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F8 bugged


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@HimeI hope you will look at the current f8 bug soon, when people in same party see 3 different postings (for each char we saw different recruites on left side) not seeing our own post, the zone post under recruit messages can't be accessed cause wrong format of posting what ever that means

it is already difficult to recruit for parties, don't make it even more difficult for people to finish CtA event

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On 3/26/2021 at 2:40 PM, Fortunaea said:

Oh yeah! And I've noticed when recruiting in dungeon, it says "you've gathered the requested players" but only gathers 4 or 5? 😮


you are sure ppl not just run off, seen this often when ppl see too much folks below hm20, they run, If one runs while recruiting it, will end with 5 unless you restart it.


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