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SO fm killing bg like gunner did.


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Lots of afk when match with 2 fms plus warden buff arrive. Why did you guys nerf bg dmg on all classes again? Id just assume buff bullet storm for the gunners. Give WL back their double air. Fix maelstrom to 3 second of immunity plus dmg on bd. The FMs I talk to say they know thank n cee to which my reply is if you know why do you use? Answer is a funny one. They use because you gave them the stick to use. I dunno how that logic goes because if you gave me a stick to use and said to hit my kids with it I sure af wouldn't beat my kids because someone else did.  MAYBE you guys need to revise how you guys release new class or specs. Stop giving people set stick because they obviously will use it ill mannered and smack your player base into the dirt. Oh and p.s  Stop trying to make waves of cash rather then a constant flow. If you do this right youll bring people back to our game. The players wont fix it themselves because they enjoy thinking there is someone else to blame. The players are to blame though after all they spend the most time on bns.

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vor 1 Stunde schrieb sojaa:

 The players are to blame though after all they spend the most time on bns.

Why ? Players cant fix the game if we could we would get banned. All we can do is tell NC what is wrong and hope but nothing is happening !


If you get shot who is at fault ? the one who decided to stay before the gunman or the gunman who shot ? you dont have the power to stop him from shooting but he does. All you can do is say "pls dont do it" but will he listen ?


Also it was already requested alot of times but we need the removal of third specs in pvp till every class got a third spec which will take atleast 3 or 4 years from now. Warlock needs to get buffed was also requested but there are different ideas to how. I think we need the old warlock cause it would be mid tier with the current meta.

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It is the players though. 3rd spec sin knows its bull that he can take the horn with total immunity so he does. 10 more follow in his footsteps. FM knows it is overpowered in burst / immunity . 10 more follow in his footsteps. Destroyer with eon badge(Literally presses typhoon the entire match un till shield and ember stomp come back) . Is another one that 10 more follow.  Heres an xml edit it allows you to skip rotations. 1 person does it 10 more follow. Here is a way to make 30k gold in less then a day by a outfit bug. 1 person does so 30 more follow. The gunman is a player. Ncee soft is like the cops. They are not good cops but they do not pull the triggers. You do have a choice. Don't follow them. The game is a game with glitches, bugs and exploits. Stuff that hasnt been worked through yet. The ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ that's abused shouldn't keep being replicated.  It's the player who is your gunman. Its the bm that switches to 3rd spec because he cant kill you( generally from the back while you're busy pvping in the wait what warlocks double air which was removed ) or the Warden that presses his block q q e v c block the entire match just to hit solar flare and sword savo on you when your engaged with someone else because they interrupted the fight. Id say if they want to fix anything they should bring back the counter break on all classes. However that hasnt happened. Instead we get these players who class exploit since the release of gunner. Guess what to since the release of gunners the player base of blade and soul has heavily dropped. It wasn't just 1 player but a group of them ( lots left too when they seen this filth come). Now dont get me wrong N cee hasn't helped its always its working as intended un till the nerf. It is still your players a certain few who class flip just to do this. Ive been around long enough to see their so called mains vanish into the next class exploit. The defense is this ''This is what my character is allowed to do''. Wait where's your main? Oh I stopped playing it because it got to weak. So you moved to this bugged ass class. Yeah why not n cee allows us to. Well its not n cee that choses for you to move your class just for an exploit. Its you and or your friends thinking you are getting one over on people. Until your game vanishes. Which is my game to. Thanks Ill see you in the next mmorpg.

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vor 1 Stunde schrieb Gman:

Those 1 shot FM's have xml edits and macro's running...dont forget that

Sure everyone has macros. Its totally possible to play the game without macros and xml and still look like a cheater to 80% of the playerbase. There are some that use cheats but not everyone like you let it sound.

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37 minutes ago, lillvargen said:

why do some people automatically say players cheat when they get defeated?

Why do some people automatically say that people that mention cheaters are getting defeated?

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7 hours ago, ImoutoMaster said:

Sure everyone has macros. Its totally possible to play the game without macros and xml and still look like a cheater to 80% of the playerbase. There are some that use cheats but not everyone like you let it sound.

Agreed I am called a hacker at points. I do not use xml edits or macros. Certain players are good. Certain players do cheat. More players class exploit though. Its easy to research and find out who they are. Just talk to the players that have quit and they will tell you what's going on and why they quit. More then one says the same thing do some research and it becomes all to clear. Its normally directed at the same group of people too. 

5 hours ago, lillvargen said:

why do some people automatically say players cheat when they get defeated?

I've been playing for more then a few years now and I know certain people use xmls because they are using skills in a fashion that they cannot be used in. BM and archer were known for skipping a solid rotation that have priority skills that come first but were not being used and totally skipped. You can defeat someone all day using these. However it doesn't mean that it wont be seen. Normally this happens. We see it and cannot replicate under an circumstances. So we research it and find out that its an xml edit. Or someone streams it and then its exposed. FACT: People still use xml edits and macros. Macros are easy to work around. Xml edits change the constant so they are much more un predictable because not everyone has the same abilities to do such. P.S everyone gets defeated that isn't the issue. The manner in which you get defeated that does. If you see a destroyer shoot a fireball out would you not question it? Well some of that stuff is that obvious because we have the same class and maybe we have been playing it for years.( To us its as obvious as that destroyer shooting a fireball because it cannot be replicated in normal game mechanics).


8 hours ago, ImoutoMaster said:

Sure everyone has macros. Its totally possible to play the game without macros and xml and still look like a cheater to 80% of the playerbase. There are some that use cheats but not everyone like you let it sound.

MS has a big factor in the game. A lower MS allows for faster response time. It can be mistaken for a macro or edit by 80% of player base. Some defeats are MS differences. Some defeats are gear differences. Some are xml edits or macros, Some defeats are skills like fatal blade on bd or bm double airs. Some of these skills need further reduction or airs need to have tab enabled at anytime through the duration of the air for a timed escapes as long as its not on cd. It is the most commonly used thing that cannot be countered except wall bang. Wall bangs need to be addressed as well . Eon badge on Destroyer also needs to be addressed typhoon/ember stomp/ double shield rotation. Wardens block / Safeguard needs to be addressed Solar flare/ sword savo need a reduction in dmg. BD grab needs to be shorter. Kfms needs reduction in dmg to reflect reductions on other classes. PvE accessories need to be dropped from PvP. PvE soul shields need to be removed from PvP. PvP is PvP not PvE. Or make PvP soul shield and accessories applicable in PvE so that they too can perform in the same manner .PVP is always 1 step behind PvE gear. Literally go look lol.  The combination of pve/pvp equipment has added the one shot dynamic that they are trying to avoid. Class swapping on top of that has greatly effected the match ups in 6v6 as well. Players have moved to what we consider top tier classes. While leaving other classes that cant perform the same way. Why hop on your WL main to 6v6 when your Warden can solo 6 people? Why hop on your SF main if your Destroyer can solo 6 people? There a few exceptions to this rule though hence why NA some of these lower tier classes. Its not one thing but a combination of things. I was speaking to the players who take advantage of 1 or more of these things. Most certainly to those using all of them. We can make a stand. Use your on clips with your names showing these faults and fill out a thread so they can gather feedback.

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