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Why "Howl of the Hound" rewards are outdated.


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I have been neglecting recently the quest "Howl of the Hound" because it's just unfair how rewards are 1-2 years outdated but the quest is still in the game. Did they realize it would be better to have rewards for the quest or they're just neglecting it?

This should be fixed in my opinion, anyone agrees?

Thanks for reading this.

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I agree entirely. It used to be a way to slowly get one of the upgrade materials otherwise available from either PvP ranking or Challenge Mode, and was a way to incentivize players to do Hard Mode when they could get everything else they needed from easy mode and daily quests. Now it is no incentive whatsoever. It still gives one fusion stones, one old scale that only returning players who don't do hardmode need, and cores that not even new players need (utter trash).

How about putting something actually relevant and actually limited there? *cough* soulstones *cough* (not crystals, don't those work in transmute/crafting recipe we all need)

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It seems reasonable if the dungeons and bosses are considerably more difficult to fight, rewards should be proportionately increased.  I was a bit surprised trying to kill a faction boss in Celestial Basin, to find it so difficult when I used to be able to 1-hit kill them.  Then I find when I kill them they don't give any treasure -- even though the weekly wants you to kill the boss 3 times to get some reward to make it count as a weekly.  So why aren't the rewards increased proportionately to the increase in dungeon / boss difficult?

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