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Upgrade opportunities Equality


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So the following with me currently fails every upgrade attempt or I have reached over 90% failchance, the after 90% goes times an attempt and that with each item even with the weapon it was so (No matter how high the chance was.That costs mega much gold and materials. But when I see other people who make such a plus attempt just so and so with almost all items, the run around with +15 and higher, clearly the need much less gold and materials.I would find it fairer if everyone would need about the same number of attempts, because as it is now totally discourages me to buy something in the SHOP that would be so that I knowingly burn euros just so no thanks.


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To make it equal, they'd have to remove RNG, which will likely result in higher upgrade costs.. but that's fine. It'd make it fair, since everyone would have to spend the same amount for same results. RNG is cancer. The system didn't always work like this. In fact, before it started working like this, I had many more friends playing this. Now it's more of a solo, sometimes duo game. I wonder if these things are somehow connected...

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On 9/20/2022 at 7:28 AM, MishaJ said:

it's called rng upgrades for a reason.... so some people will have better rng than others unfortunately that's how the system works.

and imo that's one of the reasons why this game is dying currently.

Previously you worked let's say 2-3 days for 1 upgrade and it was a safe upgrade, rewarding you for the grind of the last 2-3 days.

Aside from even increasing the required amount to try to upgrade once it's now also RNG... Even the average upgrade costs jumped from ~150 oils to f.e. ~8k, that's more than 50x the original upgrade costs. And you can even get unlucky and require much MUCH more.
So now you have to grind for multiple weeks to try to upgrade once just to eventually fail. Voiding the whole grind you did for the last weeks, resetting you back, completely invalidating your effort.

The new upgrade system is completely unrewarding and even the pity meter is a joke. Instead of steadily increasing the upgrade % like nearly other MMORPG does it only is a separate meter which requires f.e. for the soul 100+ fails to even reach max level (at a 7% upgrade chance even). You just grind for another lottery ticket.

I stopped playing because of that upgrade system and I know a lot more players who either stopped because of the upgrade system or because there are no more challenges left in the game (like raids, CM, pvp) or even options available to grind (like msp double drop weekend, multis for drops in parties, selling runs for scales, etc).

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