I'm really disappointed at the lack of transparency from devs. In fact, the only dev comment on this matter was removing and locking of a thread previously discussing windwalk cheaters and "forwarding our concerns". I understand rules are rules but it's just sad nothing came out of it.

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I guess the disappointment is shared by many of us, cheating has been rampant in the game overall.

And i might be wrong but it seems like 1 of the main reasons for that could be that cheaters feel like they just can easily get away with it. 

And there's been almost no interaction and no communication between the community and whoever's in charge at NCsoft for days now.

It's like we're sailing on a ship that's been abandoned by its captain. 🏃‍♂️🚢

Edited by Pimboli
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Fury, i believe so too, fairness and equity would definitely be an asset, they're part of the elements that contribute to the health and the stability and the longevity of any kind of system.


Pvp was indeed a lot of fun, BnS's combat system is to me the best i've experienced so far, it's pleasantly intuitive, whether in pve or pvp.


That being said, besides cheating, there are other elements that i believe were detrimental to pvp. It was awesome and greatly entertaining in situations where gear was equalized, but not as fun in situations where beginners or players who couldn't afford to gear up fast enough became the punching bags of overgeared players. I didn't enjoy being constantly one shot in-world or in 6v6 battlegrounds by players i wasn't geared enough to defend myself against. 😡

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18 hours ago, Fury Moor said:

One of the best game for pvp made players not even think to queue for 6v6, 1v1!

"Keep CCing and watch how your opponent cannot move while you burst from 100 to 0" - much "PvP" such wow.
BnS NEVER had PvP and that's a fact.

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1 hour ago, Walex said:

"Keep CCing and watch how your opponent cannot move while you burst from 100 to 0" - much "PvP" such wow.
BnS NEVER had PvP and that's a fact.

Haha, I played multiple classes & with much less gear than now & still managed to get ranked multiple times... Now the speedh-ackers fight in pve rankings for top 100, so give me a break...Will some tell me that is better? Cuz is just sh!...

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I mean - in all honesty - why would NC care? Rankings don't work anyways, so lets try the actual viewpoint here:


why waste ~2min when you can just no-clip here? rewards are uselessly low anyway and when NC would start punishing now, those who got away with it in the past will stay ahead with others unable to come close. personally I couldnt care less for an event where you can get like everything if only you do it a few days. adding in upgrade rng and I'd really consider speeding a lackluster copypasta event as mandatory to not go insane here...


and for CoC and "name shaming" this is the perfect enviroment todo so.

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2 hours ago, Saito Sacchi said:

I mean - in all honesty - why would NC care? Rankings don't work anyways, so lets try the actual viewpoint here:


why waste ~2min when you can just no-clip here? rewards are uselessly low anyway and when NC would start punishing now, those who got away with it in the past will stay ahead with others unable to come close. personally I couldnt care less for an event where you can get like everything if only you do it a few days. adding in upgrade rng and I'd really consider speeding a lackluster copypasta event as mandatory to not go insane here...


and for CoC and "name shaming" this is the perfect enviroment todo so.

I just afk for 5 min, You still get 50 coins or 2 Sacred Vials. Hawever you look at it is a good event 🙂

Jumping like a mad bunny for some extra? Give me a break 😄



And regarding the player that said PVP was never a thing, I guess he never actually tried to master his class. As FM in 2016 Arena was much fun. I had tailored skill builds against every class. I needed to know every class in order to exploit a weakness and when to expect it and what to expect. Now? I can care less what the other 323298 classes do. FM was fun and you had to play smart. BM's were cancer tho. But everything else was fun to play. Including BD and scummoners 😄

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