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Feedback for Tower of Infinity


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Hello everyone!


I’m checking in with all of you to gather your thoughts and reactions on the Tower of Infinity. We’ll take these experiences to the folks at HQ.


Thank you for your time and feedback! Have a wonderful weekend and happy gaming!

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Tower of Infinity largely has become pointless in the last year or so because you no longer need to do it for Soul Badge, you simply get the second best one in the game from Soul Boost. In order to make it better, it needs the following:

1) Better rewards. The rewards from it have no current value in any content, both from what you can purchase and weekly/seasonal rewards. The rank 30 or better outfit is nice, but that's the only reason I even do Tower of Infinity anymore.
2) A greater challenge. Right now, most of my characters can clear even floor 100 in under 5 seconds. The enemies just cannot compare to people wearing Starcross Tier equipment or better.


Also welcome to the forums, Tulikko. We don't see new faces from NCSoft often.

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ToI lst it's meaning since first soul boost. The ranking was pointless much longer. AI couldn't handle certain specs on release and with the power rising from gear and people using macros the times just got absurd.

Nothing of value was lost and I have no idea what would make it interesting again.

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I enjoy tower of infinity and have since it first released. But there is issues that limit its enjoyment imho.


-Some opponents felt unfairly strong and unrealistically overpowered in skill spam. (BM and KFM come to mind)

-Requires mastery knowledge of all classes. But there is just no information unless you train the class yourself. (quite time consuming)

-Some of the games classes are quite complicated.


Feature requests.

-A timeline and skill record/history of the player and opponents on defeat.

-A simple summary of every class and spec. (which skills offer crowd control, burst damage, protection, escapes, resets etc.)

-Realistic limitations of the opponent.

-client side hit detection to alleviate ping issues.


I've thought about this for a while, if I think of anything else i'll comeback and edit Post version 1 (15/10/2022).

Edited by matthew
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1.The Rewards: Should get adjusted as the souldbadges are easier to get per solar energy, which is what ToI mainly rewards. It would be good if the Toi Loot offered Moonstones as these are currently rather unobtainable as 6 vs 6 is not really played.  Other materials that would be nice to see would be Evolved Stones or simply the Boxes we got for clearing stage 10 Trial Arena.


2.NPC Difficulty: Floor 100 gets killed in 1 hit without cc, so it should either be stat equalized like Arena or adjusted to the current gear level. With the highest Floors taking a while even at current max gear. Obviously would need to adjust the Rewards as that would make it more time consuming.


3.Ranking Rewards: Still ok as Moonstones went through the roof in price. Some gold weekly and a bit of Venture Token for top 100 every Season wouldnt hurt though, if it gets reworked, even if it is less than DB Ranking. The Outfit it gives is still good looking and should be kept.


Edited by Crona Darkdance
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The main problem I had with tower of infinity since it arrived to the server was the imballance of classes. Basicaly you had to pray for a good opponent that you could counter. And just go and make a cup of tea if you get a kfm or assassin, because you had 0 chance against them with equal gear. 

Some kind of system would be good in which you could select 2-3 enemy classes that you want to face against in toi.
Also the 5 opponents you have to defeat in every round (can be less if you have high gear and reach floor 100 faster) is tedious. If you could lower that to 3 or less, that would be great. Also, each floor should make you go much higher, not +10 floor max, but at least +20 max.

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On 10/17/2022 at 1:07 PM, Kicsiduda said:

The main problem I had with tower of infinity since it arrived to the server was the imballance of classes. Basicaly you had to pray for a good opponent that you could counter. And just go and make a cup of tea if you get a kfm or assassin, because you had 0 chance against them with equal gear. 

Personally BM and destroyer were my worst opponents, and FM after them with non ending of freezing.

Personally never liked ToI, it's just the same way as "PvP" which I never liked as well, but actually even harder as you run against bots.

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It definitely was one of my favorite contents when it was new. It was very competitive and I really enjoyed the fact you could get hm coins even for alts! I also loved the title and it was an alternative to pvp.

 I think the rewards just needed to update and I definitely think it was a lot more fun than these masters solo dungeons. I liked the unexpected challenger, sometimes u got a class that could counter yours or vice versa! Pretty neat overall!

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Then again [as mentioned/and seemingly removed] ppl got times on floors that didn't exists. So we couldn't get a valid placement as we are on race or db currently. Unless we get good use for token, I doubt we will see Tower again. Let alone let Mushin go extinct at some point too.

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