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Missing Thunder Rage Bracelet in chest


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I have opened Greater Sanctum Bracelet Chest - Stage 1 and recieved a Warlock's Greater Sanctum Bracelet Chest.
Yet the Wearlocks Greater Sanctum Bracelet Chest is missing a Thunder Rage Bracelet for 3rd spec.

I hope this is a bug, since there is no description on the box, that it only includes two spec bracelets, moreover the original Stage 1 chest for Fortunate ticket did cost 150€...
@Hime I would appreciate if you could speed up my ticket number #23731954, to exchange the Chest for Bracelet itself, I'm staying offline, yet no answer from ticket.

Thank you.

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The old chests weren't updated to include the 3rd spec item but the newer chests will have them.

Thanks for ticketing in to the Support team. They should have switched out the box to the newer one for you.

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