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Whose idea was this?


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Like every event had 1-2 more weeks to get items for event tokens we usually would get, but now, you just removed it? Can't even transmute my tokens into gems or other stuff. What the hell are people gonna do with 200-300 tokens? We know someone there do not make brightiest decisions, but come one, this is just pure scummynes . Let us spend our fair and square earned tokens we suppose to spend, like what are you gonna loose? Nothing, absolute load of truck nothing and you keep your playerbase a little bit happier. 

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Yeah, this is stupid. I expected the Oils and Pet packs to be removed, but it never occurred to me that the purple boxes and even the transmuting would arbitrarily be removed. I can't even get cosmetics? This is just spiteful. There is no consistency with what rewards can or can't be redeemed after events anymore. Why put expiration dates on tokens if there is nothing left to buy with them? Way to waste a month of my life on an event. I guess I should be grateful this is the kick in the pants I needed to finally quit this awful game.

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I also ended up stuck with a bunch of tokens I cannot transmute anymore and have literally nothing of use to spend them on.

Maybe next time at least warn us that the transmuting will only work during the event.

Oh and being cheated out of even logging in this morning before maintenance (EU) made it even worse.


Note to self, just don't ever bother with these shitty events, not worth the effort. Or find a different game to play.

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Same problem, saved everything in my main an alts to do it on last day of event, ISP decided it was the perfect day to left me withouth internet the whole day and I wake up today knowing I am screwed of all the things I saved to get, it's a disgrace.

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3 hours ago, Phinyx said:

Like every event had 1-2 more weeks to get items for event tokens we usually would get, but now, you just removed it? Can't even transmute my tokens into gems or other stuff. What the hell are people gonna do with 200-300 tokens? We know someone there do not make brightiest decisions, but come one, this is just pure scummynes . Let us spend our fair and square earned tokens we suppose to spend, like what are you gonna loose? Nothing, absolute load of truck nothing and you keep your playerbase a little bit happier. 

They informed the expiration in patch notes just 14 hours before maintenance as if we keep ourselves checking forums every couple of hours. This should have been informed from the start or like 2 weeks before it.

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Why are the tokens written with "Redeemable until 2020/12/15" when the devs DROP ALL the transmuting options? For the Haunted (red) tokens, we literally have NOTHING else we can do with them.


Like Guillk said, why didn't anyone mention this extremely important deadline earlier?

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