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Server move mass exodus


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Hey Blade and Soul devs and the ncsoft team


Why did you decide to change servers that perform worse than the servers that existed before? Not just for me, but I know multiple players whose ping increased by anywhere between 50-150ms. Some ppl decreased due to sheer proximity to the server... but when you have multiple classes that are extremely ping dependent, and an action-adventure martial art game that need good performance, why are you not doing more to fix this?


Moreso than the way that the bamboo village exploit was dealt with, or -to be honest- the lack of exciting new content for long term players, this is the single biggest complaint that I know of.


It is sad to see so many people angry in the forums. It can’t be fun for the team at your head offices to deal with the onslaught of complaints. It is disheartening as a relatively new player to see the game dying. But this is honestly preventable if only you’d fix the issues you know there are in the game performance and optimization.


The new server and the latest patches have made it so I crash pretty consistently in the game. I play 64-bit, no mods, no add ons, using your launcher. There are multiple bugs in regular dungeons, including but not limited to Koldraks Lair, Brood Chamber, and Warped Citadel. You know these things, and rather than fixing them you prefer to put out new outfits instead?


Please reconsider your priorities, as a game developer and to your player base. There are players that would stick around, or would come back, if only the game worked well enough that playing was not a slog. What’s the point of playing a challenging game, if the performance itself makes it infinitely more difficult and ultimately unpleasant to play? I find it difficult to justify spending real money in game if I know the payoff for gear upgrades are not going to be maxed just because my ping is bad and therefore my dps, no matter how high my crit is, is halved because I just can’t hit the boss enough times to reach a higher damage output.

Edited by Meekish
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This is spot on.  I live in MN, and the distance between here and Texas and here and Virginia is pretty similar, yet I've added 50-100 ping. I've upgraded heart twice, pet three times, talisman twice, and still do less damage than I did before.  The server change was a shaft.  As a result I've picked up two new games to play instead.  I'm still gonna raid with my group, but the constant BNS screwups and screwovers have really put a damper on this game for me.

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56 minutes ago, CJade said:

Just leave the game tbh. They stopped listening to players' feedbacks long time ago. They will continue ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ something up and introducing more p2w items for whales. 

I only joined the game five months ago, I have barely scratched the surface in terms of content and enjoyability. I don’t want to stop so soon, I’ve managed to find an amazing community with the clan I’ve joined and want to keep building my toons. 

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Testing to see if I can at least get @Hime or @Sunshine to read this and send it up to ncsoft kr. :tired::embarrassed::tears:

Would be happy to hear their thoughts about this too, or any information they can give about ncsoft’s plans that aren’t just speculation due to sales performance like in the YouTube vids being made about why people are quitting. 

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